Induction Experience Makes or Breaks

Induction Experience Makes or Breaks

Having recently just joined a new organisation and experienced an amazing induction, it really brought home how important it is to get the induction experience right. It all comes down to human emotion. Just weeks after joining Mitrefinch Ltd, I understood the mission of the company, our core values, beliefs and true purpose, my role and how I play a part in reaching the goals, my support network, I knew my health and well-being is as important to my employer as it is to my family. Very quickly I felt part of something special, much more than a member of the team. I am 100 per cent engaged, committed and love my job. So, how can this be in just few weeks?

My induction started at the job interview where I met several people from across the organisation, not just my interviewer. I learned about the business vision and the company culture, I left the interview feeling connected to the entire organisation.

There was no communication gap in the period between accepting the offer and the start date, I had regular updates on what was happening day to day in the business, I received so many welcome wishes that I could not wait to get started. I was sent information on the structure of the company and was linked into community groups, all before my start date, so it’s no surprise that by day two I already felt I belonged.

The induction on my start date was all about my well-being, health and safety and a couple of one-to-one sessions with leaders around the business, who took time to walk me through what’s happening and what’s planned. I met teams of people I would be closely linked to and everyone made a big effort to welcome me on-board. Over the first two weeks I had one-to-one sessions with all the leaders, it was great that this was not rushed or crammed into my first few days as I had time to digest all the information.

To be effective, inductions don’t require expensive software solutions, they don’t need high price tags, but they do need to be effective, here’s why….

Familiarity with the organisation and the working environment significantly determines the new employees’ subsequent attitude towards the company, quality of work and work performance. An organised induction reduces the negative effects of the drastic change of environment and lifestyle, and accelerates adaptation to conditions that employees meet at the new job. Therefore, the purpose of induction is the social and psychological adjustment made quicker and easier for new employees in a new organisational environment.

The induction includes activities to familiarise the employee with the company and its business policy, mission, vision, strategy and plans, and an introduction into the code of conduct and work environment and as people are your biggest asset taking the time to properly welcome them to your organisation is very important. Not only will it give you the opportunity to ensure they understand your company, it will allow you to further develop their excitement and enthusiasm for their new role. A quick whizz through the major dos and don’ts is not enough. Inductions need to be thorough and cover all the necessary information that your employee needs to succeed.

There are many benefits to providing a well thought out induction, including:

  • Ensuring your employee settles in and develops a firm understanding of your company visions, values and targets.
  • Building a good rapport with your employee and helping them to feel comfortable in their new environment.
  • Increasing staff retention. Happy, well-settled employees are more likely to have greater job satisfaction, resulting in a lower staff turnover.

Additionally, there are some basic hygiene factors to cover, such as health and safety requirements and dealing with important information. Therefore, it’s well worth planning in advance to make sure you cover everything you need to, as effectively as possible.

Done well, your induction will:

?        Create a sense of belonging among employees

?        Provide information of the company and its business policy  

?        Organise discussions for new employees; they can ask questions and receive answers from management

?        Schedule meetings with employees

?        Explain the benefits, groups and activities that exist in the company

?        Emotionally connect employee to organisation

?        Eliminate any anxiety

To learn about the essential do’s and don’ts of Inductions, and download a free Induction Checklist click:

Tony Rimon

Mortgage Broker | Home Loan Broker | Commercial Loans | Business Loans | Car Finance | Equipment Finance

6 年

A well-developed article, I enjoyed that induction explanation!

Maddy Alexander-Grout

??Visibility/ TikTok Strategist ??ADHD Money Specialist ??Invisible To Influential Membership ??Founder of Mad About Money App ??Speaker | Podcaster | Influencer | MC/Host ??”ADHD Money & Me” coming soon

6 年

Brilliant article! I couldn’t agree more! Induction is so important as is how you treat your staff once they settle in ??

Simon Paget

Logistics professional specialist in reducing costs by 20% using layout, MIS, planning, process & systems

6 年

There's one induction day I'll never forget started 08:00 still there at 18:00 and getting a bollocking for stuff that had been going on for 10 months ??

Matthew Jenkins

#EPOS #Mobile Payments #Stadia #Events #Business and Industry

6 年

Great post Julie. The first day in a new job is something most of us will remember for a long long time. We start our new jobs highly motivated, excited, nervous, curious and impressionable. We can sometimes be low in confidence. A great induction process can provide the mechanism for support. Ultimately, the more confident, at ease and stress free we become - the quickly we can add value and showcase the skills that got us the job in the first place. As a company continuous feedback and tweaking the process will ensure that your induction process remains tip top for all future hires.

Holly Coe

Passionate reward professional

6 年


