Indoor,outdoor allergy during Monsoon

Indoor,outdoor allergy during Monsoon

As Monsoon has started,wheather change,moulds at home,in car because of misty,humid climate ,cloudy wheather aggravates the allergic diseasesas rhinitis,asthma,skin allergies,eye allergies;

lots of emergency calls for breathlessness we get;In India still only symptomatic treatment as local Inhalers,nasal sprays,ointments,eye drops with oral antihitaminics,or steroids are prescribed as patient demand mostly temporary treatments with symptomatic relief.As worldwide according to WAO(world allergy organisation ) 100 years has been successful in allergy testing,De-sensitisation (immunotherapy) as a curative and potentially specific effective treatment in allergic diseases.

If used judiciously,meticulously with dedicated patients even all asthma medications can be stopped,allergy management with idenification of allergens ,avoidance of it (which are avoidable),environmental control for the patient,Immunotherpay can save a lot for long term control and possible cure of disease


