Industry LOVE
"There are two ways to have the tallest building; you can carefully & patiently build the tallest building... or you can tear down everyone else's buildings." - Drew at DSE Music Tuition
We want to shout out & support the other music schools, teachers and shops that teach. Although we often point out that there are sub-par teaching methods out there, we have never publicly named or disparaged anyone else in the industry.
We do not consider anyone 'competition', DSE Music Tuition has no competitors, we do not look sideways at what anyone else is doing. We look straight ahead and work every day at continuing the supply the very best tuition to the student and families that have given us a chance.
We have recently (to our absolute delight) had a couple of music schools/ teachers/ shops licence (start using) our teaching curriculum & lesson plans. We do not see this as ‘now our competitors have our secrets’, we see it as more students will now have access to the best teaching methods available!
Although from time to time (especially as we expand into other suburbs and areas), we have had others in the industry call councils to remove our signage or fabricate bad reviews, that sort of thing has very little impact due to the huge amount of positivity & love shown by our students, families, schools & friends.
To everyone in the musical education industry, we support you, we are hear to chat, share ideas & help you. Our industry is one that has been affected by Covid-19 (not as badly as some, but definitely a significant impact) and if we can do anything to help you or your students during this time, here is the email: [email protected]
The only way to succeed whether you are concerned about corona, competition, online learning, etc. is to know and deeply love musical education & consistently work toward providing the best possible service you can to the consumer.
We are all so lucky to be able to work in this industry and there is a lot more to be gained from being thankful, humble and united. It’s all love from us.
#industrylove #industryunity #industrygrowth #music #musicmatters #nocompetition #canwehelpyou #musicteachers #musicschools #musicaleduaction #itsalllove