This past week, a patient found me that was a close patient/friend for probably 25 plus years easily. As many of you know I sold my practice ( go to for the details, it is worth it), I was dismissed by the new owners ( no, I was not working somewhere else ever) and the stories came in tsunami like fashion, I retired, sick, wife dead, etc. I was HIV positive, Alzheminers, Parkinsons? You name it, I had it> The direct lies then quit but it went into a denial/deceptive mode. She went four times and she stated and was told each time, I was on vacation, sick, at school,etc. She was left with the impression I was there but just not that time. The fourth time when she asked, she said it was like they never heard the question. Never answered. Would that make you uncomfortable if the boss had you do this? Would you want it done to you?It was this that caused her to look deeper. She felt she went from a patient to a customer. She said it felt much different. She eventually found me and I asked
why she waited so long. She said intertia. It was just easier. I have found some of human behavior in this dental office transition sale most interesting. One that does not always seem logical but I do understand that we are emotional creatures. People that I did extraordinary things for over 30 plus years stayed at the corporation practice. Ones that only knew me for one to two visits, found me. Why is this, was the question I asked? I believe the reasons the false stories were made about me being retired, were so they could keep patients? Why were they not willing to earn them? Is this an isolated area where people are just not honest or have poor character once or was that always there? The owners always talked about accountability and doing the right thing? Did they forget? Why haven't they tried to do the right thing yet? Why do some people that worked there knowing they were asked to lie, continue on? Have we lost our ethics in healthcare? Our souls? Why would you want to go to that type of business? Can healthcare have private equity investors and always keep healthcare and the welling being of patients always first? Don't the investors want a profit the most?
Where will we be in one year?, five years? and beyond. Tell me what you think of all of this. Do you have any answers? I would love to know.
Thank you
Bob Deaver
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3 年Change is almost always scary, even though you were no longer available to her at 'your' office she stayed because it was easier. There was a several months period in there where I felt like your were not able to tell me what was happening.