Influence not authority
The word “influencing” means changing other person’s behavior or actions without putting some force or authority in place. In a layman’s term, to be able to influence others, you have to show that accepting your proposal helps them to face their problems or achieve their goals. There is no secret on how to influence others but the best “influencer” needs to have a good combination of interpersonal, assertiveness and communication skills. They should be flexible and be good at adjusting their style depending on what the situation needs.
Some leaders influence others by force or oppression which might be successful in getting things done however, it is not “influencing”. It is telling people to do what you want which could be against their will. By manipulating others, you will not succeed in gaining genuine support for what you want them to do and you will pay for that later. If you force someone to do something, without having their voices to be heard, then you are damaging the relationship and you’ll see the result of it in a lower productivity.
Most employees will work well or even stay when they feel acknowledged, appreciated, recognized and empowered. They may even achieve something that they won’t even know is possible just because they feel good about making the choice. Therefore, influencing is more about understanding yourself and the domino effect you have on others. Sometimes, you get too comfortable with how you communicate to people or your leadership style that you don’t think of how it is being perceived by many. Being a good influencer could mean knowing the impact you have on others.
Below are some of the things to consider during the process of influencing:
1. Create a precise and clear objective
2. Consider what you can achieve when speaking to someone in the time available
3. Be passionate
4. Learn from the people you are trying to influence
5. Tailor your arguments to address their needs
6. State the facts to support your argument
7. Listen to and address people’s concern
8. Monitor and measure progress
Influencing others is as much about the person as the process. If people trust and respect you, then you are already in a strong position to influence them on any matter – and in fact the process becomes less important. If you lack credibility in the eyes of those you are trying to influence, then you face an uphill task.
"Influence is our inner ability to lift people up to our perspectives."