An industry associations outlook on web learning.
Early February 22, the MGEI society hosted an information / promotion of a new Geostatistics on-line degree to be run jointly be the French School of Mines (Fontainebleau) for technical content, and Governance of Perth for the practical content. The 10-week course would be spread over 6 months to allow participants to fit in this training with their regular job. The course consists of several modules, and may cost between 2,500 to 4,500 euro [about Rp16,500 to the euro]. Participants would be limited to 5-15. Following this presentation, the senior MGEI members discussed the pros & cons of how such a program may be acceptable to the association.
This event opens the door to some wider discussion on the growing industry of on-line education and training. On-line programs certainly can reach a wider audience, negates need for travel and accommodation expenses, and allows for a wider range of lecturers to be available to students. However, monitoring the quality of delivering and receiving such on-line programs has some questions.
What roles should industry associations, such as IAGI, PERHAP, or AusIMM etc play in the on-line training & education industry? Perhaps the professional associations may consider issuing a policy statement that may include; -
1. That issued certificates may use the terms “degree or diploma” etc where the course work has been undertaken by an appropriate state registered education centre, with state registered lecturers. Other certificates issued by private training, institutes or company training may not use the terms “degree / diploma” etc, but may use the terms “Certificate of completion/ attendance” and similar terms.
2. The range of education and training modules is varied, extensive and ever evolving. The industry associations may / may not formally recognize any training module in the process of determining the potential of a member to be registered as a Competent Person with their industry association.
3. Encourage the training providers comply with national laws, particularly laws related to the education & mining (services) sectors.?