Indulge in the Highest Form of Self Care this International Self Care Day
Transcendental Meditation India
A simple, natural & effortless meditation technique, with scientifically validated results.
What does self-care mean to you? Maybe you crave a bit of down-time, focusing solely on yourself for some bit. Taking care of your daily routine, eating a nutritious diet for some time, and indulging in a rejuvenating spa or Ayurveda retreat.
Or it could simply mean taking time off from your work and exploring spiritual dimensions of your existence, while communing with Mother Nature on a solo trip to some distant, serene location.
No matter what the means, there is one thing common to all types of self-care. The more the connection with yourself that you are able to establish, the more you feel cared for. All attempts at self-care are ultimately meant to come back to the feeling of filling up, of being complete in our own selves. Of getting back all the fragments of our own selves that we squander away during our labors.
We are at our core a deep peace, still, serene and blissfully silent. Not the kind of silence that is the absence of noise. That silence is the lively, ever present, grounding silence from which all of creation stems. Witnessing that silence as part of our inner being, gives us a sense of belonging like no other.
What is most peculiar about this silence is that it doesn’t need another to make it feel significant. It is complete in itself. It is the bedrock from which emerge the innumerable planets, solar systems and galaxies that dot the vast dome of the night sky. It is the source of all creation, and our own minds spring from it as well. It is an endless ocean of pure consciousness.
While all of this may sound poetic, bliss is in fact silent poetry, isn’t it? It is enigmatic, how stillness can say so much, speak to us without words, wherein we sense all that it reveals, yet there is no need for images, sounds or any other form of expression of any kind.
The repeated experience of this bliss, on a daily basis, can enhance of our feeling of wellbeing exponentially. Imagine being able to take a silent, short vacation twice a day - go visiting the vast, silent depths of your existence and come back with rich experiences of communion with your own-self.
There is no one who can take care of yourself, like yourself.
Because you have everything that you require to revitalize yourself at the very fundamental level. That deep stillness, that bliss which our minds keep searching for and trying to fulfill in external pursuits, are actually available to us all the time.
Whenever we are trying to be happy, we are re-igniting that ancient memory of completeness we had, being connected to the Self. We are all complete, all the time, everywhere, in all situations. We just have forgotten this basis of our existence.
There are layers upon layers of self-care. There is spiritual self-care, mental self-care, physical self-care, and environmental self-care (the environment is a part of us, it is an extension of our own body. When it is healthy, we automatically feel good. So environmental self-care is also a thing).
Self-care is more powerful, the more subtle and the more internal it becomes. When we pay attention to the inner reaches of our existence, our bliss and wellbeing become amplified manifold. We need less and less of outside interventions, the more we take care of inner states of existence.
So, the highest form of self-care is Self-care, with a capital ‘S’. It is true self-care, where we are in tune with our truest selves. Without it, there will always be something missing.?