The Inevitable Fall
Scott Couchenour
I help leaders transition without regrets ?? 4th Quarter Coach, experienced COO/CEO, strategist, keynote speaker, author, coffee connoisseur
I hung from the wing of a Cessna 150 traveling over 60 miles per hour nearly 4,000 feet in the air. My eyes fixed on the guide, awaiting his instruction. One simple word, "GO!" and I let go, arched my back, and put my fate completely into the hands of whoever it was who packed my chute.
I began my descent.
(they say, given variations in wind speed, weight of the parachuter, and so forth, that we fall at an average of 1,000 feet per minute)
I had 4 minutes
I could see what God saw was humbling.
And all the while -- I was descending, falling, approaching the ground.
Gravity is a law,
a principle,
a non-negotiable.
There you are, reading this post. You've been falling for over 45 years now, right?
Riding your experience. Approaching the ground.
6 feet under. Done. Sobering.
But sobering isn't always depressing.
It also contains an element of inspiration.
I witness people as I show them a piece of graph paper. They see each box that represents a week of life. They see the empty boxes relative to the boxes they've already filled in. At first they wrestle with the awakening. Then something wells up within them and they cannot keep from uttering something like
"I better get busy."
You've heard the saying, I'm sure...
There are 2 ideal times to plant a tree. The first is 20 years ago. The second is today.
I have good news for you. If you're reading this, you're alive.
Let it sink in...
You're alive.
This newsletter is dedicated to aiding you in your end game.
Giving you handles on which to position yourself you negotiate your own personal landing.
Take heart. There is still space between you and the ground.
Your parachute is still working.
The trees may be getting bigger and the ground may be approaching
...but there's still time, today and perhaps tomorrow, to make a difference with your life.
My name is Scott Couchenour.
I've succeeded at life.
I've failed at life (miserably).
I'm taking all that and packaging it together to help us navigate life together.
We are finishers.
Finishers confidently pursue what matters most when it matters most. That's our end game.
Please join me. Correct me. Add your thoughts to my thoughts. Ask questions. Be real. Let's make this 4th quarter of our lives the best quarter we have ever experienced. Let's do it together.
You can find me here: