Industrial Temperature Measurement
1.0 Introduction
Temperature measurement in today’s industrial environment encompasses a wide variety of needs and applications. To meet this wide array of needs the process controls industry has developed a large number of sensors and devices to handle this demand. In this experiment you will have an opportunity to understand the concepts and uses of many of the common transducers, and actually run an experiment using a selection of these devices. Temperature is a very critical and widely measured variable for most mechanical engineers. Many processes must have either a monitored or controlled temperature. This can range from the simple monitoring of the water temperature of an engine or load device, or as complex as the temperature of a weld in a laser welding application. More difficult measurements such as the temperature of smoke stack gas from a power generating station or blast furnace or the exhaust gas of a rocket may be need to be monitored. Much more common are the temperatures of fluids in processes or process support applications, or the temperature of solid objects such as metal plates, bearings and shafts in a piece of machinery.
2.0 The history of temperature measurement
There are a wide variety of temperature measurement probes in use today depending on what you are trying to measure, how accurately you need to measure it, if you need to use it for control or just man monitoring, or if you can even touch what you are trying to monitor. Temperature measurement can be classified into a few general categories:
(a) Thermometers, (b) Probes, (c) Non-contact.
Thermometers are the oldest of the group. The need to measure and quantify the temperature of something started around 150 A.D. when Galen determined the ‘complexion’ of someone based on four observable quantities. The actual science of ‘thermometry’ did not evolve until the growth of the sciences in the 1500’s The first actual thermometer was an air-thermoscope described in Natural Magic (1558, 1589). This device was the fore runner of the current class of glass thermometers. Up to 1841 there were 18 different temperature scales in use. An instrument maker, Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit learned to calibrate thermometers from Ole Romer, a Danish astronomer. Between 1708 and 1724 Fahrenheit began producing thermometers using Romer’s scale and then modified that to what we know to day as the Fahrenheit scale. Fahrenheit greatly improved the thermometer by changing the reservoir to a cylinder and replaced the spirits used in the early devices with mercury. This was done because it had a nearly linear rate of thermal expansion. His calibration techniques were a trade secret, but it was known that he used a certain mixture of the melting point of a mixture of sea salt, ice and water and the armpit temperature of a healthy man as calibration points. When the scale was adopted by Great Britain the temperature of 212 was defined as the boiling point of water. This point as well as the melting point of plain ice were used as two known calibration points. About 1740 Anders Celsius proposed the centigrade scale. It is not clear who invented the scale, but it divided the range of the melting point of ice (100) to the steam point of water (0) into 100 parts, hence ‘centigrade’. Linnaeus inverted the scale so that 0 was the ice point and 100 was the steam point. In 1948 the name of the centigrade scale was changed to Celsius. About the time that Fahrenheit was experimenting with his liquid filled devices, Jaspeh L. Gay-Lussac was working with gas filled tubes. He concluded that at a constant pressure, the volume of the gas would expand at a particular rate for each degree of temperature rise, that being 1/267 per degree. In 1874 Victor Regnault obtained better experimental results, showing this number to be 1/273 and concluded that the pressure would approach zero at 1/273.15 degrees C. This lead to the definition of zero pressure at -273.15 degrees C, or what we now know as the absolute scale.
3.0 Thermometers
3.1 Glass Tube Thermometers
3.1.1 Description and construction
There are a wide variety of thermometers available on the market today. Some highly precise measurements are still done with glass thermometers. Since the properties of fluids, and in particular, mercury are well known, the only limitation to accuracy and resolution come in the form of how well you can manufacture a glass tube with a precision bore. Some manufacturers have made thermometers that have variable scales for specific uses. One such use is a process called wet viscosity. In this process it is important to know the precise temperature of the water bath. The glass thermometer is still used because of it extreme repeatability. These specialized thermometers have a bore that narrows at a particular point. In this way it can expand a two degree temperature range in the middle of its scale to approximately two inches long, allowing readings down to a fraction of a tenth of a degree C. Many of today’s thermometers use fluids other than mercury due to the hazards of spilled mercury. These newer devices use other fluids that have been engineered to have specific rates of expansion.The draw back to these fluids is that they typically do not have the high temperature capabilities that mercury does. One major drawback of the glass thermometer is the limited pressure capacity of the glass. Also inserting the glass bulb into a pressurized fluid or chamber caused the accuracy of the thermometer to suffer. This led to the use of ‘thermowells’. A thermowell is a closed end metal tube that sticks into the chamber or fluid, and the thermometer sits in this well, making contact with its sides.
3.1.2 Ranges and accuracy
The range of a thermometer and it reading accuracy is dependent on the size of the hole, the length of the tube and the fluid in the thermometer. Typically the smaller the reading increment, the less range it will have. As an example, a 0.1° C accuracy mercury thermometer with a range of 100°C will typically be about 600 mm long. The restrictions rest with how well the maker can fabricate a readable scale. To increase readability some manufacturers have moved to non-round thermometer bodies, The rounded corner on the reading side acts as a magnifying glass, making the liquid column show up wider, and easier to read. The round thermometer is still the standard and there are a variety of holders and seals to fit them. There are also armored sleeves to put them in that allow them to be used, but reduce the chance of breakage.
The accuracy of a thermometer is greatly dependent on the manufacturing process, but also can be affected by usage. As stated earlier, the pressure exerted on the thermometer bulb can affect the reading to a certain degree. Even more so the amount of immersion in the fluid will have a drastic effect on the accuracy. Most commercial thermometers have lines etched in them to show you the calibrated depth of immersion. Failure to immerse the thermometer in deep enough will cause low readings, while putting it in too deeply will cause the readings to be artificially high. Thermometers are not designed to be totally immersed in the fluid they are measuring.
3.1.3 Controls
It is possible to use the glass tube thermometer to create a control element. By placing a conductive element inside the glass tube, such that the mercury touches it at the desired operating point, and a second contact in the mercury at the bottom, you can create an electrical switch. There was a time when these were the predominant control device, but with the advent of electronic sensing elements these have been relegated to back shelves and dusty corners. There are still some applications in chemistry where these are useful, since the wetted portion, or portion that contacts the measured material, is only glass.
