Infinite Breaths Be Mindful
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He loved living a simple life. Ayaan's house was small but beautiful. He had a cozy library with many books, plants, and sunlight.
Every day, Ayaan woke up early. He prayed and thanked God for everything. Ayaan believed that having fewer things made him happier. He didn't need many clothes or gadgets. He liked to keep things simple.
One day, Ayaan's friend Zoya visited him. She asked, "Ayaan, why do you live alone most of the time?"
Ayaan smiled and said, "Zoya, being alone helps me think clearly. I feel peace when I am by myself. It's like my heart becomes light, and I can talk to God better."
Zoya looked around Ayaan's home. It was clean and neat. She saw plants everywhere, and the sun was shining through the open windows. She noticed Ayaan's library, full of books neatly arranged on wooden shelves. There was an open terrace outside, where Ayaan liked to sit and read.
Ayaan picked a book from his library and said, "Reading helps me understand the world better. When I am alone, I can focus on my thoughts and learn new things."
Zoya smiled and understood why Ayaan chose to live simply. She realized that sometimes, having less means having more peace and happiness.