Industry 5.0
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■ Connecting the dots of history from the 1st Industrial revolution to the fourth industrial revolution, we can simply summarize it as.
■ ■ 1. Industry 1.0 — Mechanization Revolution
■ ■ 2. Industry 2.0 — Electrification Revolution
■ ■ 3. Industry 3.0 — Automation Revolution
■ ■ 4. Industry 4.0 — Digitalization Revolution
■ ■ 5. Industry 5.0 — Forthcoming Revolution
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■ The term Industry 5.0 refers to people working alongside robots and smart machines.
■ Less than a decade has passed since talk of Industry 4.0 first surfaced in manufacturing circles, yet visionaries are already forecasting the forthcoming industrial revolution.
■ If the current revolution emphasizes the transformation of factories into AI & IIoT-enabled smart facilities that utilize edge computing and interconnect via the cloud, Industry 5.0 is set to focus on the return of human hands into the industrial framework.
■ It’s about robots helping humans work better and faster by leveraging advanced technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and big data.
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■ It adds a personal human touch to the Industry 4.0 pillars of automation and efficiency.
■ The objective of Industry 4.0 is to interconnect machines, processes, and systems for maximum performance optimization.
■ Industry 5.0 takes such efficiency and productivity a step further. It’s about refining the collaborative interactions between humans and machines.
■ By observing the current technology and business development trends and driving my imagination, I have tried to reflect few areas where we will confront Industry 5.0 in the coming future as the 5th Industrial revolution.
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■ 1. Increased Man-Machine collaboration
■ 2. Industrial Blockchain
■ 3. Autonomous UAV
■ 4. Beyond 5G NR
■ 5. Autonomous Supply Chain
■ 6. Interactive Products
■ 7. Intellectual Cyber-Physical System
■ Industry 5.0 recognizes that man and machine must be interconnected to meet the factory complexity of the future.
■ In a nutshell, we can say that Industry 5.0 will be the fourth to the forthcoming industrial revolution with the evolved ecosystem.
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■ Industry 5.0 is going to be the highest maturity of Digital Transformation of ongoing Industry 4.0, where we will experience a multi factors paradigm shift.
■ Prepared or not, we are already at the juncture of Industry 5.0
■ Though lots of companies are still busy building methods for interconnecting new technologies to improve efficiency and productivity, the driving principle behind Industry 4.0, the next phase of industrialization is already here.
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■ I 5.0 is the next step in the evolution of industrialization.
■ However, before moving ahead to explain the concept of Industry 5.0, let’s understand the difference between Evolution & Revolution.
■ The two words Evolution & Revolution both refer to a change. However, there is a distinctive difference between the change implied by these two words.
■ Evolution refers to a slow and gradual change whereas Revolution refers to a sudden, dramatic, and complete change. This is the main difference between Evolution & Revolution.
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■ From this point of view, we must consider Industry 5.0 as an Evolution of Industry 4.0, where we would be able to realize the potential of Industry 4.0 in a more efficient way while establishing a holistic ecosystem based on the 4th Industrial Revolution.
■ In simple words, Industry 5.0 is going to be an Evolution of the Industry 4.0 Ecosystem.
■ So what are the areas, where we will watch this Evolution?
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■ A shift from fully automated & human-less Dark Factory to Gray Factory where Machines will work with humans in a collaborative way.
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■ A shift to using highly interactive products which will respond to user action & establish an active engagement with users.
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■ A shift from smart supply chains to e2e responsive supply chains which can respond quickly to changing customers' needs & feedback.
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■ A shift to building an orchestrated environment of synchronized mass customization production by e2e linking of material suppliers, vendors, distributors, & retailers.
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■ A Paradigm shift to building customer experience by connected e2e value chain rather than limited to connected assets.
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A knowledge artifact by -?KULDEEP KAUSHIK
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