Industry Updates for Queensland's Waste Management and Materials Recovery Sector
Waste Recycling Industry Association (QLD) inc (WRIQ)
Representing waste, resource recovery & circular economy businesses - we are essential for community & environment.
WRIQ Managing Psychosocial Risks Webinar, 10 May
On 1 April, the Queensland Government introduced a new Code of Practice Managing the risk of psychosocial hazards at work under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.?WRIQ is hosting an online discussion with Anna Klease, the National Prevention Director Workplace Risk at WTW, to illustrate how the regulatory landscape has changed; with Work, Health and Safety legislation now placing greater emphasis on psychosocial hazards.
Beyond your regulatory obligations, learning how to manage psychosocial risks will help your organisation improve performance through a healthier, more productive and engaged workforce.? The webinar will explore:
?????????Background on psychosocial hazards
?????????The political landscape and what’s changing
?????????Why the attention from the regulators
?????????Psychosocial hazards in the waste industry
?????????How to adopt the new legislation
?????????Job design to minimise psychosocial harm.
The online session is on 10 May, 9.30-10.30am and is free for all WRIQ members. Pleaser register online at Humanitix.
WTW Workplace Risk Webinar
The workplace risk landscape continues to evolve and change. How can you be sure your organisation is on top of the holistic approach to your people risks that legislation now demands? There is heightened regulatory compliance and scrutiny, workers’ compensation changes, managing psychosocial hazards and enhanced director work, health and safety accountability.?This webinar provides valuable updates across key aspects of workplace risk, provides insights into the major changes over the past six months as well as what further changes are anticipated throughout the remainder of 2023, and will prepare you for positively influence your next Workers’ Compensation Insurance renewal. The online session is on 4 May, 11am. Register online.
EPOLA Act Changes Commence
The Environmental Protection and Other Legislation Amendment (EPOLA) Act 2023 commenced on 5 April 2023. This Act primarily amends the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act), but also makes some changes to the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 and the Wet Tropics World Heritage Protection and Management Act 1993.
Amendments include, but are not limited to, the allowance of temporary authorities to be approved where deemed reasonable because of an emergency situation. To assist Queensland businesses and individuals to meet environmental requirements in an emergency situation. This ensures that operators can meet their environmental requirements when faced with an emergency, like the floods experienced in early 2022.
While enhancements to the environmental impact statement process include enabling the chief executive to refuse an environmental impact statement from proceeding if it is unlikely the project could proceed under a State or Commonwealth law; and providing that environmental impact statement assessment reports lapse after three years (with the option for extension).?The ability for the regulator to say ‘no’ early in the EIS process will save proponents and the regulator time and resources.?Other amendments also allow operators of non-resource activities to apply for a short-term environmental authority (EA) to trial new and innovative approaches.
Changes to Clean Earth Status and New Application Forms Available
Please remember that from 1?July 2023, the general levy exemption for clean earth disposed to waste disposal sites is proposed to be removed from the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011.?Those waste disposal sites wishing to continue to use clean earth as an exempt waste will need to apply to the department (DES) to do so. Those waste disposal sites wishing to continue to use clean earth as an exempt waste from 1 July 2023 will need to apply to the department using the new forms to do so.
The application forms guiding this process have now been updated and are ready for use, please go to Applications and forms | Environment, land and water | Queensland Government (
Please note:
·??????Any amendment to an existing on-site operational purpose to add or increase volumes of clean earth will be assessed to gauge whether further justification of the addition of clean earth and the tonnage requested is required.
An OSOP approval may be authorised under section 28 of the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 (WRR Act), as waste to be used at a levyable waste disposal site for a purpose necessary for the operation of the site, and may be exempt from the waste levy by application. Examples of purposes necessary for the operation of the site, outlined in section 28, include but may not be limited to:
If you believe your waste disposal site operations will be affected by the removal of the clean earth exemption, please contact the Waste Levy Services team early to discuss your site’s situation and application requirements.?You can contact the Levy Services team at ?[email protected] or visit the waste levy web page at
Changes to Container Refund Scheme
The Queensland Government has announced that it will expand the Containers for Change program to include glass wine and spirit bottles from November 1, 2023.? Queenslanders will get 10 cents for every glass wine and spirit bottle deposited at a container refund point.?The commitment to expand the scheme follows a consultation period, where more than 6,600 Queenslanders shared their thoughts about including additional containers in the refund program.?98.1 per cent of participants were in favour of more containers being made eligible for refunds through the program.
The addition of glass wine and spirit bottles is expected to build on the existing benefits of the program, especially around the recovery of additional glass for remanufacturing.
ISWA World Congress – Call for Abstracts
This year's ISWA World Congress, set to take place in Muscat, Oman, is themed "Global Action Towards a Net-Zero Future".?#ISWA2023 will highlight the key role that the waste and resources management sector, as well as the transition to a circular economy, could contribute towards a net-zero future. The?submission portal?for abstracts covering the Congress’s six themes is now open and closes on 11 May.?
Review of the Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy
On Friday, 31 March 2023, the Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy?draft review report was published by the Department of Environment and Science. The review of the strategy covers a three-year period from 2019–2022 and seeks to:
The deadline for submissions has been extended until 5:00pm Friday 19 May 2023.
WRIQ has organised an information session (via Teams) with the Department for Friday 5 May, from 1pm.?Please contact [email protected] for an invite if you have not already received one.
If you require further information, please email [email protected].?Following the consultation process, submissions will be considered, and the final review report will be completed.?More information on the strategy and the review is available here.
Clean Energy Jobs
Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) is seeking submissions on the workforce and skills Australia needs to transition to a clean energy economy.??A discussion paper?is now available on the JSA website for comment. ?JSA is inviting submissions from all interested stakeholders including business, unions, and education and training providers until 2 May 2023. The final terms of reference for the study have also been published.???
The capacity study will build on existing research and deepen understanding of the clean energy sector by clarifying what jobs and industries make up Australia’s clean energy workforce and analysing different scenarios for how we could reach net zero by 2050, understanding how many workers will be needed (and where) and who will have the skills to take on those jobs.?It will also examine the possibilities for workers in high-emitting sectors to transition to new roles in their communities that will build on their existing skills and experience; and seek to identify the education, training and migration pathways that we should be developing, and the underlying system settings needed to enable those pathways.??
Submissions to the Clean Energy Capacity Study can be made until 5pm AEST on Tuesday 2 May 2023.?You can submit your response by email [email protected].
Proposed Amendments to the Planning Act 2016
The Planning Act 2016 (Planning Act) has been in effect since 3 July 2017. In five years of operation, the planning framework under the Planning Act has been shown to be robust and very few amendments have been made during this period.? Government, industry and the community have grown their knowledge of the Planning Act and there is now a body of practical application examples in planning, development assessment and case law that has identified the need for legislative review and adjustments to be undertaken.
The Queensland Government is taking action to improve the planning framework in three areas:
?You can view the consultation papers and frequently asked questions and provide feedback on the proposed changes here.?If you have any queries about the proposed amendments, please contact?[email protected]. by 5 May?2023.