Industry Updates for Queensland's Waste Management and Materials Recovery Sector
photo G Davis.

Industry Updates for Queensland's Waste Management and Materials Recovery Sector


WRIQ’s Complying with General Environmental Duty Breakfast 28 April

Please join us for a breakfast discussion considering the general environmental duty in a rapidly changing landscape.?The event will explore, what is the GED, relevant caselaw, how do you demonstrate compliance with the GED (including the proposed industrial chemical changes under the Environmental Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022), what impacts do changes in the law have on waste procurement and contracting; and strategies for managing the risk of changes in law in your contracts.??For further info and to register:?


Silica Code Awareness Forum by DAIA

The new?Managing respirable crystalline silica dust exposure in construction and manufacturing of construction elements Code of Practice 2022?will commence in Queensland on 1 May and is Australia’s first silica dust code of practice for the construction industry.?The enforceable Code applies to all construction work as well as the manufacturing of materials such as bricks, blocks, tiles, mortar and concrete.?The Demolition and Asbestos Industry Association is holding a, information event on Tuesday 18 April 2023 at the Calamvale Hotel (Cnr Compton and Beaudesert Roads, Calamvale).?Please register at Demolition & Asbestos Industry Association (Qld) Inc - DAIA Member's Forum - new Silica Code

The Code outlines how duty holders can meet the requirements of Queensland’s work health and safety legislation, including eliminating or minimising exposure to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) at work by using tried and tested dust control methods that prevent silica dust from being generated or being released into the air, including water suppression and on-tool dust extraction; using appropriate respirable protective equipment to safeguard at-risk workers; using exposure data from air monitoring to check dust controls are effective; providing health monitoring to at-risk workers, with clearly defined triggers for testing based on level of risk; and consulting with workers, as well as training, education, instruction and supervision of workers.



Changes to Clean Earth Status

Please remember that from 1?July 2023, the general levy exemption for clean earth disposed to waste disposal sites is proposed to be removed from the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011.?Those waste disposal sites wishing to continue to use clean earth as an exempt waste will need to apply to the department (DES) to do so.

Please note that sites that do not currently hold an exemption for an on-site operational purpose approval will need to apply for a new on-site operational purpose using an approved application form to include clean earth, effective from 1 July 2023. The application forms guiding this process still require updating – the department will inform WRIQ and other relevant bodies and businesses as soon as those forms are ready for use. Noting-

  • Any application must be supported by enough information to highlight the need for the waste to be used for a purpose necessary for the operation of the site.

·?????Any amendment to an existing on-site operational purpose to add or increase volumes of clean earth will be assessed to gauge whether further justification of the addition of clean earth and the tonnage requested is required.

If you believe your waste disposal site operations will be affected by the removal of the clean earth exemption, please contact the Waste Levy Services team early to discuss your site’s situation and potential application requirements.?

You can contact the Levy Services team at [email protected] or visit the waste levy web page at

WRROLA Bill Submissions

The Waste Reduction and Recycling and other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023 (WRROLA) was introduced into Parliament on Wednesday 22 February.?Among the key drivers for this Bill are the Queensland Government’s commitment to remove the clean earth levy exemption by 1 July 2023 and ban the release of lighter-than-air balloons from 1 September 2023.?As well as those commitments, the explanatory notes for the Bill identifies the other policy objectives.

Following introduction, the Bill was referred to the Health and Environment Committee for detailed consideration.?The Committee website provides more details including the Department briefing and 15 submissions on the Bill (including WRIQ’s submission). ?


Apprentice or Trainee?

Do you employ an apprentice in your business? If so, you may be eligible for a discount on your premium. This discount applies to apprentices not trainees.

To check whether your employee is an apprentice or trainee you can search their qualification code (found on their training contract) under the Queensland Training Information Service


Clean Energy Hub Proposed for Swanbank

Publicly owned energy provider CleanCo Queensland is planning to develop its Swanbank E Power Station precinct at Ipswich into a Clean Energy Hub.?CleanCo has launched an Expression of Interest (EOI) process, seeking community input to assess and progress a future Clean Energy Hub at Swanbank, which could include a 250 megawatt (MW) battery, solar power, battery storage and green hydrogen. In line with objectives of the?Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan, it is CleanCo's ambition to transform the Swanbank site into a clean energy hub, ensuring long-term jobs and economic opportunities.?CleanCo is undertaking a masterplan for the Swanbank Clean Energy Hub to identify how the site can best serve the energy network and the local community in the future. It’s proposed the site will include an ecological corridor and recreational spaces. The next information webinar on the co-design process is on 19 April from 6.30pm with links t the Zoom meeting through the webpage.


Regional Development Australia funding opportunities

Are you located in the Darling Downs and South West region with a project that needs funding but you’re not quite sure how and where to start??Regional Development Australia (RDA) Darling Downs and South West Queensland works with local businesses, organisations, and community groups to ensure that they can fully take advantage of all possible opportunities for growth and development.

?RDA Darling Downs and?South West Queensland?has up-to-date information online listing available grants from the government, corporate, and private sectors.?Visit RDA current grants

?In Queensland there are 12 RDA Committees covering all areas of the state, including the Torres Strait Islands and metropolitan Brisbane.?They offer business support and information on available grants.




LAST CHANCE to Complete WRIQ’s Insurance and Fire Survey

This survey represents research to quantify fire trends, risk management strategies, current insurance market and product availability.

By completing the survey, you will enable WRIQ to measure existing insurance offerings including their quality, coverage and availability.??This will assist in advocating issues to government concerning the development of new infrastructure, the protection of existing assets, and (insurance-led) constraints for the collection and processing of certain materials/products. It will also support future work into the development of new insurance products for the sector.

The deadline for completed surveys has been extended until 8 April 2023.??You can complete the survey online at in hard copy – please send requests for a copy of the survey to [email protected].?


Queensland Releases E-Products Action Plan

A priority of the Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy is to improve the management of e-waste in Queensland.?To deliver on this priority a draft E-Products Action Plan has been developed.?Where e-waste cannot be avoided, the goals of the Action Plan are to extend the life of e-products through reuse, repair, refurbishment, and recovery to keep the value of materials in the economy for as long as possible.?The Action Plan sets out to guide and enable people to maximise waste reduction and sustainability outcomes for e-products.

Feedback on the?draft E-Products Action Plan?(PDF, 1 MB)?is being sought via email by 5.00pm Monday 17 April 2023 to?[email protected].?

Draft DMO5 Released

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has released its?draft determination of the Default Market Offer?(DMO) for 2023–24.?Also known as an?electricity price safety net, the DMO protects households and small business customers, on standard retail plans, from unjustifiably high prices in South Australia, New South Wales and south-east Queensland.

The draft determination sets out the approach the AER intends to take to determine the final DMO price which will be released in May. The draft determination is subject to consultation with stakeholder feedback to be factored into the final decision.

At this time, it is estimated that residential customers on standard retail plans could face price increases of around 19.5% to 23.7% depending on their region and whether they have controlled load. Small business customers could face price increases of around 14.7% to 25.4% depending on their region.?The AER invites written?submissions on the draft?DMO determination up to 6 April 2023.?A final decision will be published in May, with changes to apply from 1 July 2023.


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