Industry usecases of Ansible
Hello everyone,
This article is about the session I had yesterday (28/12/2020). It is about the real use cases of Ansible Tower with demo.
Our speakers,
- Mr.Sreejith Anujan - The principle instructor at Red Hat
- Primarily responsible for empowering Red Hat customers with tailor-made enablement services.
- Also heading the designing and delivering hihg quality content on integrated solutions and trusted partners across APAC, ANZ and APJ.
- Connected with Red Hat for around 12+ years.
2. Mr.Arun Eapen - Director, APAC Service Delivery, GLS Red Hat Asia Pacific
- Specialist : Linux and Security
- The first RHC*(RHCA, RHCSS, RHCDS, RHCVA) in India.
- Founding member of the Free Software Foundation India.
- Being in open source software for more than 24 years.
Words from our speakers:
Learnt the real use cases of Ansible . Ansible is a simple way to automate things. The magical words from our speakers for a better outcome were,
- Dont go for complex things. Instead try to start with smaller task.
- Think out of box.
- Our code should be suitable for Enterprise Organisation like having API and integration with 3rd parties.
What I have learnt:
- Ansible Tower: It is built top of Ansible Engine. It is used to scale Automation. It provides API, Web based interface, roll based access control, job scheduling, Secure platform to share confidential things, Integration with 3rd parties.
- One of the limitation of Ansible is What if the CN (Control Node) goes down? This is knnown as Single point of failure. The limitation can be over comed by Ansible Tower.
- Redency for Automation
- Using ansible we can do :
- Configuration Management
- Provisioning
- Application deployment
- Orchestration
- Ansible Dashboard: It provides a heads-up NOC_style display for everything going on our Ansible Environment.
- Real Time Job Status Updates: We can easily see the status of our automation ie) success or failure and what's next.
- Workflow: Can be run two ansible playbook one after another? Answer is YES, by creating workflow. You can build a CI/CD testing workflow that runs and automatically promotes the aplliation based on test result.
- SECURE: Ansible has the facility that keep updating the info about who executed it? When? Who approved it?
- ChatOps
- Credential
-Hema R