Indus Valley Vedic Civilization
Indus Valley Vedic Civilization
The Decipherment of Indus Valley seals explores Vedic Sanskrit Lexicography as an intellectual language. As also it explores the antiquity of India’s Vedic culture as part of the life of Indians. After natural catastrophes, global warming, and ice age, the people moved towards villages to maintain harmony with nature. India’s village culture and the Europeans could not decode the Vedic language code and the height of the Vedic development. To worship the plants was superstition for them, although to worship plants is the most scientific as the plants are a source of life with photosynthesis on the earth. It was the main reason behind their ‘Aryan’ invasion hypothesis without basis. Aryan’ means well-civilized person. It has nothing to do with religion, caste, color, race, or creed. North India is near to the mountains cold and south is near to the seashore warm, it is the cause of the color difference between the north and south Indians. Hence Aryan invasion was a conspiracy to deny the antiquity of India. It is the Vedic Scientific Heritage of Mankind on the earth, which emphasizes the whole earth is one family like a global nest, a village. Biotechnology was the main business of Indus Valley as reflected on the copper tablets. The rich biodiversity of the Indian subcontinent is proof of the original inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent.
The key to deciphering the Indus valley seals is in the Vedic metaphors and Vedic Science. The Vedic metaphoric knowledge of creation and Biology has been engraved on the seals.
It is a known fact that India and Africa have the largest biodiversity zones in the world, it reflects their knowledge of biotechnology and the development of new species.
?gveda the oldest literary record of human civilization on the earth has no description of the temple or iconic worship. The Indus Valley has no trace of the temple or idol worship and their religious beliefs. It suggests that Vedas in original are not only religious scriptures.
The excavation of the fire altar at some places is an indication of their knowledge of sacrifice-yajna. It is common to sign of Indus-Vedic culture testimony.
A well-developed, city organization, the existence of a dockyard and dam, indicates their foreign connections for trade. Indus
Vedic culture was having trade contacts with summer, Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Babylon.
In excavation at Indus Valley, the Archaeologists have discovered a large number of crop varieties and the croplands with irrigation facilities and water supply through the canal system. A large number of water reservoirs and wells with a big dam reveal the fact that the civilization was a scientifically developed society having no place for God and Soul, as we believe today. With the scientific developments, they reach the peak of the development, and the ecological disaster, global warming, and flooding with time was the main cause of the destruction of the Indus Valley- Vedic culture. The excess irrigation and deforestation may be the cause of the ecological disaster and the formation of the desert. They were having the knowledge of global warming and its impact hence before the catastrophe they have evacuated the areas nearby the seashore and rescued themselves. Due to this after flooding and release of the dam water, the whole area was under the sea mud, which has its emergence afterward on the earth with the geological disturbances with which we are in contact at present. Due to this in the highly populated areas the human skeletons have not been excavated in large quantities and those, who have not escaped, might have been the victims of the sea currents. Accordingly the traces of laboratories, machines have could not be found.
They have reached the peak of development scientifically. They may have exploited nature through cross-breeding, Hybridization, and the development of new species for domestic purposes. Their achievement in this field and consequent development of Biotechnology has been reflected on the seals through the pictographs.
They have compiled their knowledge in the Vedic hymns after going far away from the affected regions. They have emphasized harmony with nature and the natural components. The?Puru–a sêkta?is the latest with a supreme knowledge of the creation in sixteen verses. The compilation of the Vedic hymns is after reaching at the peak of the development and after the ecological disaster, it can be confirmed from the?Asya vamiya Sukta- The hymn of the supreme. The scientific knowledge compiled in the Vedic hymns reflects that the?Vedic Science is vis-à-vis modern science,?along with it; the Atharvaveda has a hymn on global warming. It is the testimony that they were acquainted with global warming and its impact. Accordingly, they have developed harmony with nature and traced the origin of life and its scientific reason behind it on the earth. This knowledge has been acquired in the post-Indus valley Vedic culture era.
The Indus Valley- Vedic culture was scientifically developed in various fields along with gene Technology. We can trace the facts from the pictographic seals. A look at the seals with deep insight reveals the fact that the engraved small pictographs associated with the animal or human figure are complimentary with each other. They are the symbolic expressions for which the seals were prepared. The pictograph, which has been engraved on the seals is basically the same for all people. It is also a fact that such a development is not possible without the scientific and ecological knowledge and the principles working in the creation. The Vedic scientific principles synonym to our modern knowledge can justify the development and the compilation of the Vedic hymns was for the future generation to come on the earth.
Let?us?with?tuneful?skill proclaim these generations of the Gods, that one may see them when these hymns are chanted in a future age.?g.10-72 1.
Lexigraphy; where each word, sentence or hymn signifies a symbol. In this sense, the symbols on the seals are complementary with Vedic symbolism for demonstration and teaching with its text in Vedic hymn.
To interpret the Vedic hymns has been a great puzzle for scholars. It is because the scholars were not acquainted with the Vedic scientific terminology and height of Vedic science. .?UNESCO has included the?Rigveda in the list of world heritage. It is unanimously accepted that the Vedas are the oldest literary monuments of human civilization on the earth.
Veda is the first word of the civilized person on the earth. "What can be more tedious than the Veda, and yet what can be more interesting, if once we know that it is the first word spoken by the Aryan man?" These are words of F. Max Muller, who has the credit to introduce Vedas in the world. The ‘Aryan’ means civilized person.
DNA from Sun
The discovery of DNA by Watson and Crick in 1953 has brought revolution in Biotechnology The scientists are involved in preparing Bio-weapons for chemical warfare. They are working in retrogressive manner to destroy human civilization without. The DNA has much more to save humanity. The decipherment of the Indus Valley seals explore much more with its text in Vedas. DNA is a vessel of Life, the purine and pyrimidine base pair have come from the sun with the inbuilt mechanism of transcription and translation with three immortal and three stages of life. The immortal phonon voice follows from generation to generation with new life.
Life is a trinity of three immortal
Three immortal
Hear all the Gods my words,?Sarasvati give ear together with Puramdhi and with holy thoughts (Rig-Veda 10-65-14)
Speak forth the three words, the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that produces nectar.
Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the infant (Rig. 7-101-1)
The?Sarasvati?thought words ensign of existence with the chemical energy of food, which generates thoughts in mind and vital energy ensign of life manifest with action, the germ of plants and infants as well.
The three immortal; the resonant vibration of words precede light, they together produced the nectar, which milk this udder with cell body, the ensign of existence. With this, the fundamental energy Soma, manifested like Bull, and Bull bellowed engendering germ of plants, the infant also. The speed of the resonant waves is more than the light, which stimulates the action.
1. The immortal underlying space of sky imparted mass to elementary particles with resonant vibration, the ensign of the existence of all.
2. The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feed the living-beings
3. The immortal DNA with resonant words is the light of life for all.
'Sarasvati' is not a terrestrial river, the immortal phonon is flowing in countless channels with life-like streams in the ocean of life. The discovery of the fundamental energy works with its dualistic force photon and phonon has been engraved on Gold plate excavated at Indus Valley. It was the highest discovery confirmed at Grand Canyon. The immortal phonon is the smallest unit of sound Voice vibrations, and photon is the smallest unit of light It follows the immortal DNA from generation to generation with new life and brought forward the infinite nature 'Aditi' in action.
Gold plate Indus Valley India Einstein’s Unification theory Shows that phonon and photon are connected at the molecular lever with the complementary wavelength. DNA is vessel of Life
The phonon and phonon are like two parallel streams of a river, their flow has been halted with the formation of the atom, and the phonon with underlying skys pace imparted mass to three subatomic particles, where fundamental energy appears in the center and binds them in series ensign of the existence of all. The vital fundamental energy is in the center like a pillar.?The immortal phonon stimulates the DNA with the origin of life and beholds all existing.
Life on the earth is a trinity of three immortal. To evolve one’s self from animal instincts to human instincts and higher divine instincts is the aim of life under the cycle of rebirth and death.
The thought and words of an individual are immortal, they follow the mankind with immortal DNA from generation to generation with new life to face the consequences of his deeds in life. It has been described as Rebirth or reincarnation in the Religious scriptures.
The hair knot on the head
The hair knot on the head in the Indian culture denote the same.
The atmospheric ocean is treasure house of immortal phonon thought words and beholds life consciousness.
The biggest challenge is the precosmic conditions to know the equal and opposite wavelengths of Vital energy in precosmic conditions. The root cause of creation.
INDIAN SUBCONTINENT BHARAT Named Hindustan by the invaders unaware Vedic culture. Vedas are oldest literary record of Human civilization on Earth.
The civilization developed gradually and reached its peak touching the zenith of the creation. The electromagnetic rays of light travel with vibration, and sound. The photon and phonon are two complementary forces of nature connected at the molecular level with equal and opposite wavelengths.
Ancient Egypt belongs to a greatly developed civilization Fundamental Energy works with its dualistic force photon and phonon. After the natural catastrophe, the civilization was buried in the sea and desert, raised again with time conquered by different kings, and tribes. Pyramids still survive embody their achievements, and wonder for the world.
Dualistic Force of Vital Energy
The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic for
ce Phonon and Photon, it has been termed both the father and their son metaphorically. The phonon is immortal.
???????? ?????? ??? ?????? ????????????? ????? ??? ??? ??????
???? ? ????? ?????? ?????????? ??????? ????? ? ?? ?????? ???????
Both their father is also their son; both the chief is also the meanest (Kaniha) of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb Ath. 10-8-28
The fundamental energy works with its dualistic force Phonon and Photon. They together have been termed as both the father and their son metaphorically.?of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb.?Out of these two, one Phonon has entered in the mind first and stimulated the language of DNA in the womb, the phonon is earliest, it has activated the Dark matter in pre=cosmic conditions.
?????????? ???? ????????? ???? ????????? ??? ?????????????
??????????? ????? ??????? ????????? ????????????? ??? ????
By their power these Twain in close succession move;
They go as playing children around the sacrifice.
The electromagnetic rays travel with vibrations and sound in close succession with actions and interactions.
‘‘One of the pair beholdeth all existing things; the other ordereth seasons and is born again’’ Rg.10- LXXXV-18
One holds all existing things is phonon, which is immortal, and other photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time and is born again.
The sapient with their spirit and their mind behold the bird adorned with all an Asura’s magic might The hair knot on the head signifies the same. Above the organisms in a circle to express that one force beholds all existing.
The?Sarasvati?thought words ensign existence with the chemical energy of fBy their power these Twain in close succession move;
They go as playing children around the sacrifice.
The electromagnetic rays travel with vibrations and sound in close succession with actions and interactions.
‘‘One of the pair beholdeth all existing things; the other ordereth seasons and is born again’’ Rg.10- LXXXV-18
One holds all existing things is phonon, which is immortal, and other photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time and is born again.
The immortal phonon follows?The Ashvins nucleotide pair?from generation to generation with new life.
The sapient with their spirit and their mind behold the bird adorned with all an Asura’s magic might
The voice is the identity of life; the DNA mental code grasps it first in the womb and pronounces it with the birth of an infant to cherish life. The auspicious rein wave binds the life consciousness between life and death as two bow ends between birth and death.
Here, verily. I bind you, fast as the two bow-ends with the string. Press down these men, O lord of speech that they may humbly speak to me. 10-166-3
The equal, and opposite wavelength of vital energy binds the life consciousness between life and death as two bow ends between birth and death. The phonon wave adorned to the cell body generates thoughts in the mind, and vital energy ensigns of life appears with birth and disappears with aging and death, the germ of plants and infants as well. The immortal thought words follow the immortal Tvashta DNA from generation to generation with new life.
Life on the earth is a trinity of three immortals. To evolve one’s self from animal instincts to human instincts and higher divine instincts is the aim of life under the cycle of rebirth anddeath
The two equal, and opposite forces are connected at the molecular level with complementary wavelengths. The phonon strikes and rebounds with electron transfer in the opposite directions, and the photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time.
Demonstration at Kali Temple Kashmir & Gyanvapi Varanasi
Krama is where Kāli?
Krama is one of the four pillars of Advaita Shaiva Darshan of Kashmir. Other three are Pratyabhij?ā, Spanda and Kula.
Caste system
The caste system is indigenous to India, which is based on hereditary principles. The unity in diversity has flourished in the Indian subcontinent under the caste system, they observed cultural integrity. To project diversity, the British Emperor of India has used monotheism and polytheism to divide the Indians in the name of Religion.
The Indus Valley Civilization- Lamberg, Karlovsky, who drew attention to the astounding degree of cultural homogeneity in the vast area of the Indus Valley Civilization, juxtaposed with the lack of any evidence for a centralized political structure. Not only is there uniformity of culture, but the physical layout of the community is replicated irrespective of whether it is the 5-acre site of Allahdino or the 150-acre site of Mohenjo-Daro. Lamberg-Karlovsky believes this ‘enigma’ can be adequately explained by supposing that only an exceptional social organization such as the caste system can account for this. He finds a variety of archaeological evidence to support this. The residential units at Indus sites, for example, were much larger than other contemporaneous sites, suggesting a stronger sense of kin identities or groupings. He notes that competition in a class-structured society results in a much wider variety of styles and methods of production, wherein in a caste system, much more uniformity is to be expected, as is evidenced by the artifacts unearthed in the Indus Valley sites. Caste organization would also explain the social stability of such a massive culture in the absence of a centralized state or chieftainship. Finally, the concern with purity in a caste system is simply evidenced in the Archaeological record by the un-parallel attention and concern given to the control of and access to water and sanitation; at Mohenjo-Daro, there is an average of one well for every three houses.
If we consider the hypothesis of Lamberg-Karlovsky that the Caste system is indigenous to India, which is based on hereditary characters, its principles can be seen in Indus Valley gene technology.
Global warming
Global warming is a modern threat to the existence of life on the earth, it seems that the earth may have faced this situation earlier too as indicated in the?Atharvaveda?in a lucid manner Ath.10-8
Age of the Veda
As per the Hamburg Institute of Meteorology of Max Planck Society, Germany under a project on?Climap?has reported that identical to today’s ‘Greenhouse Effect’ and consequent Global warming had occurred about 18000 years ago and a consequent ice age was there and North America, Europe, and Siberia were covered with thick snow cover in between Siberia and Alaska a Landbridge was formed through which people were migrated. (German News Sept. 89, Page 25).
Vedic culture has flourished on the earth 18000 years ago before the ice age. The scientific principles incorporated in Veda were rediscovered at Indus Valley and Grand Canyon 11 thousand years ago. The world came to know about India after the raid of Alexander the Great in 326 BC
Another major event was the discovery of the ancient cities of?Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro?in the 1820s and the great history of Indian culture came into light and became the most important for the Archaeologist, Historians, Linguistics, and Anthropologist to work on the Indian culture, Veda and Sanskrit.
Result and Conclusion
The Decipherment of Indus Valley seals explores Vedic Sanskrit Lexicography as an intellectual language. As also it explores the antiquity of India’s Vedic culture as part of the life of Indians. After natural catastrophes, global warming, and the ice age, the people moved to villages to maintain harmony with nature. India’s village culture and the Europeans could not decode the Vedic language code and the height of the Vedic development. To worship the plants was superstition for them, although to worship plants is the most scientific as the plants are a source of life with photosynthesis on the earth. It was the main reason behind their ‘Aryan’ invasion hypothesis without basis. Aryan’ means well-civilized person. The Indian subcontinent was known as ‘Aryavrat’ GRANDBHARAT; MAHABHARAT
It has nothing to do with religion, caste, color, race, or creed. North India is near to the mountains cold and south is near to the seashore warm, it is the cause of the color difference between the north and south Indians.?The Rev. Robert Caldwell 1814 used the term Dravidian for People of south India. India have many languages but Sanskrit in common in all rituals and traditions all over India. In the South they follow ‘Krishna Yajurveda’ and the North Indians follow ‘Shukla Yajurveda’ both are Vedic branches.
The European scholars have interpreted that the white fair ?ryan?Indra?has defeated the black demons without nose and pushed them southward, the black people of south India known as?Dravidic?are the original in habitants of India converted by the ?ryans?in to the Vedic culture. In actual sense war and battle are symbolic metaphors to express the molecular reactions.
The?Indra?represents electricity and demons means obstacle, it has been indicated that black spots on the sun’s surface are the obstacles in the luminosity of the sun, due to the charge of the?Indra-electrostatic energy with the formation of electromagnetic energy the black spots have been destroyed. It has been expressed symbolically to indicate the sun spots. The existence of the sun spots on the sun’s surface in?Rohita sêkta?of the Atharvaveda have been indicated by white sons of black mother symbolically due to the solar flares coming out from the sun spots with the formation of electromagnetic energy.
The battle described between the ?rya and the black demons-Dasyu?is a symbolic expression for the removal of the obstacle during the natural phenomena. The ?rya means well cultured- good system and the black demon represent the obstacle during the reaction.
In the same fashion the essence of the creation has been described as the four horned buffalo, where four horns are symbolic expression for the four dimensional structure of the atom, where the three fundamental particles- electron, proton, neutron generates the magnetic energy, due to the spinning of the vibratory electrons around the nucleus. It is the base or essence of the creation. The essence has been termed as?Gh?ta-clarified butter, it means the essence of the buffalo milk is ghee, in the same fashion the four dimensional structure of the Atom has the essence of the creation.
Further the structure of the DNA has been expressed through the buffalo, which has four horns four bases with two head- two strips and three legs represents triplet code of three bases known as genetic code Rig-Veda 4-58
Life has evolved from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division. The cell divides from chromosome to chromosome through mitosis and meiosis and produces four cells.
For the celestial Race this song of praise which gives wealth lavishly ?g.1-20-1
The celestial race-cell, the?Rbhu-
The Fish like symbol is for cell and cell division Ist and second.
The Nucleus has been termed as?B?haspati,?the DNA has been termed as?Tva–—è?and?Vivasvat, the chromosome has been termed as Yama?the cell division has been expressed as re newel of parents.
6. The sacrifice ladle, wrought newly by the God Tva–—è’s hand (DNA) Four ladles have ye made thereof.
The sacrificial ladles (developing cell) were made new by Tva–—è-genetic?The Vedic hymns have their beginning, with the discovery of a single unified force and dualistic force of fundamental energy Photon and Phonon.
This Puru?a is all that yet hath been and that is to be;?The lord of immortality, which waxes greater still by food Rig-Veda 10-90-2
How the creation has evolved? It has been indicated in the Puru?a sūkta, where the fundamental energy has been imagined metaphorically in the form of a Puru?a, with innumerable heads, eyes, and feet, he pervades the earth and the world, and even above and fingers-finger wide space, it indicates that the fundamental energy-Puru?a is present everywhere.
India was the paradise on earth, but now India is a mental slave to Britain for everything requires a certificate from Britain. for the Indian mental slaves, ‘Black Buffalo and Black word are same’ It is due to the long slavery of the Mughal, and British rulers, who brought forward the ‘Aryan invasion Theory’ to deny the antiquity of India. Veda means knowledge, ‘Aryan means, well cultured civilized person, and Veda is the first word of the civilized person on earth Rig-Veda is the book of science embodies the origin and the evolution of the creation and life. Creation and life is the trinity of the three immortals termed as ‘Trayee Vidhya’ Rig-Yaju-Sama.
Rig- means Sky, space indestructible supreme resign of existence modern Higgs field.
Yaju - means fast-moving electron, which stimulates the event with the transfer of Electrons, and the photon undergoes synthesis, and degradation with time, and the creation came into the existence
Sama- means resonant electromagnetic rays of light, which travel with vibration, and sound, the phonon vibration wave is immortal, and the earliest activated dark matter in pre-cosmic condition with fundamental energy ‘Soma’ in action with blasts, and light, the photon and phonon are two equal and opposite forces of nature run parallel in a straight way, their flow has been halted with the Higgs field, underlying space imparted mass to the elementary particles with Asteroids and planets.
There is no war or history in the Vedas, The ‘Soma’ is the magnetism in the cosmos, the Indra is Electricity with charge as weapons, The ‘Sarasvati’ is not a terrestrial river, The immortal phonon Vac Voice is flowing in the countless channel with life, Sarasvati voice inspire with the thoughts in mind with the wisdom, is the source of the infinite nature, working everywhere’
Noseless Black demons Dravid killed by the white Indra Aryans ?
The black spots on the sun’s surface with no protuberance are described as nose less demons, the Indra electricity with the charge activated the black spot with light, and the black spots are the obstacles. The Black spots on the sun’s surface have been described as white son’s of Black mother, which explode with light in the Rohit Sukta Atharvaveda
Brihaspati,?provide in the war for cattle; find a path, Indra, for this faithful singer.
The beautiful singer ‘Brihaspati’ is a nucleus in the cell body, which sings the song of life with Indra's electricity, and water, Indra's electricity freed the cattle means the synthesis of the cellular products with food metabolism feed the living-beings like cow’s milk, the Griffith translation:
20 Gods, we have reached a country void of pasture the land, though spacious, was too small to hold us. B?haspati, provide in the war for cattle; find a path, Indra, for this faithful singer.
21 Day after day far from their seat he drove them, alike, from place to place, those darksome creatures. The Hero slew the meanly-huckstering Dāsas, Varcin, and ?ambara, where the waters gather
They have touched the zenith of the creation scientifically with physical development more advanced than modern Science. It was beyond the imagination of the European scholars.
It is the Vedic Scientific Heritage of Mankind on the earth, which emphasizes the whole earth as one family like a global nest, a village. Biotechnology was the main business of Indus Valley as reflected in the copper tablets. The rich biodiversity of the Indian subcontinent is proof of the original inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent.
Result and Conclusion
Indus Valley Vedic Civilization
Indus Valley Vedic Civilization. No Aryan Invasion They enlightened the world that Life is a trinity of three immortal
Indus Valley Vedic Civilization. No Aryan Invasion They enlightened the world that Life is a trinity of three immortal
I am very much thankful to the Department of Culture, Government of India for the senior fellowship, to the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla for the associate-ship, & Govt. of M.P. Higher education for the opportunity to work.
1.?????? Vedic Genetics Cow Omni-form
Decipherment of Indus Valley Seals Vol. I
ISBN 978-81-938049-5-7 Vo;.I
Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pustakalaya Varanasi
2, Indus Vedic Biotechnology
Indus Valley to Grand Canyon Decipherment Of Indus Valley Seals Vol. II
Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pustakalaya Varanasi
ISBN 978-81-938049-6-4
ISBN 978-3-659-37559-0
Lap Lambert Germany????????
Prof. Chandra P. Trivedi
Prof. Chandra P Trivedi Professor with an incredible amount of experience as a professor, researcher, and Principal of the lead college, Bhind and Ratlam under Jeewaji University, Gwalior, and Vikram University, Ujjain respectively.?As an academician author of more than 20 books, his books and work has been published in many leading papers of the?subcontinent and books from India and Germany. He is a former senior fellow, Department of culture, Govt. of India, Associate IIAS, Shimla. As a Professor and Scientist, he has gone into the depth of Yoga, Meditation, Spiritualism, and Vedas at Vedic Research Institute, Ratlam. He is among original thinkers with an innovative approach to solving the national problem. He explored India’s glorious past with the answer of Einstein’s Grand Unified Force. As an academician, Vedic Scientists, and professor, he has first time cracked the Vedic code with the oldest un-deciphered symbols of the world ‘Advanced gene technology’. Going ahead Prof. Trivedi has answered modern problems related tothe origin of life consciousness and Higgs field 2013. He has decoded the petroglyphs at the Grand Canyon Arizona N.A. and DNA X-Ray crystallography on Gold and copper plates.
E-mail: [email protected]
????????????????????????????????????????? XXXX
Detection of Biosignatures with highly sensitive radio-labeling techniques.The Stable Isotope Fractionation of Abiotic Reactions: A Benchmark in the Detection of Life
3. Li, E. et al. Photonic Aharonov–Bohm effect in photon–phonon interactions. Nat. Commun. 5:3225 doi: 10.1038/ncomms4225 (2014)
4. Steven W. Hawking, George F.R. Ellis, 'The Cosmic Black-Body Radiation and the Existence of Singularities in our Universe, Astrophysical Journal, 152, (1968) pp. 25-36.
5. Steven W. Hawking, Roger Penrose, "The Singularities of Gravitational Collapse and Cosmology," Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, series A, 314 (1970) pp. 529-548.
6. Mark Eastman, Chuck Missler, The Creator: Beyond Time and Space, (1996) p.11.
7. W. Wayt Gibbs, "Profile: George F. R. Ellis," Scientific American, October 1995, Vol. 273, No.4, p.55.
9. See and 10.10.; see also pdf and pdf.
10. Dark Matter in the Universe?(Jerusalem Winter School for Theoretical Physics, 1986-7), J.N. Bahcall, T. Piran, & S. Weinberg editors.
11. Dark Matter?(Proceedings of the XXIIIrd Recontre de Moriond), J. Audouze and J. Tran ???????? Thanh Van. Editors.
12. The Large Hadron Collider: Shedding Light on the Early Universe – lecture by R.-D. Heuer, CERN, Chios, Greece, 28 September 2011.
13. Examples of Great Discoveries in the Fundamental Forces – Gravity probe B FAQ, Stanford University website, 2012.
15. Read more: 16. extra-antimatter-in-space-maybe-dark-matter/#ixzz30o6ZrB00.
17. A Structure for De oxy ribose Nucleic Acid J. D. Watson and F. H. C. Crick (1). 18. April 25, 1953 (2), Nature (3), 171, 737-738.
Molecular Configuration in Sodium Thymonucleate 19.Franklin, R. and Gosling, R. G. Nature 171, 740-741 (1953) . 20. URL: Molecular Structure of De oxy pentose Nucleic Acids 21. Wilkins, M. H. F., Stokes, A. R., & Wilson, H. R. Nature 171, 738-740 (1953).
22. Trivedi C.P.? Indus Vedic Genetics 2012 ISBN978-659-22809-4 Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.
23. Trivedi C.P. Quest of Creation Higgs; God particle? ISBN 978-3-659-22041-8 Lap Lambert Academic publishing, Germany.
24. Trivedi C.P. Quest of Creation Higgs God particle and Vedas Lap Lambert Academic publishing, Germany.
25. Trivedi C.P.Vedic Geeta the Secret of Eternal Life ISBN 978-3-659-20814-0 Lap Lambert Academic publishing? Germany.
26. Trivedi Chandra P.Lord of Creation Einstein’s Grand Unified Force, ISBN 978-81-7110-?????????? 447-9 Parimal Publications, Shaktinagar, New Delhi.
·?????? John Irwin (1974). "The Heliodorus Pillar at Besanagar".?Puratattva. Archaeological Society of India (co-published Art and Archaeology Research Papers, USA).?8: 166–176.
·?????? M D Khare (1967). "Discovery of a Vishnu temple near the Heliodorus pillar, Besnagar, Dist. Vidisha (MP)".?Lalit Kala.?13: 92–97.?JSTOR?44138838.
·?????? M D Khare (1975). "The Heliodorus Pillar – A Fresh Appraisal: A Rejoinder".?Proceedings of the Indian History Congress.?36: 92–97.?JSTOR?44138838.
·?????? Susan V Mishra; Himanshu P Ray (2017).?The Archaeology of Sacred Spaces. Routledge.?ISBN?978-1-138-67920-7.
·?????? D R Patil (1949). "Sapta-Matrkas or the Seven Mothers from Besanagar".?Proceedings of the Indian History Congress.?12: 109–112.?JSTOR?44140517.
·?????? Richard Salomon (1998).?Indian Epigraphy: A Guide to the Study of Inscriptions in Sanskrit, Prakrit and the other Indo-Aryan Languages. Oxford University Press.?ISBN?978-0-19-535666-3.
Donald Stadtner (1975). "A ?u?ga Capital from Vidi?ā".?Artibus Asiae.?37?(1/2): 101–104.?doi:10.2307/3250214.?JSTOR?3250214With regards
Dr.C.P. Trivedi?[email protected]?8425456518 India
Indus Valley Petroglyph from Pakistan New Discovery with text in Veda
Pre-cosmic Assembly of Twin base, Phonon Execute Functions of Life with equal, and opposite wavelengths of vital energy in action.