3.2 Bimetal Thermometers
3.2.1 Description and construction
The Bimetal thermometer was designed to be a less accurate, but more rugged measuring device than the glass thermometer. In many industrial applications there are still locations where it is desirable to know what the temperature of a fluid or device is, but it is not worth the cost of a more expensive probe and readout. Some examples of this are cooling water loops, gas grills, furnaces and ovens. In general the user would like a quick check to see what the approximate temperature is, but don’t need to know to the tenth of a degree. Probably within a few degrees is more than enough for most of the applications. Bimetal thermometers are constructed of a metal sensing rod, which conducts the temperature to the thermal element, the thermal element and a scale. The bimetal sensing element consists of a metal element shaped like a flat spring. This element is two different metallic materials sandwiched together. When a temperature is sensed by the element, the metallic components want to expand. Since they are different materials and expand at different rates, a stress in generated in the coil of material. This stress causes the element to try to wrap around itself. The indicator needle is attached to the end of this either directly or by mechanism. The motion of the spring shaped material moves the indicator. Prior to the advent of electrical thermostats, the most common use of these thermometers was in home heating systems. The thermostat consisted of a bimetallic spring such as used in the gage type thermometer and a switch, usually a mercury level switch. As the spring wound and unwound with temperature change, the angle of the mercury switch would change, closing or opening the contacts. These are still used in many homes today. Another typical location that you may find this type of thermometer is your home grill, or if you have purchased an in-oven thermometer. Many of these have exposed elements such that you can look and see how they are constructed.
3.2.2 Ranges and accuracy
In general the bimetallic element can be extremely accurate. Home thermostats, for instance, were typically accurate to one degree or so. Today’s dial type come in a wide range of sizes, temperature ranges and accuracies. A small pocket thermometer for testing air conditioning systems or cooking has a dial about an inch in diameter and a temperature range of 0 to 220 degrees F. These are generally marked off in two degree increments. Larger units with 2, 3 or even 5” dial faces will typically be accurate to 1% of the span of the unit. Ranges as high as 1000° F are available, however ranges around the 500° F value are more common. As with glass thermometers, these devices expect a certain depth of immersion into the measured medium. There are a number of standard ‘grades’ of accuracy that are defined for bimetal thermometers. You will find a copy of the accuracy standards for Ashcroft? Thermometers included in the appendix.
3.2.3 Controls
The earliest control systems using bimetallic elements were simple switches. These are still in use today in many places, some of which may surprise you. By placing a bimetallic element in a location where its motion can make cause a contact to be made or broken, and attaching a wire to the element as well as the contact, you can create a simple temperature switch. The figure below shows this simple configuration. It is easy to see how such a simple switch could have many applications. This system is basicly what is still in use today in most small air conditioners and home ovens. By changing the gap to the contact, the set temperature at which it will make contact can be changed. This simple and effective switch has been used for years. Other locations where this has been use extensively, and still is, are automotive turn signal relays and electrical circuit breakers. The addition of a small heating element around the bimetal strip and forming it with a slight curve so the action is a ‘snap’ closure rather than a slow closure, a simple and effective timing relay was created. The amount of current flowing thru the bimetal strip controlled how quickly it heated and how fast it would trip. It is for this reason that most earlier model cars had turn signals that flashed faster with trailers attached than without. This was actually a safety feature that was designed in. If there were inadequate current flow the contact would never break, preventing the ‘blinkers’ from functioning. The most common reason there was inadequate current flow was that one of the lamps was burned out. The lack of the turn signals blinking was an indicator for the operator to have the turn signals serviced. Many vehicles still use this system, however they are being replaced with electronic units in newer vehicles. Another location that the bimetal strip is heavily incorporated is the electrical circuit breaker. The circuit breaker consists of two portions. An electromagnet to detect severe overloads and disconnect the load immediately and a bimetal strip to handle small current overloads. As current flows thru the strip it deflects, releasing the holding bar and allowing the breaker to interrupt the current flow. This is also used in many motor control systems in a similar fashion.
4.0 Probes
4.1 Introduction
Following the development of the thermometer, the next step in the evolution of temperature measurement was the development of the temperature probe. In 1826 an inventor named Becquerel used the first platinum-vs-palladium thermocouple. Prior to this time all temperature measurement was done with liquid or gas filled thermometers. The invention of the thermocouple ushered in a whole new wave of development, culminating in what we know today as practical thermometry. This resistance element was the first in a series of devices that are not classified as probes or transducers. These fall into three general categories:
a) Resistance elements
b) Thermopiles
c) Semiconductor
The first category of elements is the class of resistance elements. The device Becquerel used was actually a resistance element. Today the term thermocouple is used to describe the voltage creating devices in the thermopile classification. This whole classification of probes are capable of measuring temperature, but they also require additional instrumentation or circuitry to make that measurement available to a user. This additional circuitry can come in the form of specially designed display units, generic laboratory equipment, data loggers or computer data acquisition systems. Each of he different probes require slightly different techniques and equipment and the specific techniques will be discussed in the actual transducer or probe section. In general these devices are all electronic in nature and the display will be in the form of a resistance, voltage, or current that is then scaled and displayed by the device reading the probe. Most devices have standard tables or calibration curves that allow a user to look up the measured temperature given the electrical reading that the probe produces. A selection of these can be found in the appendix.
4.2 Resistance elements.
4.2.1 Introduction
Resistance elements were the first probes that came into being. Early inventors understood the relationship between temperature and the resistance of different elements. This gave rise to a series of elements called thermistors. The thermistor is a thermal resistance element that changes resistance with temperature. The amount of resistance change is defined by ΔR = kΔT where ΔR is the resistance change, k is the first order coefficient of resistance of the material and ΔT is the temperature change. The temperature is measured by passing a small DC current thru the device and measuring the voltage drop produced. The second type of device in this class is the RTD or Resistance Temperature Detector. The RTD was developed after the thermistor to obtain greater accuracy. Today the RTD is one of the most accurate measuring devices available. The device operates on the basis of changes of resistance of pure metals. The Platinum RTD is the standard for high accuracy measurement elements. These devices are much more linear and accurate than thermocouples, but they respond much slower and are much more costly.
