An Industry Fragmented....
With all this Covid happening the bigger and getting well.. bigger. We see companies like Lightspeed buying Shopkeep, Paroc buying Econduit the acquisitions are happening frequently. What does all of this mean for our industry?
The Venture Capitalist's are ruthless! They don't care about the longevity of our business, they don't actually care about the merchants business, and certainly could give a hoot about the guys putting food on the table by selling POS and Processing. Only about getting a healthy ROI.
You may think it is hopeless not having the money to compete with the big dogs. Well that is absolutely incorrect, they don't have what the professionals have in this business! A work ethic and desire to achieve greatness. All this while having merchants(the lifeblood) succeed.
To the point. Stop selling for them. You are giving them more power! Anyone that sells for the Super ISO's, are part of our Industries demise..
Am I wrong? Love to hear your thoughts......