Influence Networking: Very Interesting Title Yields Powerful Results
Recently I was asked to explain what "Influence Networking" was. "Gladly I said."
It is a creative, strategic approach to leveraging influential people in and out of your personal network.
To break it down, I offered a few specifics to the curious entrepreneur.
Influence Networking--my strategic and proven plan to help driven professionals to reach next level opportunities by leveraging influencers.
Creative--creativity is the key. My philosophy is, "determine what everyone else is doing, and do something different. I teach many strategies that get attention and create the seed that can start a relationship with anyone.
Strategic--base on my networking success over 40 years, the strategies I have in place are rock solid, proven, and fun to execute.
Networking--with me, it's a very enjoyable experience but does require WORK.....that's why it's called Net-WORKING.
Leveraging--a positive term that describes the basics of one person helping another person based on a relationship. The more influential and success the person, the greater the impact they can have projecting your testimony to others.
Influencer--When Babe Ruth at the plate declared a home run in center field would occur, his ability, experience and charisma kicked in. Just where he pointed is where the ball sailed into the bleachers. Babe Ruth was an influencer because his words mean a lot to people and they listen. An influencer is respected, has expertise and success, is trusting, and will stake their reputation on backing you with a testimony or phone call to make amazing things happen. Do you have an influencer in your network?
Next level opportunity--You may be stuck in your current career, frustrated by your inability to get the job you desire. Why? You don't know the right people to help you make it happen. This is where influencer can make or break your career.
How do I do this?--I've created a very specific program, Influence Networking, that helps driven professionals reach their career goals, sales performance, or overall enhancement of reputation and importance.
I am so passionate about working with people of all professions to build their network from scratch and learn how to leverage influencers. This experience will turn networking from dread to exhilaration, and best of all, it works! Learn how with Randy Brown and Influence Networking.