The industry you never thought you could make A LOT of money from...
Adrian Brambila
My new book is out! Start Thinking Rich grab a copy wherever you buy books!
Good Morning ?? ???
Hello from Dubuque, Iowa! Currently here for business this week I still own 2 small businesses here. I learned how to become a professional dancer and make money online from this beautiful Iowa town. Your zip code does not deter you from doing anything thanks to the internet!
The ONE niche you should probably consider starting in that is growing like CRAZY!
10 years ago I had the idea to start a Pickleball blog. I even had bought the domain and I NEVER did anything except create a few pieces of content. Today Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America with over 36.5 MILLION players and a growth rate of 158% over the last 3 years. Pickleball has a $200 million dollar paddle market and the largest age bracket of players is an older more affluent demographic. Talk about a sweet money making niche.
I would have had such an advantage of sticking with my blog 10 years ago in Pickleball I was SO early… TOO early. Transparently I also didn’t know what I know now about how to monetize. Even if you are early or right on time you still need to know how to make money.
Getting into the Pickleball business niche is still a good idea today. There is an abundance of opportunities to make money doing:
These are just a few ideas. Get this - if you go on upward (a freelancing marketplace site) and type in Pickleball you’ll find gigs for Pickleball content creators that are willing to pay as high as $50 an hour. Check the below screenshot on Upwork for pickleball gigs there are dozens!
Pickleball is an incredible business niche just like many others. There is opportunity everywhere… even in emerging sports!
ps: in case you wondering my DUPR Pickleball rating is 5.3 meaning I would kick your ass so don’t even think about challenging me in a game
My business is already seeing BIG results from the BIG change I made on my funnel software
I’ve recently made a HUGE decision to change all my websites for affiliate marketing, courses, agency all to?GHL. It’s surprisingly easy and has WAY more capabilities all in one vs what I was doing before hodge podging my email service and hosting and funnels and website all together.
If you are a business/freelancer/content creator one of?GHL?strengths is the ability to easily capture and follow up with leads. For the first 5 years of my entrepreneur journey I struggled with this aspect and no joke it is the most important for making money. In your business whatever it maybe… the riches are in the niches BUT the fortune is in the follow up. If you aren’t doing remarketing, if you don’t have a welcome email sequence you just straight up are doing online business wrong.
That’s how important it is. How to spot an amateur from a pro… if they are following up on leads. Right now out of every funnel builder and website tool I’ve ever used?GHL?is the BEST one out of the box with no plugins.
What I'm Working On
I'm currently filming Brambila Method 3.0. It has SO many amazing new updates and business models. One of the new ones is a look on a section of what is now being popularized by UGC (user generated content).
It's a really broad term with many different facets but remarkably easy and simple. As long as you have a phone and can talk you can do this.
So excited to share more.
I also have been exploring more of the service retainer side of business with online work. Out of all the businesses I've ever launched building an agency has been the most reliable and diverse and safe.
An agency is really a people to people business. Do good work sure... but be honest and build good relationships and you will always be in business.
There are thousands and thousands of people in the world who know how to do marketing, or blogging, or social media. What separates you from others is not being the best! But being the most honest, hard working and trust worthy.
One thing I'm overwhelmed with at the moment is all the new changes with artificial intelligence.
There is SO much happening right now I cannot keep up.
Here are some of the new A.I. tools I'm messing with:
Random Personal Bullet Notes: