Infinite Timelines Mean Infinite Possibilities
Chris Pinckley
Keynote Speaker | Coach & Confidente to CEO's, Founders, Artists, & Athletes | Creating Breakthroughs in Leadership & Performance utilizing the Quantum Model of Reality
There are an infinite number of timelines in space/time. In fact, any possibility you can think of exists, as a potential reality within space/time, or within the quantum field.
The quantum field is an infinite field of pure, limitless energy. In space/time, there are endless variations on the theme of ‘you’ or who you think ‘you are.’ This includes every single decision you’ve ever made, every single dream you’ve ever held, every single idea you’ve ever had about your life.
It’s still all right here.
Potential Reality
At this phase, these latent timelines are what we refer to as ‘potential realities.’ They have the potential to manifest as your physical reality, but at this point are not likely to. This is because they have either long since gone dormant or have yet to be activated by you. Thus, they are only a potential reality with the 'potential' to manifest in your physical life experience.
Potential Probable Reality
However, were you to begin to visualize one of these timelines, and more importantly, begin to feel into it, as if you were already living it, then it would move from a potential reality to a potential probable reality. This means that this timeline has now been activated in the quantum field of pure potentiality.
You have moved from potential to probable.
At any given moment, depending upon the focus of your energy, you could have a few potential probable realities activated to varying degrees. The more you are focused upon that potential, the more you are visualizing and feeling it as if it’s already happened, the more this potential probable reality becomes likely to manifest.
In essence, if you engage with this consciously, then you are in effect attempting to acquiesce to this timeline.
Another way of saying it is that you are literally attempting to collapse time to bring this potential timeline to your reality.
The more you focus, the more you feel, the more you believe, the more this potential probable reality will be likely to manifest into the physical.
Any Person
This is a skill and ability that any person can do. In fact, it’s an ability that we’ve always had, we just forgot we had it. As a child you inherently knew this. The problem is that, as we become adults, we become indoctrinated into a society that has been designed to stifle our creativity and inherent abilities.
We don’t have to get into who would benefit from this, suffice it to say that there will always be those who desire control and power over others.
In the meantime, the important message here is that, at any given moment in time, anyone can suddenly decide that they’re ready to create their dreams.
It doesn’t matter how old or young you are, how rich or poor you are, where you come from, what your cultural background is, it changes nothing. You were born with this ability, you simply forgot. And, more importantly, you can decide to activate it at any time.
This is the time when we are being called to wake up and start to create with our latent abilities. The trick is that, when you create in this way, then you are creating from the heart.
Thus, you can’t do this if you are trying to create something that you ‘should’ do. It only works when you start to create something that you ‘want' to do.
For some, this entire affair will sound too woo-woo or irresponsible to even consider. And yet, the quantum field will remain despite your belief or lack thereof. All of the infinite, endless versions of you will also remain, latent, but possible.
I suggest not waiting another second.
The Exercise
Start today:
#1 What do you want to create? NOT, what you should create, but what do you want to create? Don’t put any should’s or have-to’s in it. Try to be emotionally honest about what you want.
#2 Visualize yourself in the scenario of living your life as if you’re already there, its’ already done. What are the sights, sounds, smells, feels? Who are you with, what are you doing?
#3 What would it feel like to be living this? Meaning, the end result of having it already have happened, and now you’re living your life as if it’s already here. Put yourself in that scenario and feel into it, as if it's happening right now.
#4 Spend five minutes doing this exercise twice/day, every day.
#5 After you do this exercise, you need to completely let it go. Try to stay in the positive as much as you can throughout the day, as if in a knowing that what you are visualizing and feeling will come to pass.
#6 Don’t put a timetable on this, don’t attach to it, just attempt to stay in a state of allowing. Try to make life a game again, in as much as you can. Beyond that, let go and allow.
It’s important that you try to play with this exercise as best you can. Don’t get too serious about it as this can negate the effects. When you get serious about a thing, you become attached to it. This has the effect of freezing it in space/time. If you become fixated and attached to your timeline manifesting then it will slow down the process and take much longer.
In the extreme, it will never manifest as you will have moved into a space of not truly believing that this can happen. Or you never actually believed it in the first place, but were more humoring the idea of it.
Instead, you need to do this exercise with faith, and thus allow for possibilities to unfold for you.
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