The Influence of Godly Parents
The Influence of Godly Parents
In preparing the Israelites for the promised land, God didn’t command priests, teachers, or national leaders to train the next generation. Instead, He assigned this to parents.
This remains true today. First, we’re to train children verbally, through teachings and conversations about God and His Word. Second, we’re to influence them by our actions. When parents let Scripture guide their motives and actions, children can’t help but notice—and they learn behavior by example.
Consider how the following behaviors could influence our children:
? If they see us rely on God and believe the Bible, they’ll know He is trustworthy.
? If we’re diligent to obey Him, they’ll prioritize this attitude, too.
? If we endure difficulty, they’ll learn perseverance and patience.
? If we honor those in authority over us, children will learn respect.
If you are a parent, teacher, or other person of influence in young people’s lives, take time today to consider what they may or may not be observing in your life. I pray that your relationship with God would influence how you act and overflow into the lives of the young men and women around you.