Inflation Is Your Best Friend When Repaying Home Loans - Adiel Gorel Explains
Adiel Gorel
Retirement Advisor | Real Estate Investments | Public Speaker | Author | Financial Literacy | Broker.
In this short video, real estate investment wiz, author and keynote speaker Adiel Gorel answers a question that people ask him often: should they take a 15-year loan or a 30-year loan. Adiel’s answer is simple – take the 30-year loan; take a 40-, 50- or 100-year loan if that is available! Find out why Adiel recommends choosing the longest loan repayment period possible and discover a new perspective to interest payments. Watch now!
Key Insights:
? If you are a real estate investor looking to create a passive income, what is better for you – the 15-year loan or the 30-year loan? Investment expert Adiel Gorel has helped people invest in thousands of homes and recommends the 30-year loan.
? When you get a 15-year loan, you're stuck with the higher payment of the 15-year schedule. On the other hand opting for a 30-year loan means lower payments and the option of faster repayment.
? Longer loan durations offer greater flexibility. One can pay earlier if one wants, but still has the option to revert to lower payments if there are additional expenses, job loss or other problems.
? When it comes to loan repayments, inflation is your best friend. What seems like a sizable repayment sum today will seem smaller and smaller over the years until it is worth little more than a nice family dinner out.
? Even with lower interest rates, the 15-year loan does not make as much sense at the 30-year loan. Inflation over the years will always mean that the longer the loan duration, the more beneficial it is for the investor.
Author, Investment Expert and Thought Leader, Adiel Gorel isn't just a specialist in his chosen fields but also a storyteller who makes complex issues easily accessible. Tune in to his show where he addresses diverse investment issues with a single aim to help you finance a long, comfortable life.
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