Indonesia, East Kalimantan Province, Balikpapan Bay Development
Bram Sitorus S.E. MBA (布拉姆)
Co-Founder @ SPM Consulting | Wealth & Risk Management, People Development
Indonesia has over 17,000 islands and long coastline which reached 81,000 km, is the largest archipelagic country in the world. However, the model-oriented development planning continent territory is still very limited for developing the model-based development of the islands of maritime. Entanglement one island to another island in one unified remote island naturally built by functional ecosystem. During these activities, the layout planning area boundaries are?using administrative boundaries and functional social-economic development, so the spatial relationships is not accompanied by archipelago ecosystem. The result is the development of socioeconomic inequality of small islands and large islands are reflected from poverty and backwardness of eastern Indonesia. Local government is trying to prove the importance of the spatial arrangement of the islands based on ecosystem boundaries. The results show that an effort to manage the large island had a significant impact on the growth of social, economic and environment on the other islands in the archipelago cluster units. Furthermore, also influential factors to be considered in a spatial concept of coastal islands.
Balikpapan Bay, as one of the coastal and marine areas in East Kalimantan, besides it has development potential, it is also having the threat of exploitation pressure that can lead to damage to the environment and coastal natural resources if not managed properly. The Balikpapan Bay coastal area has a coastline of 79.6 kilometers, there are about 31 small uninhabited islands with a total land area of about 1,018.86 hectares. With the facts as above, the coastal region Balikpapan Bay has an attraction for the development of various activities. The Balikpapan Bay coastal area has developed into a residential and urban center that is followed by various trade and service activities. Other activities developing in the Balikpapan Bay coastal?area are aquaculture (ponds), agriculture and mining industry. While in the upstream part, plantation and forestry activities are developed to achieve sustainable development of the Balikpapan Bay coast, by providing optimal economic benefits. Once again regional government and community, and at the same time maintaining the quality of the environment and the resources within it and integrated coastal management is needed.?
Integrated management development program of the Balikpapan Bay is expected to answer two basic things, first is the need to protect and maintain coastal resources that are threatened with overexploitation, and the second is the need to rationally manage coastal resource use and achieve a balance between resource use and sustainability. Land suitability analysis and spatial use policy of the Balikpapan Bay coastal area is one of the efforts to help develop a sustainable coastal resource management program in Balikpapan Bay. Analysis of land suitability and spatial use policy of the Balikpapan Bay Coastal Area is one of the efforts to assisting in the development of a sustainable coastal resources management program in Balikpapan Bay.
The Balikpapan Bay coastal area is an area that has fairly dynamic rapid growth. This is marked by the development of settlement centers and urban areas and industry in the coastal area of Balikpapan Bay. The rearrangement of the Balikpapan Bay area has now been stated in the Balikpapan City and “Pasir” Regency Spatial Planning. However, the spatial plan is still oriented towards land management, even though the coastal area has different characteristics from the mainland area. The amount of pressure on the coastal region indicated by the fairly large conversion rate of coastal land for various development activities. This has implications for the sustainability of coastal ecosystems and their natural resources. Such pressure makes it possible for deviations from policies or directives that have been produced previously. These deviations are generally related to the tendency of physical development, and also new policies that affect development in coastal areas. Based on the revised results of the Balikpapan City sectoral official, there were identified deviations both macro and micro in terms of the policies set out. Based on the description above, the problems in the research area can be formulated into three problems; (1) whether the use of space in the area Coastal of Balikpapan Bay has been implemented based on land suitability ?, (2) what are the socio-economic and cultural characteristics community ?, and (3) what policies should be used in the utilization of coastal and marine resources on the coast of Balikpapan Bay?
Balikpapan Development
A good policy should be prepared through a review of conditions and reality on the ground, to explore the elements of strengths, weaknesses and opportunities and threats that exist. In addition, it is also necessary to pay close attention to those elements which may or may be expected to appear in the future. Thus, the formulated policy is anticipatory to changes that occur over time.
a)????Ecological Technical Aspects
In ecological technique, the element that can be a strength is the availability of land in the coastal area of Balikpapan Bay with a high level of suitability for the designation of ponds, settlements, industry and conservation. This land availability is a force in managing the coastal area of Balikpapan Bay. High land suitability if managed wisely, will provide optimal benefits both socially and economically and ecologically. Conversely, because of the nature of a coastal system, the dynamics of the coast that are so fast and changing are a weakness that must be anticipated when they want to manage the area sustainably. All efforts must be made to consider the characteristics of a coastal area, where both biophysical and socio-cultural communities are different with the land area.
