Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) are mostly comprised of Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn’s Disease (CD). Together they afflict 2 million people in the United States. Each condition is debilitating and often leads to frequent hospitalizations and lost workdays.
What are therapy options? Botanical supplements such as:
- Probiotics
- Berberine
- Omega 3 fatty acids
Can all contribute in stabilizing the breakdown of
the intestinal lining. When this is combined with
eliminating foods that cultivate harmful bacteria,
such as bread, pasta and sugar, results often can
be positive. A novel solution, that is available to
us today, is actually supplementing our bodies with:
- A balanced blend of REDOX molecules
When taken internally or topically, they restore
the REDOX balance and break the inflammation/
oxidation cycle. I have personally witnessed
this assist patients in healing many cases of
IBD, especially when traditional and natural
steps were not yet effective. REDOX molecules
can also be applied topically to the abdomen.
Because of the rich supply of lymph tissues in
the abdominal region of our body (80% of lymph
nodes are located adjacent to the 26 feet of small
intestine) the results are often physically tangible in minutes.
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