Influence is very much like a flower
Joel C. Garcia, Ph.D.
Coaching Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners and Busy Professionals to Manifest the Manifold Wisdom of God in the Marketplace.
Who doesn't like flowers?
Even to this day, I can vividly remember the variety of blooming flowers in my mother's garden in the Springtime, which littered a 100 foot fence line in our front yard. Among the few varieties were the azalea, gardenia, an assortment of roses, as well as, the seasonal bulbs that lit up the ground in a vast array of vibrant shapes and colors. I also remember how the neighbors would walk by, only to stop and chat with my mother for a brief moment to reflect upon the vast array of blooms and scents.
So I started to think about this wonderful season in my younger years, and the labor of love my mother would put into her garden to build the "awe" factor, which attracted her family, friends and neighbors to gather and sit under the shade trees in our front yard to enjoy the wonderful Springtime spectacle surrounding us. Even to this day, I cannot help myself, but to think about the impact a simple flower had upon a person and a group of people.
So as I contemplated these precious moments in my life, I soon discovered how a flower has tremendous influence upon people. So what kind of influence? I found three areas of similarity between a flower and the impact of our influence upon others. Let's see if I can do it some justice.
- The Law of Attraction
A flower, first and foremost, possesses the law of attraction. Have you seen how people gather in the Springtime to make a big deal about the blooming flowers in a meadow or in the neighbors yard? Flowers are known to attract attention by curious onlookers. For some reason, people long to look into a flower to view its precious intricacies; the shapes, colors, and multiple designs; even the center of the bloom has an attractive feature like no other.
Influence operates in the same fashion. When you have influence people are naturally drawn to you. When you have influence, people stick around to see what you have to say. Influence, is very much like a flower, it possesses the beauty to attract, so people can further examine what you have to offer them. In other words, people long to look within a person of influence to view the distinctive features of their life.
2. The Law of Impartation
You can become a person who attracts people, but if you don't have anything to offer them, they will simply shuffle away from you. A flower possesses the ability to release a distinct scent into the air. Depending on the variety of the flower, each one is coded with a certain fragrance. Many times, a person knows when flowers are beginning to bloom, and it is not because a person sees them with their eyes, rather, they can smell their scent in the air.
Influence is very much like a flower’s scent. A flower imparts a certain scent in the air that attracts others, so the resonating scent of your words, demeanor, and actions can also attract and impart value to others.
3. The Law of Desire
Finally, influence creates desire within a person; a longing to belong or be a part of something unique, beautiful and special. For example, after someone is infatuated by a flower through visual stimulation or taking in its scent, what do you think the next obvious step is? The natural course would be to find a pair of clippers so one can cut off the flower and take it home to dress the dinner table or perhaps put it in vase for others to enjoy its beauty.
Simply put, influence is very much like a flower, which creates a resonating desire within to possess something of value that will improve and adorn our lives.
I knew when my mom would reap a bundle of flowers, place the arrangement into a vase and set it in the home somewhere. I remember coming home from High School, and walking right into a home filled with fragrances. Oh how the aroma filled the house with a variety of scents from those flowers. In sum, the influence or fragrances from those flowers would linger for many days. This is how influence works, it should linger for many days impacting our lives.
Joel C. Garcia is CEO of THRIVN, a top staffing and recruiting agency with a focus on employee engagement, workforce development and client satisfaction, in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Joel has a proven track record for coaching high performance teams by empowering them to transform work cultures by exuding managerial excellence and utilizing components of a collaborative, innovative and strategic style of leadership. Joel earned a Master's Degree in Organizational Leadership with an emphasis in coaching and mentoring from Regent University.