4.2.2 Thermistors
The thermistor is a device that changes its electrical resistance with temperature. In particular materials with predictable values of change are most desirable. The original thermistors were made of loops of resistance wire, but the typical thermistor in use today is a sintered semiconductor material that is capable of large changes in resistance for a small change in temperature. These devices exhibit a negative temperature coefficient, meaning that as the temperature increases the resistance of the element decreases. These have extremely good accuracy, ranging around 0.1° to 0.2°C working over a range of 0 to 100°C. These are still the most accurate transducers manufactured for temperature measurement, however thermistors are non-liner in response. This leads to additional work to create a linear output and significantly adds to the error of the final reading. A new class of thermistors have been developed that are called Linear Response elements. These elements actually consist of two elements that are both sensing the same temperature. Connecting these in a resistor circuit such as shown in the figure below, will allow for a linear voltage output from the probe. Kits containing the two resistors are typically available as well. One of the big advantages of thermistors is the small size and low cost of the devices. A typical thermistor can be less than a tenth of an inch in diameter and cost around fifteen dollars in single quantities, and less than a dollar in production quantities. A linear response device will cost a few dollars more. In addition to the non-linear response, careful attention must be paid to the circuit design, or an undesirable effect called self heating will significantly affect the reading. Since the device is a resistor, the only viable method of measuring the sensed temperature is to apply a small known current across the device and measure the resulting voltage. If the current flow is too high, the resistor will dissipate energy in the form of heat. This heat, generated by the resistor can significantly affect the temperature that is being sensed. The total heat dissipated by the thermistor in the circuit should be 1mw/°C or less in air, but can be as high as 8mw/°C in liquid. While the resistance values for thermistors vary greatly across manufacturers and models of devices, a table is provided in the appendix showing the resistance vs temperature values for the non-linear thermistors available from Omega Engineering. Packaging
Thermistors are available in a variety of packages, but are most typically found in the bead or probe designs. Some newer units are also available in a straight surface mount configuration, but these are normally used by EE types rather than ME types. The bead type device is not particularly rugged, but is compact and inexpensive. These are mostly used to measure the temperature of air or other gases. Flat beads, encapsulated in rectangular blocks of engineered plastic are also available to glue to hard surfaces. Probes are thermistors that are encapsulated in long tubes of material, typically stainless steel. These types of probes, pictured below and in the bottom of the picture to the right, are very rugged and are designed to be inserted into holes drilled into solid materials or directly inserted into fluids. The exact type of electrical connection can vary from exposed leads such as this to various types of connections. Regardless of the type of thermistor, some type of electronics is required to get a reading. This can be part of a circuit on a larger board or it can be a stand alone meter. Such meters are available in both readout only or control type devices. Either of these types expect a certain amount of information to properly linearize the signal and make it useful. These will be covered in greater detail in a later section. Range and accuracy
As stated earlier, thermistors can have very high accuracy. This accuracy is limited and influenced by a number of factors. The first is the actual construction of the resistor material. A thermistor can be the most accurate sensing element that is on the market today. The manufacturing tolerances can create thermistors with accuracy and repeatability as low as 0.1°C or as high as 5°C. Typically the lower cost the worse the accuracy. Another major factor is the selection of the circuitry to read the device. If insufficient current is flowed thru the device, external noise will be a problem because the signal levels will be very low. If the current is too high, the probe will start dissipating heat, artificially shifting the temperature reading. The third significant factor is the linearization of the meter. Since the thermistor is not a linear device, most meters will use some type of polynomial curve fit algorithm to create a calibrated formula of temperature vs resistance. This formula is highly dependent on the calibration done in the field. Some meters will allow you to enter several points, from which it will calculate its curve value. While the thermistor is a good choice for small measurements that do not require high precision, being done with a small processor and dedicated electronics, it is no longer considered the standard in electronic temperature measurement it once was. Temperature ranges for thermistors typically run from around -80°C to +150°C. There are some specialty units that have ranges down below and above these. The usable range for a thermistor is dependent on its ability to give reasonable resistance changes over a wide temperature change. As an example the values of resistance for the Omega 30KΩ probe range from 884KΩ at -40°C. to as low as 500Ω at +150°C on the same probe. The 3KΩ probe has a range of 2.211MΩ at -80°C to 55Ω at +150°C. I am sure you can imagine how difficult it would be to create a measurement system to read such a wide range of values, while still holding to the power dissipation limitations. For this reason most thermistors are used within a span of only about 100°C. Both of these units are ± 0.1°C, however this changes to ± 0.2°C for temperatures above 100°C. The thermistor is particularly useful in small temperature change environments. As an example, if you need to control a process to a very tight tolerance over a very narrow temperature range, say ± 10°C, a thermistor may be your best choice, especially in lower temperature ranges. The actual usable temperature rage of any thermistor is dependent on how its semiconductor substrate was created and what it resistance relationship is. A number of units may need to be evaluated to find one that has the desired characteristics.
