To Infinity and Beyond 2019
Scott Carson
Investor, Entrepreneur, Marketer and Podcast Host. I have a passion for helping people to grow their investments and influence.
It’s almost the end of the year. Not only does that mean the holidays is coming, but it also means looking back and seeing the things we have accomplished. This can be quite daunting to do – to look back and find how we still have so much things to race forward to and achieve. More than that, the end of the year could mean a new beginning and into bigger and better goals. Scott discusses some of the things that is doing to plan for 2019 and beyond. Scott also gives some great things to ponder about to help you realize the things that you most need to achieve your goals.
"Our topic is all about 2019 goals, To Infinity and Beyond. A lot of people when they start getting into the holidays, they slack off. They slack off because you’ve got Halloween coming up and need a halt by Thanksgiving. Then you’ve got Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving and then you’ve got Christmas. They get all the Christmas sales and Christmas parties and then you have New Year’s. Sometimes it can be difficult for people to stay focused on where they want to accomplish. It’s the best thing I can tell you. This is why we start planning 2019 or the next year in October.
We all have plans that we want to accomplish for next year. We all want to close so many deals. We want to raise so much in capital. We want to travel places. One of the big things that we have been doing here is working on some things that we want to focus. What do we want to accomplish? If you don’t have a plan, you are planning to fail out there for next year. I don’t care what your year’s been in 2018, if it’s been up or it’s been down. Everybody has peaks and valleys. That’s one of the basic things that I want to tell you. Everybody, every author who speaks about it, if somebody only shows positive, “Life is great. Things are awesome. Everything is awesome,” that’s not always the case.
I get accused of, “Where do you get your energy from?” I’m like, “I have peaks and valleys.” What happens is I don’t choose to focus on the negative a lot in the office. I try to figure what’s the silver lining about the negative. Let’s figure it and find a solution to it. I don’t focus on problems, I focus on solutions. If all you do is focus on problems, you’re never going to accomplish the things that you want to accomplish. You’re never going to have the success that you want to have because you’re constantly looking for the negative or you’re finding that negative thing. One of the big things that have been a big goal here is I have removed a lot of people from my outer circles. What do I mean by that? If I want to accomplish bigger things and I want to do amazing things in the new year and take our life to a different level, I have to remove dead weight."
Listen to the full podcast episode here: