The Infinity Cycle of Pain.
Don Lachance
Helping people wade through the difficult emotional turmoil caused by Grief and Loss-Certified Grief and Loss Specialist
It's kind of undeniable that after what has unfolded over the last 3 years, the world is dealing with incredible amounts of pain and in most instances we are ill equipped to really be able to deal with any of it. I'm concerned for everyone but have a soft spot for the Boomer, maybe because I'm right up there. After doing a bit of research in regards to what our generation is most concerned about turns out, it's about our 1. Physical Wellness, 2. Our Emotional Wellness and 3. Our Financial Wellness. Some of that info can be found here.
So let's have a look at some of this. On the physical front, some of the advancements regarding regenerative medicine are staggering and the research being conducted on those fronts seems very promising. More and more people are moving away from traditional "medication" and seeking alternatives when it comes to helping their bodies deal with "physical discomfort" I've recently started a newsletter that introduces people to the significant roll that GHK-Cu plays in the body. Click that little link and do some of your own research. Should you be intrigued by this and wondering how you can leverage this for yourself, just reach out. I'll be glad to have a chat.
When it comes to our Emotional Wellness, man oh man, have we been cruelly conditioned by the world to "not" feel our feelings. We are trapped by 6 myths that have been pushed at us pretty much since birth. They are 1. Don't Feel Bad, 2. Replace the Loss, 3. Grieve Alone, 4. Just Give it Time, 5. Be Strong for Others, and 6. Keep Busy. Any of these sound familiar. But here is what is really happening as a result of the Covid turmoil. Our emotions are running rampant, the amount of anxiety, depression, loneliness, mental anguish are all on the rise and we are ill equipped to deal with any of it. The emotional states we are in, are deeply affecting our Immune systems and so.....we get sick, the aches and pains grow and we find those things begin to feed the emotional discomfort that we are just not equipped to deal with. If you want or need help with any of that click here.
Now let's tie in the most difficult for us to deal with. Our financial states. Many have not been able to put enough "away" to live comfortably and as a result often suffer in silence because being financially unstable after having worked a lifetime is so cloaked in "SHAME" that it's virtually impossible for us to talk about. The result of that is yet another eroding of our Emotional well being, affecting the physical realm and in some cases keeping us from working to try and make ends meet. So the "Infinity cycle" keeps going.
I welcome any conversation around this, so please feel free to comment or reach out and let's see how many of these challenges we can deal with collaboratively. Part of my passion is dot connecting, so if I can't help i'm pretty sure I know someone who can.