4.2.3 RTD
The Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) technically includes thermistor devices, however the term ‘RTD’ has come to stand for the specialized pure metal detector rather than the more generic semiconductor resistance element. These pure metal devices are highly accurate and stable over long periods of time. Unlike the thermistor, the Platinum RTD is a linear device. Its resistance changes linearly proportionally to temperature. Most RTDs in use today consist of a length of fine platinum wire wrapped around a ceramic or glass core. The element itself is very fragile and is usually placed inside a sheath material. The wire coil is made of material as pure as they can get. The purity of the metal is a factor in how accurate the transducer is. While platinum is the standard, nickel, copper, balco and tungsten are also used, but the last two are fairly rare and used only in special circumstances. Range and accuracy
The temperature range of a Platinum RTD typically runs from -270°C to +850°C. This is a much wider range than that of the thermistor. Many available platinum RTDs have adopted the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) or DIN (Deutsche Institute for Normung) standard specifying a resistance of 100Ω@ 0°C and a temperature coefficient of 0.00385 Ω/°C. This works out to be 138.5 Ω@ 100°C. The accuracy and deviation fall into two classes in the standard, class A and class B. The table below shows the deviation for these two classes. As can be seen from the table the deviation of resistance values grows larger as the deviation from the base temperature grows larger. Not all probes fall into this standard. RTD probes with other base resistances, such as 500 and 1000 Ω@ 0°C, are available. These are typically used in lower temperature applications. In addition to the stated deviation and accuracy data in the standard, other accuracy issues must also be considered. Like the thermistor, the device is a resistance based device. In order to read the resistance, a known DC current is set up to flow thru the device, and the voltage generated across the resistance yields the proper temperature. Too large of a current flow can cause self heating and affect the measured temperature. The self heating factor ‘S’ gives the measurement error for the element in °C/mW. With a given value of current (I) the milliwatt value of power dissipation can be calculated with P=I2R, where R is the resistance at the indicated temperature. The temperature measurement error is then calculated from ΔT=PxS. The value of S is obtained from the transducer data sheet. As an example an Omega 1PT100FR1328 has a self heating value of 0.2KΩ/mW @0°C. If you apply the temperature coefficient this equates to an S value of 770°C/W. If you select a measurement current of 1μA, the temperature reading at 0°C would be 0.077°C high.
ΔT = I 2 × R× S
This is an extremely small current and would generate a voltage signal of only 10mV. In order to obtain a higher voltage value a higher current would have to be selected. Selecting a current of 1ma would generate a voltage value of 10V at 0°C, but it would also add 77°C of measurement error. It is easy to see it is desirable to keep the voltage and current as low as possible to reduce self heating effects. In order to do this and keep the noise to a minimum, a variety of wiring combinations have been used to increase reliability of the reading. The two wire is the simplest system and used where precision is not a large issue. The three wire system is often used in bridge measurement systems. Power and power feedback feed a single end of the element improving accuracy. The 4 wire system is used where long leads are employed. This takes into account the resistance of the lead wires, allowing it to be canceled out. The two wire with loop is an alternate method of canceling lead resistance. It however, does not give the advantages of balanced power compensation that the four lead system does.
4.3 Thermopiles
4.3.1 Introduction
In 1821 Thomas Johann Seebeck found that a circuit made from to dissimilar metals with junctions at different temperatures would deflect a compass needle. He initially believed this to be due to magnetism produced by a temperature difference. He soon realized that this was caused by an electrical current created by the temperature difference. More specifically the temperature difference produces an electrical potential. This is known as the Seebeck effect. The voltage difference generated by two junctions of dissimilar metals is directly proportional to the temperature difference between the two junctions (Th, Tc). This is the basis for the thermocouple invented by Nobili in 1829. The reverse effect, the Peltier effect, was discovered by Jean- Charles-Athanase Peltier. This effect shows that when a current is passed thru a junction of dissimilar metals in a certain direction, the junction will heat up. If the current is passed in the opposite direction, it will cool down. It is actually possible to generate a low enough temperature in this way to liquefy nitrogen. The thermopile is a group of thermocouples connected in series. While the thermocouple is used widely as a single junction device in industry, the thermopile device consists of many thermocouple junctions in such a way that thermal radiation can be absorbed by one set of junctions (the active junction). This causes a differential temperature between the set of active junctions and the reference junctions producing a voltage. These are particularly useful in measurement of thermal radiation in a particular wavelength when used with a selective wave plate or filter. The thermocouple itself has become the industry standard for most measurement applications due to its extremely low cost, ruggedness and wide range of measurable temperatures.
4.3.2 Thermocouples
The thermocouple is an extremely versatile device. Since the measurement of the temperature occurs only at the actual interface between the two metals, the measurement area can be as large or as small as one chooses. Most thermocouples today are made from two pieces of dissimilar wire, welded together in a bead. This junction can be as large or small as desired, simply by selecting the appropriate sized wire. Thermocouples can be created by physically connecting the two metals together as well as welding them. The only requirement is that the two metals be in good physical contact. If one is not careful with wire insulation, a spot of missing insulation can quickly become the new thermocouple, rather than the welded thermocouple that is inserted into the process. Thermocouples come in a wide variety of materials. Each material pair has different characteristics of temperature range and voltage. The voltage produced by the thermocouple is always small, in the millivolt range, and is also non-linear. Deriving the temperature from the voltage produced requires that the output be matched to a lookup table or fed thru a polynomial curve formula to return an actual temperature. The table below shows some common thermocouple sets and their basic parameters. Type Materials Min temp Max temp Min°C Max°C
