The Industry Can Do So Much Better
Niels Steeman
I translate the science of performance into result-driven outcomes | Commercial and Marketing Executive | Health and Performance Coach
I firmly believe the fitness industry can do so much better.
The coaching and training industry has grown leaps and bounds, particularly in the health and fitness industry. The need to be guided to a more optimal way of living is certainly one aspect we all need to accept and embrace.?
From being coached to becoming a coach and now coaching myself, I look now at the industry with different eyes. Just like a carpenter or a gardener looks more critically at a competitor's work, so do we as coaches and trainers. It is fairly normal - we are tightly knitted to our area of expertise and field of interest.
To become a personal fitness trainer, certifications still play a crucial role before meeting your first client on the training floor. The courses vary from difficulty to quality, as much as many other certifications in other areas of commerce. For example, CrossFit Level One can be done in as quickly as one weekend (!) without any prior expertise, as long as you have a credit card and the desire to push hard through these 2 days.
Not one accreditation in the field of personal fitness training is the same. There are numerous variations in how movements and exercise programming are taught.
The key mission of why we do what we do remains unchanged - do not harm.
It is here where we underestimate the connection between understanding the human body and the differences between lateral and frontal, abduction and adduction, and what the key principles and focal points are when doing an overhead squat assessment. Just like any other exam, those able to memorise the whole curriculum may have the advantage over those who need more time. However, the difference does not lie in the practical aspect - it lies in the human-to-human aspect of personal fitness training.
My mentor had it right.
He had it nailed to the final syllable.
An instructor for decades, an expert in the field of movement patterns, corrective exercise and tailoring to the needs of the individual. He was able to bring forward all the knowledge and what mattered. Throughout 2 weekends, he hardly taught about the what and how of all that’s important for the body to adapt and adjust - he taught how to connect to the client from all angles of collaboration and guidance.
The relationships you build when coaching 1:1 is intense for the hour you are together. There is a desire for understanding trust, compassion and comprehension. Why one is not moving this week as well as the week before is all part of a higher level of consciousness to read the client, make adjustments and make them at the right time.?
And to not harm.
I currently train myself at one of the leading fitness centre chains in Bangkok. With all the tools, toys and modalities at my disposal, I find it harder to look at the personal trainers working with clients. Young graduates possibly, all eager to sign up for another private client and just make them move. I cannot help it to eavesdrop into conversations - not a hard one when the floor is fairly occupied with mats, kettlebells and TRXs.?
Too often, there is no connection.
Trainers sitting on the floor while the client inaccurately tries to squat down to the appropriate depth, not able to go any deeper because of hip issues. Ignoring these claims based on potentially being “stiff”, the client pushes through by the recommendation of the trainer.?
Her grimace said enough that this may not be stiffness.
No assessment, no methodology, no checking in regularly, and even no programming to see where the client was the week before and where she was now. Not a great motivator when one’s lack of recording shows the client, he/she is making progress. And no intervention to move away from squats today as it simply did not work.
The basics of proper movement may be simple. How to understand the clients’ feedback - verbal or non-verbal - triumphs in so many ways over the appropriate technique. These action-takers put their trust and faith in us trainers because they feel the need, it cannot be done alone. We cannot squat perfectly from session one - this takes time and seeing where the focus needs to be put first.?
Additionally to the above and contrary to what the internet says - there are no bad exercises. There are only bad applications of exercises when you’re assisting clients towards a goal. The easy thing about this is that perfection in the fitness industry also does not exist.
I leave aside the fact that movement is great as long as it is done safely and progressively in reaching results. Knowledge of sleep, stress, nutrition and energy management should also be a part of the overall certification. You won’t see results when all the above is not taken into account.?
The biggest opportunity lies in human interaction.
Harm is done not only because we misjudge the movement and push on as it is part of the programme. We also harm when we do not coach the whole person with all its intricacies and challenges. If personal trainers are not capable of understanding that we all have our own limitations and off-days, then pushing for textbook programming will not cut it. If you do not see this, you may want to opt for another job as this is a bare necessity.
You win so much more when your chosen exercise may fall out of place with what you intended to put in the clients’ programme when you understand body language, facial expressions, what’s been said, and retaining trust.?
It’s all about the (business) relationship you’re building.
What seems impossible today will one day become your warm-up | Unknown
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