Industrial Matters....especially to the Canadian Chamber of Commerce!
Ben Taddei
Partner and Chief Operating Officer at Conwest Developments Industrial Matters...Matter!
Hi Again!
Well, it looks like all of the recent press and grass roots advocacy regarding our Nation's long-term economic woes is starting to get some well deserved attention. Things are heating up!
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce (Official Website) released its 2024 Policy recommendations (See Policy Book). The Chamber will be voting on these policies at their AGM on Oct. 16-18. Then, it's off to Ottawa to advocate on behalf of our national business community. Hopefully they can get the Feds to make the much needed changes required to get us back on track. Remember, the right policies lead to economic prosperity for all!
The recommendations cover everything from Finance and Taxation, the Future of Work, Transportation and Infrastructure, Natural Resources, the Digital Economy and much more. My favorite part you don't know already...the part entitled Manufacturing and Value Chains. BOOYAH!
Recommendation 33: The Revitalization of Manufacturing in Canada.
Here it is in its entirety.
This is definitely a step in the right direction. So what can YOU DO to help the cause? Start by writing an email/letter to your local Member of Parliament (You can find them and their contact info doesn't get easier than that!) . Tell them why it's so important for us to have a national re-industrialization strategy. Then, start banging the drum on a daily basis. Have real, direct and helpful conversations with family, friends, colleagues etc. and explain to them why we need the recommendations outlined in the Chamber's book implemented. Then...VOTE!
Stay well!