J Iron 0 to 42.281 mV Constantan(Cu-Ni) 0°C -750°C
T Copper -6.18 to 17.819 mV Constantan(Cu-Ni) -250 to 350°C
K Cromel (Ni-Cr) -5.891 to 50.644 mV Alumel (Ni- Al) -200 to 1250°C
E Cromel (Ni-Cr) -8.825 to 68.787mV Constantan(Cu-Ni) -200 to 900°C
N Nicrosil (Ni-Cr-Si) -4.336 to 47.513 mV NiSil (Ni-Si-Mg) -260 to 1300°C
S Platinum-13% Rhodium -0.236 to 18.693 mV Platinum-50 to 1768°C
B Platinum-30% Rhodium 0 to 13.82 mV Platinum-6% Rhodium 0 to 1820°C
C Tungsten-5% Rhenium 0 to 37.107mV Tungsten-26% Rhenium 0 to 2320°C
The first three are the most common of the thermocouples in use throughout industry. The most predominate for years was the Type J. This has been replaced in more recent years with the type T and K thermocouples due to the maintenance issues of the Type J iron thermocouple wire and iron connections corroding. Thermocouples and wires come in a variety of packages and insulations to handle a wide variety of applications. The actual thermocouple is no more than a weld bead on the end of the two material wires. These can be extremely small, with the smallest thermocouple wire being around 0.001” in diameter. This can create a micro thermocouple with a response time under 0.05 seconds. The response time of a thermocouple is defined as the time it takes to reach 62.3% of an instantaneous temperature change. These microscopic thermocouples would be very useful to measure the body temperature of a honey bee, but would certainly not be well suited to measuring the temperature of water flowing at thirty feet per second in a ten inch diameter pipe. For this reason there are a wide variety of probes and sheath materials. Probes are typically thermocouples placed inside a stainless steel, or other material tube. This tube can be open on the end exposing the junction, or closed, encasing the junction. In addition this junction can be either isolated from the sheath material, or welded to it. All of these configurations are available in sheath diameters from .010” to ?” in diameter. In addition the sheath material may be other than stainless steel. Inconel is a higher temperature material and is used where stainless steel is not satisfactory. In addition to the standard probes described above there is a wide array of cement on, bolt on and surface measurement probes. There are also armored cable units for extremely harsh industrial environments. Like the thermocouple probe itself, the thermocouple wire comes in a wide variety of configurations. Insulation, wire size, cable protection are all available in a variety of choices. The wire itself comes in two grades. Extension grade and thermocouple grade. Typically the extension grade is not as precisely controlled for material content, and as a result is less expensive. The thermocouple grade is more precisely controlled, and is suited for welding thermocouples. Wire size varies greatly, but most extension grade wire is between 24 AWG and 14 AWG diameter. Most all thermocouple wire is also prepared as a duplex wire. This means that there are two insulated wires inside an outer sheath. Each wire is one of the materials required for the appropriate thermocouple selected. As an example, a Type T thermocouple wire would contain one copper wire and one constantan wire. Each of these would be insulated, and then an insulating outer cover would be added. The insulation materials will vary from Polyvinyl to glass braid to Teflon. The particular combination of insulating materials is dictated by the temperature of the environment it will be in. In addition to a variety of materials and sizes, there is a wide selection of colors. Each color corresponds to a particular thermocouple type. In duplex wire the red colored insulation is always on the NEGATIVE lead. The positive lead will be color coded as will the outer sheath material. The following colors are the standard indicator colors in the United States. Other color codes exist in Europe. Type Materials Color Outer cover
Iron White J Constantan(Cu-Ni) Red Black Copper Blue
T Constantan(Cu-Ni) Red Blue Cromel (Ni-Cr) Yellow
K Alumel (Ni- Al) Red Yellow Cromel (Ni-Cr) Purple
E Constantan(Cu-Ni) Red Purple Nicrosil (Ni-Cr-Si) Orange
N NiSil (Ni-Si-Mg) Red Orange Platinum-13% Rhodium Black
S Platinum Red Green Platinum-30% Rhodium Gray
B Platinum-6% Rhodium Red Gray Tungsten-5% Rhenium White
C Tungsten-26% RheniumRed White/Red stripe
In addition to the wires being coded with this color scheme, the connectors are also color coded the same color as the outer cover code. This allows for easy identification of the materials and wires in a system. One additional color that is common, but not in the list is white. White connectors and wire are plain copper on both, or all three, terminals for use with thermistors and RTDs. Accuracy and range
The table in the section above shows the typical temperature limits of some of the more standard thermocouple configurations. These ranges are considered to be the extreme operating range of the thermocouples. Since the thermocouple is actually just a pair of wires welded together, it is possible to use these outside the stated operating range. The physical limit is based on the melting point of the wire. There is no calibration for values outside the operating range, and field calibration will have to be used. Accuracy of thermocouples is base on the purity of the wire and the wire junction. In previous years thermocouples were welded using a mercury bath. This has been replaced with carbon block welders operating under inert gas. Each type of wire has its own limits of error based on materials deviations. There are also special wires available that have been manufactured and tested at much tighter compositions. The table below shows the standard wires available from Omega, and their limits of error. The limits of error in this table show two values, a temperature and a percent. The temperature is the value of the reading in +/- degrees C. This is the value that should be used unless the percent of scale value is greater. The percent of scale value is calculated by the taking the measured temperature above 0°C x Percent listed in the table. As an example a Type T standard error thermocouple reading 200°C would have a calculated error of +/- 1.5°C. This is greater than the 1°C designated as the base. This means that the actual temperature that the thermocouple is sensing is 200°C ±1.5 (between 198.5°C and 201.5°C). This same thermocouple indicating a reading of 50°C would have a calculated error of 0.375°C. This is less than the 1°C base value, so the actual value of the temperature is 50°C±1 (between 49°C and 51°C). Type Standard SLE
2.2°C 1.1°C J 0.75% 0.4%
1°C 0.5°C T 0.75% 0.4%
2.2°C 1.1°C K 0.75% 0.4%
1.7°C 1°C E 0.5% 0.4% Measurement.