If we look at in terms of opportunities, the rapid economic growth of the Province of East Kalimantan is an opportunity for the development of the coast of Balikpapan Bay. This requires efforts to manage Balikpapan Bay coastal resources in a sustainable manner to seize these opportunities optimally. The development of several areas as integrated economic development areas such as the “Sasamba kapet“ can contribute to the sustainable management of Balikpapan Bay. Meanwhile, in terms of threats, conflicts between development activities or between regions also need to be examined from the technical ecological aspects. Based on the results of overlapping between various land allocation, it appears that most of the land has the same level of suitability for several allocation. That means, proportional space allocation is needed so that there is no overlapping of space utilization. Likewise, the possibility of conflict arising between regions, where ecologically the coast of Balikpapan Bay includes 3 administrative governments. The difference in the orientation of regional development can threaten the management of the Balikpapan Bay coast in a sustainable manner.
a)????Social, Economic and Cultural Aspects
Based on the results of the analysis, the people of the four coastal villages in Balikpapan Bay generally have livelihoods as fishermen and fish farmers, which shows a close relationship between the community and its environment. The community's high understanding of the relationship between their livelihoods and the presence of mangroves on the coast of Balikpapan Bay is a force in efforts to manage coastal resources sustainably.
From the socio-economic and cultural aspects that also need to be observed is the limitations of the community utilizing coastal resources to improve their welfare. This is certainly a weakness for sustainable coastal resource management. This condition is feared to have a negative impact on sustainable coastal resource management efforts, which are caused by compulsion. It is feared that land suitability analysis and utilization policy encourage them to convert mangrove ecosystems into ponds increase their income. Efforts that need to be done are improving the ability of fishing gear and providing skills training to local fishermen to improve their catch. The development of coastal management programs, both funded by foreign aid and National funds, this is an opportunity for the development of the Balikpapan Bay coastal area. The presence of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries which handles marine and fisheries management programs at the national level is an opportunity that can be utilized in developing the coast of Balikpapan Bay. Likewise, the presence of the Coastal Resources Management Project in Balikpapan from 1998 to 2003 was an opportunity to sustainably manage Balikpapan Bay. The approach developed by the Coastal Project is a two-way approach, namely at the national level developing activities to increase national awareness about integrated coastal management, and at the regional level developing pilot projects in three locations, namely Lampung, North Sulawesi and East Kalimantan. This approach model can certainly be a reference in developing Balikpapan Bay coastal management programs. But what also needs to be observed from the socio-economic and cultural aspects is the efforts to exploit coastal land and resources without considering the principles of environmental sustainability. This is certainly a threat to the management of coastal resources in Balikpapan Bay. Large population of course requires greater land and resources as well. This has the consequence of higher exploitation efforts.
b)????Legal and Institutional Aspects
Legally and institutionally, the existence of various laws and regulations is an opportunity for sustainable management of coastal areas. Several laws and regulations that exist at the national concerning management of protected areas is an opportunity for the implementation of coastal management sustainably. In addition, there are also several local regulations that provide opportunities for the implementation of integrated coastal management on the coast of Balikpapan Bay. While that, sectoral and regional egos can also be a threat to the sustainability of coastal resources in Balikpapan Bay. Sectoral ego will be a threat when each sector makes its own program without any coordination with other sectors. This means that the possibility of overlapping land use is quite large. As explained earlier, one of the issues of managing Balikpapan Bay is that the existence of overlapping planning, which results from weak coordination between agencies related to coastal resource management in Balikpapan Bay. Efforts by the city of Balikpapan and the Regency of “Pasir” to integrate the region of the sea into the city is a force for coastal resource management. Delegation of authority to sea management to autonomous regions is the first step to integrating coastal and marine areas into city / district. This is important, considering that coastal and marine areas are an ecological entity that must be managed in an integrated manner. Efforts towards better management are carried out through the revision of district / city documents, taking into account existing developments including the enactment of several Law.
Along with the Indonesia capital transfer plan from Jakarta to Balikpapan which is projected will be realize on 2022, Balikpapan city will be the main engine of Indonesia economy, many opportunities will pop up as its city will develop fast. Balikpapan as new capital city needs a strong and sturdy economy environment as on as the development of Balikpapan bay area. Sustainable management of Balikpapan bay coastal resources must be followed by allocating coastal land for various purposes proportionally, in accordance with the level of suitability that is integrated into the spatial planning of Balikpapan City and Regency of Pasir. In order to avoid the conversion of mangrove ecosystems into ponds, it is necessary to increase fishermen's income program especially in villages through increasing the ability of fishing gear to catch fish and shrimp effectively. Finally to complement the results of this land suitability analysis, it is recommended to conduct an environmental carrying capacity analysis of Balikpapan Bay for various development activities. increased income of fishermen, especially in the village.