In the pre-cosmic conditions. The phonon wave is the earliest stimulated dark atmosphere called dark matter with electron transfer, which generates tremendous heat with the vital energy in action with equal, and opposite wavelengths. The electron transfer with half spin change in the opposite wavelength is the foremost event bring forward the oxidation, synthesis, and reduction degradation with time in a cyclic manner is without end laid down the foundation of the creation Einstein’s Equation?E=Mc2.
Vital energy in action with equal, and opposite wavelength at very high temperature, under toxic UV rays assemble the immortal complimentary purine- pyrimidine base vessel of life with equal, opposite wavelength differ only in Nitrogen, connected with double, and triple bond of Hydrogen divide in air with speed of mind like image in the mirror with the origin of life. The complementary immortal phonon wavelength acts as an antenna and speaker to execute the functions of life shed like bullet with incandescent clouds with Big-Bang. The mental code with synonym opposite phonon wavelength is the genetic identity of individuals in life and follows from generation to generation with new life. Life evolved in different directions with the environmental conditions, and genetic recombination.
Keywords- Phonon wave, Electron, twin base, three immortals, Life
and Historians following. The petroglyph at Grand Canyon and Indus Valley explore the same with Egypt Pyramids.
India’s strongest Navi 11 thousand years
THE SERPENT HOOD AND MARK ON THE FOREHEAD IS MARK OF AWAKENED SERPENT POWER ‘KUNDALINIDear, You are searching for snakes the symbol of the Egyptian dynasty on the head a symbol of an enlightened person. The power to travel beyond, apace, and time. ‘Serpent power ‘Kundalini.
Archeologists in Egypt have uncovered a vast underground tunnel near the city of Alexandria, and hope it may lead them to the long-lost tomb of Egypt’s last pharaoh and possibly its most famous ruler, Queen Cleopatra VII. Pyramids are not Alien constructions, the underground cave cities, in North America, and Egypt Pyramids were constructed by Vedic scientists of Bharat Indus Valley to search for the vital energy of Life in the deep sea. engraved in Vedic Lexicography on the Petroglyphs. Kailash Ellora India is a similar wonder of the world.
The most amazing discovery of the earth is the excavation at Grand Canyon Arizona, North America. UNESCO has included it as a world heritage site among the wonders of the world. The Rig Veda is on the list of world heritage as the most ancient literary monument of human civilization on earth. They together explore the Ancient Vedic Science and Technology at the Grand Canyon.
The Vedic civilization flourished on the Indian subcontinent with the development of the advanced Indus Valley civilization. The discovery of DNA De oxy Ribose Nucleic Acid and zero-space was their global achievement like DNA 1953 and Higgs field 2013. The Kumari Kandam in south India also flourished at that time (which is now under the sea). Kailash Ellora India the temple complex from the top of the mountain is the wonder of the world.
The Vedic Scientists moved from here with DNA on the flag to Grand Canyon. To trace the vital energy to travel beyond space- Time.?The Vedic Expedition at America
America was first explored by a Vedic Scientist with DNA on the flag. The beautiful underground city of caves was developed by transgenic animals, robots, and Giants. They have been developed by DNA technology. The photographs explain the procedure and technique.
DNA on Flag The Vital Energy at Grand Canyon
The Vedic Scientist with DNA on the flag expresses, that life has evolved from single DNA and cell.
The universal consciousness is one, its dualistic nature has manifested with existence as primary consciousness and evolved into secondary life consciousness.
The creation has evolved from space Zero to infinity. It has been explained on the rocks with a hieroglyphic picture writing system with symbolism. The hieroglyphs and Petroglyphs are for teaching and demonstrating with its text in the Vedas. They have used Vedic Sanskrit Lexicography, where each word, sentence, or hymn has a symbol. The word symbol has a vast ocean of knowledge in the background, each petroglyph is complete to express the Essence of creation and Life.
The Ashwin DNA crowned with lotuses
DNA Nucleotide blossom like a flower
1. May Vishnu form and mold the womb, and mayTvashta duly shape the forms.
Prajapati infuses the stream and ‘dhata’ Lord lay the germ for thee.
2. O Sinivali set the germ, set thou the germ Sarasvati. May the twain gods bestow the germ. The?Ahwins crowned with lotuses?(Rig-Veda10-184-1,2)
Tvashta the lord hath made all forms and all the cattle of the field: Cause them to multiply for us (Rig-Veda 1-188-9)
The Tvashta DNA with food metabolism gives shape to all creatures in the womb, and the infant acquires life in inheritance from parents.
The Germ of life is set by the voice with synonym code on the duplicating DNA in the womb. The single nucleotide pair crowned like Lotus on the tune of a single tone of voice.
They together carry forward the infant on the path of life in the ocean of life. Food metabolism is the source of life for all.
