Infinite Problem Solution Loop
Problems appear. That’s to be expected. We never like it, but they happen. It’s something that you never expected, didn’t think about and now you have an opportunity to solve it. Which to get the project done you are going to solve it. As it is the only way to get it done.
After you’ve gone through the trouble to take care of it for this project, in this instance, in this case, the question you have to ask yourself is what’s next? Now, some might take the path of it’s good enough and fixed for now and I don’t have to worry about it. Others will take a different path. This is the path I want to talk about.
Because it’s this path, this second path that you will continue to build a better and better machine. As you fix every hole. Solve every problem and don’t just solve it today (which needs to be done) but solve it forever – wow! This is where the magic happens.
Think about everything that might have been a problem on a jobsite or a project. When you schedule something incorrectly and learn that it should be the other way around. Do you just make that same mistake every time you do a project? No, you learn from it and don’t do it again.
This should be taken to every single problem. Because then they aren’t problems. They are opportunities to fill and patch every single hole in your boat. Because when you’re rowing and there is water coming in, well, it makes it that much harder to row. More drag, more pressure, more pain.
When you have a large boat, few holes and a strong team – man can you move fast. Then when those few opportunities come up, you quickly resolve them, making the boat faster, stronger, and bigger. Pretty cool, right!
All this takes time and it’s important to realize that. It’s not overnight that you have a big boat. Mainly because you haven’t been in enough storms to know any better. Don’t know what does and doesn’t work.
Let’s take this boat analogy all the way back to it’s origins. Today we have thousand foot boats. We can land planes on boats. Carry 5,000 men and run them for 25 years only stopping for food for the crew. Which is what happens with nuclear powered air craft carriers.
Boats started as rafts strung together with bamboo. Then sails were added. Then motors. From wood to steel to aluminum to fiberglass. It’s taken thousands of years to have the types of floating palaces or war vessels we have today. THOUSANDS.
Yet, we think we can build the next empire in 30, 60, 90 or 365 days. I’ve fallen into this hole far too often. I didn’t think through what it would actually take and outline the steps to get where I wanted. I wasn’t realistic.
Outlining each step, realistic time line I could see how ignorant I actually was. Don’t do it like I did and take the time to map out each piece. You’ll have better expectations and won’t be disappointed.
Along the way you’ll find problems. You’ll meet people who will help you avoid them. You’ll fix and put systems around your process to ensure they don’t happen and help you move faster without hitting as many bumps in the road in the future.