Inflation Explained In Biz Speak
Inflation hits different people different ways. If you are poor you do not have to worry about the cost of borrowing. It comes down to Rent, Food, Clothing, Medicine and Utilities. Think Maslow. Think food insecurity.
If you are caught in the middle class. You are getting smashed on the rocks financially. Your over leveraged mortgage is now a throbbing, swollen, red-eyed Kraken with and attitude and it does not sleep.
Small business. See middle class above and add on rising costs for everything including minimum wages. The MNP Accounting Group of Canada just announced yesterday through their consumer research that 35% of Canadians can no longer cover their basic costs of living. It is hard to un-ring the bankruptcy bell.
Medium business. Start counting chairs. CEO says, "There are too many chairs. When the chairs go...the bums go with them. NEW Mantra -We must shrink to grow!"
Large business. CEO calls out to his male assistant. "James my good man, what is it the Soros' just did?"
Super large business. CEO. "Shhhhhh....quietly start cutting costs and raising cash. I need a list of leading businesses we want to own using Buffett & Munger depressed purchase model." Think Bank of America.