The seven syllables of voice and seven rays of light are complimentary with each other. The four components of the atom and four bases of DNA laid down the foundation of the creation and life with energy transformation from the fundamental energy. They follow mankind from generation to generation with new life in the ocean of life.
The great Scientist Einstein spent his last thirty years in search of a Grand Unified Force after enlightening the world with his theory of relativity. He was searching for his identity as a human being. Who we are? Why we are here? What is the purpose of life? It is the quest of the human mind with the dawn of civilization on the earth. Its answer is in the Phonon V?k voice, which is close to everyone and far away too also.
The Phonon voice is the first to appear with life consciousness and whatever the object has its existence is due to voice sound, which is complimentary with the light spectrum, and the cause of the existence of everything. It has evolved into thought and words with the evolution of life. The wise men have created the language for communication. It is imprinted in the mind as a blessed sign of friendship in life.
The germ of the world ensign of all creation springs to life and filled the earth and heavens. Even the firm rocks he cleft when passing over when the?five tribes brought a sacrifice to Agni?Rig. 10-45-6
Five tribes brought sacrifices to Agni
The five tribes; five gross elements Panch Mahabhut, Air water, sky, energy, and matter; the assembly of these five with energy transformation is a sign of life with voice.
The flow of life
Seven sisters sprung from threefold source,( abiding in the three worlds that is, heaven earth and air) the Five Tribes prosper, she must be Invoked in every deed of might Rigv-Vda 6-61-12
The seven sisters represent seven rays of visible light, and seven syllables of voice, they are flowing in a threefold manner and nourish five gross elements air, water, sun; energy, sky, and earth; matter with life in countless channels.10.
PETROGLYPH at Egypt Pyramid showing Life is flying Like a Falcon with the evolution of life from Ashvin DNA
ASHVIN DNA has an antenna and speaker with transcription translation with time
The creation developed with a cosmological event The deep darkness was there in pre-cosmic condition It was just like a rock A sudden fissure change the scenario with a phonon wave, it plundered the whole dark matter and activated the fundamental energy in action The explosion in the nebula brought forwarded the Solar system, where Sun is the source of energy and life is present on the earth It has been explained with a lady sitting on the chair Where The photon and phonon are complimentary with each other, just like two streams of river, their flow is halted with life consciousness The Life has evolved from DNA with genetic recombination and cell division The DNA has antennae and speaker to execute functions of life, food metabolism is the source of life It has been explained through human figures symbolically. PETROGLYPH `, AT GRAND CANYON, Explore the origin and evolution of creation and Life
At the bottom, it has been explained that the creation came into existence with photon and phonon interaction, where underlying space has granted mass to elementary particles and phonon beholds the life consciousness. The building block of the creation is an atom with four components and the building of the living beings is four bases of DNA Phonon stimulates the event to happen, which appears with birth and disappears with death. Food metabolism is a source of life through Photosynthesis by plants. The Magnetosphere around the Earth and the Ozone layer in the atmosphere have given the way for the Origin of Life.
The Indus Vedic complimentary picture symbols explore their advancement in all fields. Earlier it was beyond imagination without touching their height of development.
The seals and tablets have been prepared for demonstration and teaching, with a special purpose to keep a permanent record of the institute.
The tablets explore the origin and evolution of the creation and life consciousness with the dualistic force of vital energy.
The G ≡ C base pairs can occur in any order within DNA molecules. The auspicious Raka, sew her work with a never-breaking needle, Nitrogen, with a triple bond.
With eulogy I call on Raka swift to hear; may she, auspicious, hear us, and herself observe.
With never breaking-needle may she sew her work, and give a hero son most wealthy, meet for praise Rig. 2-32-4
With Trikadrukas it purifies itself six wide ones verily great one;
With Trikadrukas it purifies itself six wide ones verily great one; tristubh, Gayatr?, the meters: all those (are) set in Yama Ath. 18-2-6.
Vedic culture may have flourished on the earth before the ice age and the Greenhouse Effect and consequent Global warming had forced them to compile their knowledge in the Vedic hymns.
As per the Hamburg Institute of Meteorology of Max Planck Society, Germany under a project on?Climap?has reported that identical to ‘‘Greenhouse Effect’’ and consequent Global warming had occurred about 18000 years ago and a consequent ice age was there and North America, Europe, and Siberia were covered with thick snow cover in between Siberia and Alaska a land bridge was formed through which people were migrated (German News Sept. 89, Page 25).
It shows that excess exploitation of nature may be the probable cause of the destruction of the Indus Valley Civilization.
Dr.C.P. Trivedi 9425456518?[email protected]
and Historians following. The petroglyph at Grand Canyon and Indus Valley explore the same with Egypt Pyramids.
India’s strongest Navi 11 thousand years
Dr.C.P.Trivedi India