INESC TEC part of PRR Agendas
The Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC TEC) integrates 20 of the 51 consortia approved during the second phase of the Agendas for Business Innovation, within the scope of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR). A negotiation phase will now follow between the lead developers of said Agendas and the IAPMEI.
The proposals approved with INESC TEC’s participation include 12 Innovation Pacts and eight Mobilising Agendas. From said 20, 16 fit into the Reindustrialisation Agenda typology and four into the Green typology. In terms of areas, the approved Agendas cover the Energy (2), Production Technologies and Manufacturing Industries (4), Production Technologies and Process Industries (5), Information and Communication Technologies (4), Health (2), Transportation, Mobility and Logistics (1), Automobile, Aeronautics and Space (2), Forest (1), Agro-food (1), Raw Materials and Materials (2), and Sea Economy (1) sectors.
In general terms, the projects aim at the development of new production processes, products and services, promoting energy transition and carbon neutrality, innovation and sustainable management, circular economy or digital transformation in different sectors of the economy. The proposals also venture to contribute to the internationalisation and increase in exports, as well as the creation of new jobs, increased productivity and greater investment in research and development.
It’s worth mentioning that, during the first phase, 144 expressions of interest were submitted for funding within the scope of the PRR. Of these, 64 proposals were selected, representing an investment of almost 10 billion euros. The Agendas for Business Innovation will help Portugal to achieve a set of strategic goals by 2030, namely, changing the specialisation profile of the Portuguese economy, increasing exports of goods and services, increasing investment in R&D to 3% of GDP and the reduction of CO2 emissions by 55%.
By José Carlos Caldeira (Member of the Board of Directors) and Luís Seca (Member of the Executive Board)