Is the industrial metaverse worth writing home about?...

Is the industrial metaverse worth writing home about?...

Hi Reader,

In July 2023, 西门子 invested €500m in a new technology campus in Erlangen, Germany to help develop its vision of the industrial metaverse. The company intends to create a blueprint for the future - a real-time, photorealistic virtual representation of the world, where AI helps to create the next generation of high-tech, flexible and sustainable manufacturing technologies. However, is that really all that new?

Haven’t we been talking about, and even using, digital twins, extended and augmented reality, blockchain and virtual commissioning for more than a decade? Continue reading more below... ??

Lanna Deamer , Reporter at The Manufacturer.


AMRC exploring wire arc additive manufacturing for aerospace

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Funding secured to enhance manufacturing’s IoT capabilities

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Is the industrial metaverse worth writing home about?

In July 2023, 西门子 invested €500m in a new technology campus in Germany to help develop its vision of the industrial metaverse. The company intends to create a blueprint for the future - a real-time, photorealistic virtual representation of the world, where AI helps to create the next generation of high-tech, flexible and sustainable manufacturing technologies...


Powering the cognitive digital thread with GenAI to accelerate innovation

One of the most common issues for businesses, particularly those working in large organisations, is locating and accessing their data. In 2022, a joint survey conducted by Sinequa by ChapsVision and CMSWire found that a third of employees can’t find the information they’re looking for in their workspace, which includes heterogeneous file repositories, enterprise systems, etc...


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