Any measurement with a thermocouple requires an understanding of how dissimilar metal junctions actually effect the measurement. Lets take the simple case of a single TC attached to a simple analog mV meter. You can see in this graphic that there is a second copper – constantan junction where the meter leads connect to the thermocouple wires. This junction will be measuring whatever the temperature of the meter is. Note also that the voltage of this junction is opposing that of the measurement TC. This will case an error of approximately negative room temperature. This is solved by adding an additional thermocouple to the circuit. This added thermocouple will convert the constantan wire back to copper. Like the undesired junction the temperature of this reference junction will also buck the temperature of the measurement junction. The trick is to put this reference TC at a known value, and then add the voltage from that value back into the reading. Looking at a simple measurement we can follow the voltage. An unknown temperature on the measurement TC is generating a voltage of 12.013mV. At room temperature of 18°C, the reference junction will generate a voltage of 0.709mV (from the table). Adding the reference voltage back to the measured voltage, we get a true reading of 12.722mV. Looking this up on the table we find that the actual measured temperature is between 262 and 263°C. It would be nice if we didn’t have to worry about the temperature of the room varying while we are taking measurements, or having to add the reference voltage back in. It just so happens that if we place the reference thermocouple into an ice bath or 0°C water, that we solve both of these problems. The voltage generated by a Type T thermocouple at 0°C is 0mV. The final configuration is shown in the following graphic. This technique works for Type T, J and K thermocouples. Other materials do not necessarily generate 0mV at 0°C and the math is still required. Thermocouples of types other than T do leave one other problem. The figure below shows the same ice bath configuration for a type K thermocouple. Note that there is a difference between the Type K and the Type T wiring. In this Type K wiring there are two cromel – copper junctions. If these two were at different temperatures, there would be an error induced. The normal technique for this, is to make sure both of these connections occur at or close to the same temperature. Isothermal terminal connections with both junctions placed close together minimizes error from these two junctions. This system with the ice bath works well for short term operations with one or two thermocouples, it would be impossible to deal with several thousand ice baths in a process plant. To get around this issue, manufacturers have developed three different devices. The electronic ice bath, the electronic ice point compensator and cold junction compensation. The electronic ice point bath is little more than a precisely calibrated thermopile, holding a plate at the constant temperature of 0°C. The reference thermocouple is then attached to this plate, making it a “dry” ice bath. The electronic ice point compensator is an electronic box with a thermocouple connector on one end and a copper-copper connector on the output. The internal wiring is similar to what you see below. This device uses cold junction compensation to convert the wire types from the special metal type to standard copper. The output connections can then be wired to any device using straight copper wire. The heart of this device is the technique of cold junction compensation or CJC. This technique involves measuring the temperature of an isothermal block where the connections to the thermocouple wire are made, and then adding the appropriate voltage to the positive lead to compensate for the voltage removed by the junction created at the isothermal block. The sensor typically used for this is a semiconductor temperature sensor, which will be discussed in detail in a later section. The use of CJC devices and the CJC technique has been aided by microprocessor based meters and readouts. In the early days of the technique, each TC type had to be dealt with separately. For instance, the voltage at the isothermal block generated by room temperature is different from one TC type to another. The electronics had to know which TC type it was, and how to linearize the effects. In today’s meters and controllers, the isothermal block is now at the back of the meter, eliminating the dual metal thermocouple connector. In this way multiple TC types can be dealt with by simply changing the programming running in the processor. The following block diagram shows a typical controller. This diagram shows the basic components inside a modern temperature controller or meter. The temperature is converted to a voltage by the thermocouple. The voltage is amplified and then passed to the CPU. The CPU also acquires the temperature of the thermal block. With these two pieces of information the CPU can calculate the true temperature being read by the thermocouple. Based on this value it can display it, output an analog signal depicting that temperature in some scaled value and handle the control of some component to manipulate the process that the temperature is monitoring.
4.4 Semiconductor Probes
Semiconductor probes are the third main category of probe. Like a resistance probe, they require a current (or voltage) supply to create a reading. This is where the similarity ends. Semiconductor probes are created from a semiconductor wafer that contains a number of active circuits. Probably the most common of these are the Analog Devices AD590 Device. The actual circuit that the device consists of is shown below. This device is essentially a temperature variable resistance device, which then converts the change in resistance to a change in current. In this particular device, the controlled current output is equal to 1μA/°K. These devices do not typically have the accuracy that an RTD would due to the manufacturing tolerances, however they are extremely cost effective for large volume applications. The devices have a relatively large initial tolerance or absolute offset, but this is countered by a very high level of repeatability. As an example, an AD590K will vary as much as ±2.5°C at 25°C, but once you know what this offset is, you can adjust for it and the device will be able to make measurements that are repeatable to within 0.1°C. It will do this for a cost of $8.95 (Single part and $6.50 /1000), and require virtually no other circuitry before the temperature signal can be used in a larger circuit. The Dallas semiconductor MAX7500 is a fully digital implementation with a ±2°C error, and a 2 wire digital output ready to interface to small microprocessors. This devise is even less expensive at $0.65 (per 1000). In addition to the AD590, there are literally hundreds of semiconductor devices that output their data as either a current, a voltage or even a digital bit stream. National semiconductor shows 12 current products, and Dallas Semiconductor shows 99 devices. Most of these are based on the same theory as the AD590, but in a variety of temperature ranges and output types. The simplicity of this device makes it extremely useful for electronic ice point compensation devices. While these devices are generally useful, one should take care in designing the circuitry to prevent accidental destruction of the device or some section of your system. In general it is best to get your favorite Electrical Engineer involved when using a device like this. However, a backyard experimenter can easily use one for non critical systems at home, as there are a wide variety of application notes available on the web, showing how to use these for home thermometers and such.
5.0 Non-Contact devices
The non-contact temperature sensor category includes a wide variety of primarily optical devices. These all operate on some form of radiative heat transfer measurement. In general, all things radiate heat. This heat can be detected as a radiation from the device. By measuring this radiation, you can determine the temperature of the device, not only from a distance of a few millimeters, but also from millions of light years distant. While most mechanical engineers won’t really care what the temperature of a particular star in another galaxy may be, they very well may want to know what the temperature of a piece of steel emerging from a heat treat furnace may be. Running up and touching the piece of nearly molten metal was once the primary method of measuring its temperature. Today we look at its radiation signature and determine the temperature.
5.1 Single reading devices
If you are looking to cost effectively measure the temperature of a piece of steel emerging from a furnace, you probably don’t care what the exact temperature of the entire surface is. A general temperature of the chunk will probably be adequate. For this we use a single point reading device. This type of device works by allowing the radiation to strike an infrared sensitive element. The radiation is directed to this element by a simple system of lenses. These lenses can focus the radiation from a small spot hundreds of feet away or a large area from very close. These systems require that you have a certain knowledge of the material you are sensing. The emissivity of the material is a number between 0 and 1 that takes into account wavelength, waveband, reflectivity, transmissivity, absorptivity, absorption coefficient etc. This is not the same thing as Total Emissivity that you learned about in your thermal radiation course. This emissivity is referred to as spectral emissivity. In order to get an accurate reading with a thermal radiation thermometer you will need to have this value. They are most easily obtained from tables. An Infrared Radiation Thermometer measurement with an emissivity correction is almost always required when one meets two simple conditions: a) the object of interest is expected to be significantly hotter than its surroundings (and there's no other source of IR radiation which can reflect off the object into the Thermometer, like sunlight, arc lamp or quartz lamp radiation etc.) and, b) when you are reasonably confident that you know the value of the spectral emissivity of the object (of course within the response waveband of the Thermometer). The thermal radiation from the surroundings will be reflected from the object of measurement, except under the most unusual conditions, into the IR Thermometer. That results in the sensor reading a falsely high temperature (the magnitude of the error depends on several factors, not the least of which is the reflectivity of the object and the difference in temperature between the object and its surroundings) If you are in a position to use this type of measurement, spend a long time reading the current literature on spectral emissivity to be sure you understand how to set your instrument or you will most certainly get temperatures that are of little or no value.
