Influence of AI and DL

Artificial Intelligence is one of the field that prompted in building today's technology-driven world, now the field has grown to untouchable heights yet still most of the people think AI is only about robotics and something related only to robots. But the fact is that AI is literally in every skin layer of the internet. But wait, AI could not have done this magic all by itself, because it is only a specialist in creating machines that are capable of self dealing in given any situation and does not have specialization of Data. So how did Artificial Intelligence got hooked into data business? It is ofcourse by Data Science, it is the field that empowered AI to work in perfection.

Artificial Intelligence and Data science are two different worlds of fields, each one is very specific about its core purpose but these two fields have an intersection spot, and that is in everyday activities of our life. Let's see that, but before that let us know why only Data Science is suitable to AI? why not anything else?

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Why Data Science? 

Data is the fuel to Data Science and it is also a prominent requirement for AI machines to work with. Since data comes in various different types, forms and sizes AI cannot be able to deal with it, hence, Data Science comes in rescue by providing the exact type of data needed by AI. 

Data Science is a field of mixed concepts and methods that works together rationally, main purpose of the field is to deal with abundant sizes of data that is generated in Quintilian bytes everyday. Its process goes from from gathering of data from every possible source to scrapping, categorizing, filtering and remodeling of that data. The goal of the field is to find out possible approachable solutions for industrial related problems. 

Data Science is the only field that can perfectly provide the type of data that AI requires.

Popular work by AI and Data Science:

  • Digital marketing

Digital Marketing is the new face of marketing in this technical world, major part of this field runs with the help of the power-duo AI and Data Science. Marketers are intelligently leveraging the situation by interweaving the marketing opportunity in every way possible. 'Direct sales through ads' is one the process in the field of Digital Marketing that runs by the duo. Nowadays no matter what kind of page we are in, ads will hit the screen interrupting our activity and these ads will be mostly of the things we desire. AI is the reason behind this intelligence, it will be given information about what an individual user is interested, theirs plans of purchasing, according to which each user will be hit by the ads. There is always greater chance of people buying the things only if they are constantly reminded of their desired products. This strategy has outcome to be the best method of selling the goods on the internet.

  • Data Science for SEO

Optimization was difficult in earlier times as one had to think through which keywords to be used to drive traffic to their content so they had to experiment using various keywords to see which is right. But now the case is all different and easy by Data Science, now one can easily get the list of trendy keywords at one click. It shows all the keywords that are gathering maximum trend, making it easy to select a suitable keyword according to the content. This eliminates the major confusion of keyword selection while working in SEO. 

  • Smart chat-bots

Chat bots are the new method of servicing in today's most of the businesses, this method is time saving, quicker and smarter. Chat bots traditionally replace the human servicing, it attends to the customers queries and comes up with accurate answers. The new, updated version of it is available which is specialized in NLP. It understands the query of a customer more efficiently than ever and provides accurate most results.

There are still more to come from the power duo of Data Science and AI, if you want to become a part of it please check out about Learnbay, it provides quality Data Science and Artificial Intelligence training that will help you to be prepared to become part of the hottest field of all time. 


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