Industry Updates for Queensland's Waste Management and Materials Recovery Sector
Waste Recycling Industry Association (QLD) inc (WRIQ)
Representing waste, resource recovery & circular economy businesses - we are essential for community & environment.
Launchpad to Help New Businesses
Ensure that you are have all of the appropriate licences and approvals when starting and running your business in Queensland by using the?Business Launchpad, a digital tool that makes it easier to discover licences, permits and regulatory information tailored to your business needs.?Answer questions about your business activity, location and services, and the Business Launchpad will generate a tailored guide of results from Australian, Queensland and local governments.
New Codes of Practice for WHS
Managing the risk of psychosocial hazards at work Code of Practice 2022. Approval follows the Government publishing the Work Health and Safety (Psychosocial Risks) Amendment Regulation 2022 on 14 October 2022, which amends the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 to include psychosocial hazard regulations.?The Code and regulations commence on 1 April 2023.
Managing respirable crystalline silica dust exposure in construction and manufacturing of construction elements Code of Practice 2022.?The Code commences on 1 May 2023.
A copy of each code is available on the WorkSafe Queensland website here. In the coming months, WRIQ will be partnering with the Office of Industrial Relations to promote awareness of the codes and regulations and to assist businesses and workers to understand how the laws apply to them.
Business Basic Grants Round 4
The Queensland Government is continuing to show its support for the small business sector with the launch of Round 4 of the $5 million Business Basics Grant program.?Eligible small businesses (including non-employing and micro businesses, and new and emerging businesses with less than 20 employees and a turnover of less than $300,000 for the last financial year) will be able register their interest to apply for a $5,000 grant from 9am, 24 November.?The program guidelines, eligibility criteria and FAQs for the Business Basics Grants program are now available online.?
Registrations of Interest will be open from 9am, 24 November and will close at 11.59pm on 5 December 2022.?To learn more visit:
Good News for Mattresses
On Tuesday 8 November, the Minister for the Environment and Water, the Hon. Tanya Plibersek, MP, placed the mattress industry on the Minister’s Priority List.?The Minister’s Priority List identifies products and materials considered most in need of a product stewardship program to reduce their environmental impacts.?This is a positive endorsement of the work that has been done to date by WRIQ member, the?Australian Bedding Stewardship Council (ABSC) to develop a voluntary, industry-led product stewardship scheme for the bedding industry.?Mattress recyclers can apply for ABSC Approval for Mattress Recyclers?Mattress & Bedding Recyclers in Australia - ABSC (
Soil CRC Report
The Soil CRC Annual Report is now available in a new format that puts more focus on project updates and the research that it is coming out of the Soil CRC.?Download the report.
Events - Asbestos Awareness Week
Asbestos products can be found in internal and external building materials, including walls, soffits and switchboards. Switchboard panels and meter boards may contain asbestos if they were constructed or imported before 1 January 2004. On Tuesday 22 November 2022 there is a free livestreamed safety session as part of?Asbestos Awareness Week?(21-27 November).?Find out about the safe management of asbestos in Queensland, new requirements for low density asbestos fibre board, the dangers of using high-pressure water blasters on asbestos products.?Register for the on-line session and for more information see Asbestos Awareness Week 2022 | Asbestos
WRIQ AGM and Christmas Lunch
WRIQ is holding its 2022 AGM and Christmas lunch on Friday 2 December 2022 at the Emporium Hotel South Bank. Tickets for the event are available at
Current Consultations
Draft Wide Bay Regional Plan
The Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning invites you to provide feedback on the Draft Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan. The draft plan is the Queensland Government’s strategy for shaping the region over the next 25 years. It will help sustain the region’s communities, strengthen its economy, inform social priorities and protect and maintain its environment. The consultation process includes a series of public information sessions to be held across the region throughout the consultation period. Feedback received during the consultation process will assist in finalising the plan, which is due for release in 2023. To have your say and for more information on the draft plan visit Wide Bay Burnett regional plan | Planning.
Climate Change Expenditure Review 2022-2023
The Queensland Competition Authority is reviewing whether it needs to refine their regulatory approaches, given the climate change risks and opportunities that now confront regulated entities. They have published a discussion paper seeking stakeholders’ comments on matters including, the risks and drivers of climate action; the effectiveness of existing regulatory frameworks to accommodate and create appropriate incentives to manage climate change risks and corporate and regulatory insights on how climate change is managed by other organisations. They welcome comments from stakeholders in all sectors that they regulate. The consultation paper is available and there are more details on their webpage. Submission close?16 December 2022.?
Liquid Fuel Supply (Minimum Biobased Petrol Content) Amendment Bill 2022
The Bill was referred to the Transport and Resources Committee for consideration and report. The objectives of the Bill are to expand on the provisions enacted by the Liquid Fuel Supply (Ethanol and Other Biofuels Mandate) Amendment Bill 2015, by further amending the?Liquid Fuel Supply Act 1984 (the Act)?to increase two-fold all penalties for non-compliance by liable fuel retailers liable with the State’s bio-based petrol mandate, which presently sits at four (4) per cent of the total volume of all petrol sold; and to require that fuel retailers take reasonable action (on a continuing basis) to ensure that the bio-based petrol blended fuels (referred commonly to as E10) they sell contains a minimum of nine (9) per cent ethanol and is advertised as such. The Bill seeks to address issues that exist with the operation of Queensland’s bio-based petrol mandate which, despite being in operation since 2017, has failed to adequately deliver on its aspirations to drive the uptake of cleaner and cheaper locally produced fuel.?Consultation closes 3 February 2023.
Inquiry into the delivery of vocational education and training (VET) in regional, rural and remote Queensland.?
The inquiry will consider the role of public providers in VET delivery, VET pathways, participation rates and outcomes and barriers to providing localised and place-based VET.?The terms of reference and information on making a submission are available from the inquiry webpage.?Submissions close 23 January 2023.