Infiltrate to Remediate: Part 4

Infiltrate to Remediate: Part 4

The coal industry is much maligned today because it has been polluting our planet since the Industrial Revolution of the early 1800s. The only reason it pollutes the planet is because of greed and self-centeredness.

It is entirely possible to mine coal profitably without polluting the place. But the owners of the coal mines and the thermal power stations are so greedy they are only focused on profit, and they won’t spend money reducing their emissions because it reduces profit.

They do not care about the people who have to breath bad air or the possibility of global warming (whether you believe global warming is caused by humans or not). In other words, these miners and power generators are maximising self-interest at the expense of others.

In 2011 we, that is my company, decided to infiltrate the coal industry and remediate it. We wanted to set up a prototype model here in Australia to prove that coal could be mined, and electricity could be generated, without the pollution, and still be profitable. If we did this, then the rest of the industry would have to follow suit.

We did this because we had a lot of concerns about what was going to happen if the climate change activists had their way. If coal was stopped, over 300 million people will freeze to death in the first 12 months. Millions of people would lose their jobs, small towns around the world would die out, and of course this would lead to immense human misery.

We figured that God WANTS us to mine coal and use it as a cheap source of baseload energy production for the poor. Why else would He have put it there? Where does almost all of the world’s coal come from? The Flood of Noah.

The Lord cleaned out all of the greed and corruption and self-centeredness from the world and created a nice new fresh canvas for Noah and his family to populate. And God riddled the place with coal for us to keep warm, and eventually create cheap electricity.

If He didn’t want us to use it, He would not have created it! But He definitely did not want us to trash His beautiful creation in the name of sheer profit – that is called the spirit of mammon and that is precisely the economic and business culture God wants us to repent from or change from!

This is where the concept of “Infiltrate to Remediate” comes in.

So, in 2011 we bought into a start-up coal mine in Australia. The owners of the mine were driven entirely by profit, so we needed to invest enough to take control and change that culture. We negotiated a deal whereby if we injected $71 million, we would acquire 50% plus a casting vote of the board.

It was a nightmare to achieve this because obviously the devil did not want this to happen. But we have learnt to persevere. It was very difficult to fund coal, banks have abandoned it, and wealth funds won’t touch it.

We knew we had to persevere because if we did not, one of two things would happen:

1.?Coal would get shut down, people would die, and economies would collapse; or

2.?Coal would continue to pollute the planet for the next 50 years until renewables became cheap and reliable enough to replace it.

In our Kingdom mindset, neither of these were an option. So, we persevered and eventually in August 2020 we reached our funding goal of $71 million and took control of the mine. We then found that our position was inequitable and renegotiated for further equity until we owned 80% of the mine.

After this, God applied massive favour. He showed us the technologies that we had planned to use to clean up our coal had been superseded by a new, clean, green coal-to-hydrogen technology which had not yet been commercialised. This process would create no emissions because there is no combustion of coal.?

We were able to acquire this technology for a few million dollars and we have ordered the first modules which will scale up to be one of the largest hydrogen producers in Australia.?

This will also provide a solution for the entire coal industry worldwide. It is a massive opportunity for Kingdom operators to clean up an industry and to have huge influence around the world.

We now have the ability to completely remediate the coal mining industry!

Do you see how this works ladies and gentlemen? If we want to change culture on the Mountain of Economics, or any Mountain for that matter, we must infiltrate it and remediate it. We will never change it only from the outside.?

Although I have given a macro-example done by a fairly large company - you can do this at any level, including as an individual.

Think about it carefully – salvations in the workplace are all about infiltrating the secular world to save people to Christ, and then teaching them what Jesus taught us – which is the only true remediation. We must properly convert them; not just get them saved! Zacchaeus operated very differently after being saved than when he was a crook!

I encourage you to consider how you can do this at any level, and then confirm it with the Lord, and then roll up your sleeves and hook into it!?

For more information on this topic and other biblical principles that can be applied in the marketplace, please visit the Kingdom Initiatives website

Amazing story!!

Mark Oszoli

Director & Co-founder of Renatus Care Australia

2 年

Awesome work Dave. Thanks for sharing this insight on the coal industry. I think some are misinformed about coal they readily dismiss it, instead of looking at it's origin and come up with solutions to use it like your company has - clean, effective, with integrity.

Brilliant! Very true Dave.


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