Industry 4.0?
Industry 4.0 refers to the modern changes happening in factories due to advanced technology. Imagine a factory where machines, robots, and computers work together, making production faster and more efficient. Machines can handle tasks like heavy lifting and assembling parts. Moreover, they can communicate with each other, sharing important information and helping fix problems.
In Industry 4.0, factories use special sensors and computers to gather a ton of data. This data helps facilities to figure out how to improve their processes and make better products. Facilities can even use data to predict when machines might break down, so they can fix them in advance. This allows factories to run smoothly and ensure timely production.
One exciting aspect of Industry 4.0 is the ability to create customized products. Factories can make items tailored to specific customer preferences. They can even use 3D printers, which are special printers that can build objects layer by layer. This level of customization makes is great for customers as they can get exactly what they want.
Industry 4.0 also revolutionizes the way goods are delivered. It enables better coordination and communication between factories, suppliers, and stores. They can share information quickly, ensuring products are delivered on time. This means faster and more efficient delivery for customers.
However, there are important considerations with Industry 4.0. Since everything is connected through computers, it's crucial to protect them from cyber threats and unauthorized access. Additionally, some jobs that were traditionally done by people are now automated. However, this doesn't mean unemployment. Instead, it presents new opportunities for individuals to learn and engage in tasks such as maintaining and programming the advanced machinery.
Industry 4.0 represents the transformation of factories through technology. It enhances production speed, proactive problem-solving, and the ability to create personalized products. It also improves supply chain management for faster deliveries. Nonetheless, cybersecurity is a concern, and individuals can adapt by acquiring new skills to embrace the changing job landscape.
Thoughts from Factory Care CEO Ignacio Garrido Fernandez
According to NGEN (Next Generation Manufacturing Canada) almost 50% of companies that implement digital technologies report not meeting their business objectives.
In my opinion, this could be the case with the implementation or purchasing of any kind of technology. This also reflects in machinery and new training for employees.
In a lot of cases these investments don't drive better results than the previous standards the company used to justify their new investment. In many cases these investments becomes a wasted money and effort for the company.
I believe this is caused mostly from a lack of planning and execution in the implementation plan.
You need to get the basics right.
For example
?? Write down the objectives and goals of the project
?? Assign stakeholders and their roles/responsibilities
?? Set scopes and timelines
?? Train and develop
?? Complete a Risk assessment
?? Stablish proactive communication and change management
I don't believe that the purchase or adoption of new technology by itself will solve anything, in fact, I believe it is the smallest piece in the puzzle, because what it is more important is the work required to design the whole system to make it fit in the company, so it becomes just another part of it.
-Ignacio Garrido Fernandez