Industry Updates for Queensland's Waste Management and Material Recovery Sector
photo G.Davis

Industry Updates for Queensland's Waste Management and Material Recovery Sector


WRIQ’s Fire Safety Breakfast 30 March – Last Chance to Register

Fire is an ongoing risk for our sector.?This breakfast will provide an opportunity to highlight emergency planning, including identifying scenarios, consequences, mitigation options and information needed for an emergency plan. Fires, Fire Prevention and Response will be the focus. This will introduce the key requirements to consider including how they relate to waste facilities and support the production of good Fire Prevention Plans, highlighting requirements of the QFES.

The breakfast will discuss the link between how you manage your waste and resources site effectively, utilising appropriate infrastructure, housekeeping and monitoring/supervision systems, in order that the likelihood of waste fires is reduced and, that if waste fires do occur, they can be dealt with appropriately to prevent harm to human health, the environment and property damage.?Register here.


WRIQ’s Complying with General Environmental Duty Breakfast 28 April

Please join us for a breakfast discussion considering the general environmental duty in a rapidly changing landscape.?The event will explore, what is the GED, relevant caselaw, how do you demonstrate compliance with the GED (including the proposed industrial chemical changes under the Environmental Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022), what impacts do changes in the law have on waste procurement and contracting; and strategies for managing the risk of changes in law in your contracts.??For further info and to register:?

Managing Psychosocial Hazards Livestream Event 21 March

The release of the Managing the risk of psychosocial hazards at work Code of Practice 2022 (the Code) along with amendments to the Work Health and Safety Regulation, are important steps in keeping Queensland workplaces safe, healthy and productive.?There is a free of charge, livestream event on 21 March (10-11.15am) to learn more about the Code and what your business needs to do to comply. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.?The event will include information about the most common psychosocial hazards, who has related health and safety duties, what is reasonably practicable in managing these hazards, and other relevant laws that duty holders should be aware of.?Registration link:?


Changes to Clean Earth Status

Please remember that from 1?July 2023, the general levy exemption for clean earth disposed to waste disposal sites is proposed to be removed from the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011.?Those waste disposal sites wishing to continue to use clean earth as an exempt waste will need to apply to the department (DES) to do so.

Please note that sites that do not currently hold an exemption for an on-site operational purpose approval will need to apply for a new on-site operational purpose using an approved application form to include clean earth, effective from 1 July 2023. The application forms guiding this process still require updating – the department will inform WRIQ and other relevant bodies and businesses as soon as those forms are ready for use. Please also note:

  • Any application must be supported by enough information to highlight the need for the waste to be used for a purpose necessary for the operation of the site.

·??????Any amendment to an existing on-site operational purpose to add or increase volumes of clean earth will be assessed to gauge whether further justification of the addition of clean earth and the tonnage requested is required.

If you believe your waste disposal site operations will be affected by the removal of the clean earth exemption, please contact the Waste Levy Services team early to discuss your site’s situation and potential application requirements.? You can contact the Levy Services team at [email protected] or visit the waste levy web page at

Waste Levy Exemptions for Disaster Waste

As part of preparing for the wet season, the Department of Environment and Science has updated guidance on when the waste levy may not apply.

Under the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 waste generated by disasters (e.g., rain and flooding events) is able to be exempt from the waste levy if it is:

  • A disaster declared under the Disaster Management Act 2003 (a State-declared disaster);
  • Once a disaster is declared the department will generate a declaration for disaster management waste to be exempt waste;
  • Serious local event waste that has been notified to the department by the CEO of a local government;
  • These are serious situations that are not declared as State-disasters for example flood, storm, explosions, fire, chemical/fuel/oil spill and can still be devastating for local communities;
  • Otherwise declared as exempt waste in exceptional circumstances.

For any questions regarding exempt waste, please contact [email protected] or call the department’s 24/7 Pollution Hotline – 1300 130 372.?Visit the Department’s website for more information including current declarations.


RSL Jobs Board

The RSL QLD Employment Program is a free service designed to help ex-Defence members and partners of current/former Defence members, translate their skill sets to the civilian market, find meaningful employment and enhance their quality of life.

If you are an employer looking for workers, RSL QLD can assist with finding skilled veterans or current/former Defence partners. Former Defence personnel have a wealth of skills and experience that can benefit civilian businesses, from technical and trade qualifications to corporate leadership. Support is also provided to help employers better understand veterans and how to use their skills in their organisation.?

A Jobs Board has recently been launched where employers can advertise their job vacancies. This is a free service and RSL QLD will assist in identifying and matching suitable candidates. You can list your vacancy by filling out this form or register your interest to find out more information via the RSL QLD website.


?Jobs and Skills Australia

The recording of Jobs and Skills Australia’s webinar from Monday 6 March 2023 is now available on the Jobs and Skills Australia website. Key topics covered during the webinar included and an overview of JSA and their role; and the new Labour Market Update report and its findings.



?WRIQ’s Insurance and Fire Survey

This survey represents research to quantify fire trends, risk management strategies, current insurance market and product availability.

By completing the survey, you will enable WRIQ to measure existing insurance offerings including their quality, coverage and availability.??This will assist in advocating issues to government concerning the development of new infrastructure, the protection of existing assets, and (insurance-led) constraints for the collection and processing of certain materials/products. It will also support future work into the development of new insurance products for the sector.

The survey closes on 31 March 2023.??You can complete the survey online at in hard copy – please send requests for a copy of the survey to [email protected].?


Queensland Releases E-Products Action Plan

A priority of the Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy is to improve the management of e-waste in Queensland.?To deliver on this priority a draft E-Products Action Plan has been developed.?Where e-waste cannot be avoided, the goals of the Action Plan are to extend the life of e-products through reuse, repair, refurbishment, and recovery to keep the value of materials in the economy for as long as possible.?The Action Plan sets out to guide and enable people to maximise waste reduction and sustainability outcomes for e-products.

Feedback on the?draft E-Products Action Plan?(PDF, 1 MB)?is being sought via email by 5.00pm Monday 17 April 2023 to?[email protected].?


E-Product Consultation Paper 4 Now Out

The final of the e-product discussion papers E-stewardship scheme administrative structure is now out for review.?Feedback can be provided in writing by COB Fri 31 March 2023 or via a group discussion hosted by the department on Monday 27 March 2023 from 2.00 to 3.30pm.

Draft DMO5 Released

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has released its?draft determination of the Default Market Offer?(DMO) for 2023–24.?Also known as an?electricity price safety net, the DMO protects households and small business customers, on standard retail plans, from unjustifiably high prices in South Australia, New South Wales and south-east Queensland.

The draft determination sets out the approach the AER intends to take to determine the final DMO price which will be released in May. The draft determination is subject to consultation with stakeholder feedback to be factored into the final decision.

At this time, it is estimated that residential customers on standard retail plans could face price increases of around 19.5% to 23.7% depending on their region and whether they have controlled load. Small business customers could face price increases of around 14.7% to 25.4% depending on their region.?The AER invites written?submissions on the draft?DMO determination up to 6 April 2023.?A final decision will be published in May, with changes to apply from 1 July 2023.


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