5.2 Camera Field Devices
Today’s market has a wide variety of devices that fall into the camera field area. These devices “look” at objects and display the varying temperatures that it sees as an image. These devices are an adaptation of heat seeker heads originally created for military missile use. Think of the device as a digital camera, similar to what you might buy at your local discount store. The CCD element “sees” light in a variety of visible wavelengths and returns the results of these findings to a display or memory card. Those wavelengths that are close to 700nm are returned as red’s and oranges, and those closer to 450nm are returned as blues and violets. Our mind sees these results and recognizes these colors. The thermal camera style device does the same thing, but in the infrared wavelength range (between 1mm and 750nm). Different systems work in different ranges. Two ranges of IR device exist, far IR (typically those wavelengths longer than 1000nm) and near IR (those wavelengths closer to the visible range than 1000nm). Both of these devices work the same way, but use slightly different detector designs in order to obtain information in the desired wavelength. The basic principle is the same as the digital camera, with the single difference that the computer chip looks at the signal from the detector grid, and converts it to a signal that the human eye can understand. In this way we can “look” at a picture of the infrared radiation being emitted by the bodies in the image field, with different wavelengths (temperatures) being displayed as different intensities or colors.
6.0 Control System
6.1 Control System Outputs
Today’s market has hundreds of combinations of temperature readouts and controllers, ranging from simple single input on/off controllers to high end multiple channel PWM controllers. Selecting the appropriate controller or readout can be a daunting task, made worse by the wide variety of terminology and control functions available. The list below includes the most common selections. ON/OFF control: This method of control is the most basic control method. The output of the control is simply switched on or off as needed to control the process. Typically the switching duration will be longer than one second. The decision on when to turn on or off is based on the control algorithm in the controller. This can be a simple proportional controller, P/D (Proportional / Derivative) or PID (Proportional / Integral / Derivative) type. The actual output element would normally be either a simple relay contact, DC pulse output or SSR (Solid state relay). Other choices can be gotten such as a Triac or SCR, but normally these are only used by EE types. PWM Control: The PWM or Pulse Width Modulation control is used to control higher end devices. The PWM signal is a square wave output of a fixed frequency that varies the on duration of the signal or the duty cycle. This signal is typically a low level DC voltage signal in the rage of 0 to 5 volts or 0 to 24 volts. It can also be done in a current output such as 4 to 20 milliamps. In each of these cases the minimum value represents the off state and the high value represents the on state of the signal. This type of a signal is normally used to control valves or positioners. Typically the base frequency of this type of control is in the range of a few hundred hertz, but can be as high as ten or twenty thousand hertz. This frequency is dependent on the particular controller and the needs of the device under control. The on percentage of the PWM signal generates the desired valve opening, closing or position.
Analog Output: The analog output control method uses a variable analog signal, such as a 0-10 volt DC, -10 to +10 volt signal or current signal (0 to 20 ma or 4 to 20 ma) as the control output. This signal is generated by the controller, and similar to the PWM control the level is proportional to the controllers command signal. As an example, if the control was generating a 0 to 10 volt control signal, a 25% output would be 2.5volts, and a 50% control output would be 5 volts. This signal is very commonly used in a 4-20 milliamp output configuration since a signal below 4 milliamps indicates a line failure and a definite control action can be taken to put the system in a failed safe mode. This signal output is always a very low power signal and additional power amplification is required at the control device end to make an actual control move.
Relay Output: The relay output control generally consists of a form C or form A relay contact. The relay contact generally has a current rating of ten amps or less, and many times less than one amp. This type of control is the least expensive of the control outputs and is only useful in and ON/OFF controller. The cycle time from ON to OFF usually needs to be something longer than five seconds to prevent premature failure of the relay. There are two ways in which the relay contact can be shown. The graphic below shows both methods for both a form A and form C contact.
DC Pulse output: This method of control output generates a DC signal that is of low power. The low power signal is fed to a control device that has the ability to turn the low power switching signal into either a high power signal or into an actual control value. For instance, using a pulse output signal for an on off control, wired to a solid state relay can allow a single controller to drive hundreds of thousands of watts of heating capacity.If this same signal is used in a PWM system, it can be used to control the position of valves the size of small cars. The signal itself tells the control device what to do, and the control device uses additional power to amplify this signal to a physical change.
SSR Output: The solid state relay output is an AC semiconductor version of a form A contact. That being it is either on or off. The solid state relay output will switch ONLY alternating current loads and will typically be limited to a maximum current of 5 amps. If larger currents are required, an external SSR is recommended. One caution to note. Solid state relays will switch only an alternating current load, and will only turn off as the voltage on the line side of the relay crosses zero. This only happens twice in each cycle. For this reason, setting an on/off time of less than 1/60th of a second will produce unexpected results. It also means that if you select a longer time and are using a PWM method of control the pulse width time (T2) will always be in 16 millisecond increments. This holds even if you are using a DC pulse width system to control an external SSR. In general it is a good idea to set your T1 time of any PWM or ON/OFF system driving an SSR to not less than one second.
Proportional control: The most basic control algorithm for control of any device, is to measure a command signal and subtract a feedback signal from it, creating an error signal. This error signal is amplified by a certain amount. This amount is known as GAIN. As the feedback signal varies farther from the command signal, the error x GAIN signal grows proportionally larger. This is the signal that generates the control output. In the case of ON/OFF control, when the proportional signal grows higher than a specified limit, the output is turned off. When the signal grows smaller than a certain amount, it turns the output on. This is a typical control method for a heater system. Using a Proportional control with a PWM or analog signal makes a more efficient system. In this control mode the amount of deviation from the set point changes the pulse width or analog output. The higher the error signal, the more the output signal is changed. This is the essence of proportional control. The output is changed proportionally to the error signal.
PD (Proportional – Derivative control): If you want to change the output signal quickly with a smaller change in the error signal you will get the system to hold the temperature some what better. The problem is that in this method the control has a tendency to overshoot, or raise the temperature higher than desired because it is heating faster to get to the set point faster. The rate of change of the feedback signal is known as the derivative of the signal. If the feedback signal deviates too quickly, there is a chance we will overshoot the desired value. By taking the rate of change of the signal into account we know we need to slow down the control output some to reduce this. The derivative of the feedback is subtracted from the error to minimize this. The new control algorithm would look something like:
(Command – feedback) * PropGain – Derivative (feedback) *DGain
PID (Proportional – Integral – Derivative): The PID control takes the PD control one step farther. Since the PD controller can actually settle at a set point different than the desired set point, due to the derivative action if the proportional gain is too low, we need to add an additional element to make sure that it gets there. The derivative action only works while the feedback is changing. If the proportional gain is not high enough the system will happily settle some place near, but not at, the desired control point. An integral is a sum over time. In this case it is the sum of the errors over a period of time. If the system has settled at a point below the set point, for instance, there will be some remaining error signal (command – feedback). Even if this error is small, since the integral is a sum over time, the integral value will begin building, and over time grow larger. If one were to add this new term to the existing control algorithm we would see something like the following:
( ) ( ) ( ) T command ? Feedback × PGain ? d feedback ×Dgain +Σ Error
As time passes the sum of the error grows until the output is forced to move, calling into play the derivative term once again. The integral value is generally entered as a time value for it to sum over. This number is usually small, some number of seconds or shorter depending on the process.
A. Transmitters and readouts
In addition to controllers, there are a wide variety of devices that fall in the category of transmitters and readouts. These devices are placed in close proximity to the transducer and an signal is output that is capable of being used at varying distances from the transducer. The three most common transmitter outputs are:
? Digital
? Current loop
? Voltage output
Each of these outputs have their advantages and disadvantages. When selecting an appropriate transmitter the two main criteria that need to be considered are the distance and environment being traversed, and the type of device receiving the data on the other end of the line.
6.2.1 Digital output transmitters.
Digital output transmitters are a class of devices that read the analog signal from a transducer and convert it to a digital data signal that can be sent over a data transmission wire to a remote system. These vary greatly in complexity and also cost. While these are the most expensive of the transmitter series, they are also the most flexible. The two primary transmission protocols are multi-drop and Ethernet. In either case the analog data must be converted to a digital format. This is typically done with a small embedded processor system and an analog-to-digital conversion chip. In some systems this A/D chip is embedded in the processor chip as well. Both of these systems require a significant overhead in additional circuitry for the communications, causing the price to be significantly higher than other methods. Multi-drop
Multi-drop transmission systems use a set of wires that are capable of connecting more than one transmitter at a time. The diagram below shows a simple multi-drop system with three temperature devices and transmitters and a single control computer. In this diagram you can easily see that the control computer can talk to and take data from a number of devices. While in theory you can have any number of devices on the line, the practical limit is 128 devices. The devices communicate with the computer in a differential voltage mode format to reduce the effects of noise on the communications lines. The two most common formats for this are RS-422 (4 wire cable) and RS-485 (2 wire cable). Neither of these should be confused with RS-232, which is the single point to point communications port found on most computers. Both RS-422 and RS-485 communications require a special card or converter for the computer to work with it. There are practical length limits to both of these forms as well. It is possible to use up to 4000 feet of cable with a maximum data rate of 56 kilobytes per second data transfer rate. For higher data rates lengths of less than 1500 feet are recommended. Both formats are considered a polled format. This means that the computer must ask each device “what is your reading” and the device will return “my current reading is xxx”. Some smarter devices can be programmed to save readings at a particular interval, say once each second. The computer can then ask for all of its data, which it then can erase to make room to save more. A typical RS-422 single reading device will cost around $300. Ethernet devices
The newest entry into the market is the class of Ethernet devices. The incorporation of distributed computing has opened the door to distributed control systems in process plants and factories. The ability of Ethernet to support thousands of devices, and to have a significant amount of intelligence at the control locations, make this a very useful technology for large scale plants. The diagram below shows a simple Ethernet network system. In the Ethernet system the computer can remotely take data from a wide array of sensing elements, and control an equally wide variety of elements. Some transmitters will be relatively unintelligent, just responding to a few simple commands and returning its data, while other can be programmed with control loops and complex analysis routines before ever passing their data back to the main control computer system. This vast flexibility allows for a wide variety of options, but at a cost. A National Instruments Compact Rio system with 4 thermocouple inputs, 4 RTD inputs and 4 current output control signals will cost nearly $3500.
6.2.2 Current output transmitters
The most common analog style transmitter is the current output device. This device will convert the signal from the probe into a scaled output that is transmitted on a 4 to 20 milliamp output. In a typical transmitter system, the transmitter reads the device input and calculates what the appropriate scaled output should be. As an example, a 0 to 500°F Temperature input would be scaled from 4 to 20 ma. This means that a temperature input of 100°F would be transmitted down the wires as a current of 7.2ma. Current loop systems work over long wire runs, up to 10,000 feet, and are fairly immune to noise induced on the wires. They are also fairly economical. A simple linear current transmitter from Omega will cost around $100 each. On the receiving end the computer must convert this signal back into something it can use. The most common method is to flow the current thru a precision resistor and measure the voltage generated across the resistor with a data acquisition card.
6.2.3 Voltage output transmitters
Most voltage output transmitters are intended for fairly short distance use. The lines are very susceptible to noise and are useful only over short distances. The most common use for these types of transmitters are from a readout in a control room environment to a data logging computer. This provides the operator with a visual reading of the temperature, as well as providing a scaled output to the computer for processing. In some installations, the computer is the only device seeing the data, and based on that data, will display messages or values to the operator. These transmitters and readouts are useful and range from a little over a hundred dollars to several hundred dollars. Voltage mode transmitters and outputs are extremely susceptible to induced noise, and should only be used in electrically quiet and short distance (less than 50 feet) applications.