The economic relation between Sinapore-India happens to be the major pillar for the relations between the two countries. For the year of 2021,the value of trade between India and ASEAN region amounted for to over 78 Billion US dollars in Fiscal Year 2021.The largest portion of this trade came from singapore ,valued at over 21 Billion dollars.Singapore was also India’s top source of FDI in FY 2019/20.
Singapore enjoys excellent ,broad-based and multifaceted bilateral relations with India ,underpinned by several Economic treaties between the two countries.Major agreements include the CECA(2005),the Double Taxation? Avoidance Agreement (1994).Singapore consistently continues to be one of India’s major trend partners globally and one of it’s major ASEAN partners.
The look East policy?
THE AMENDMENT IN 2005 : In 2005, the India-Singapore DTA was amended. The amendment provides?that any capital gains that arise on the sale of property or shares are taxable only in the country where the investor resides.This was to encourage the investment by singapore and was very? advantageous for Singapore as Singapore did not levy any taxes on capital gains ,India would be giving away an advantage from their side.
THE LOB CLAUSE : However, to avoid the misuse of this exemption especially by third-country residents who establish holding companies in Singapore to avail the capital gains exemption, the treaty added a “Limitation of Benefits (LOB)” clause. Under this clause, a Singapore incorporated company will not be entitled to the exemption from capital gains if the sole purpose of the establishment of the company was to avail of this benefit. Additionally, companies that have negligible business operations in Singapore, with no continuity in business activities will not be entitled to this benefit. As a result of the LOB clause, the agreement is not applicable to shell companies.
Modi’s visit to singapore not only? strengthened the ties between singapore and India but during his visit there was an initiative to collaborate in a new aspect :building a bridge in the start up landscape .A MOU was signed between Entrepreneurs Singapore , a government agency engaged in developing private entrepreneurs and the Singapore and TiE (Indus entrepreneurs) a Sillicon valley -based association on Entrepreneurs.The Prime Minister had in the India-Singapore Economic 2015 convention reiterated the view that India regards Singapore as it’s biggest ally in the south east asian trade.
The 1990s liberalized the economy of India .Building upon that the Singapore –India relations have evolved over decades and presently they are significant trade partners to one another.
Singapore facilitates Indian re-exports, has?signed several free trade agreements?and has a wide DTAA network, provides viable funding options for Indian firms and start-ups incorporated in the country, excellent infrastructural and logistics support, as well as an easy and stable business environment. Its recognition as a global financial hub makes it the primary choice among Indian businesses who aim to internationalize.?
Singapore’s investment in India in the covid-19 pandemic has been impressive .Presently India’s attractive corporate tax rates, swift response in combating the COVID-19 pandemic, impressive mobile and internet penetration, and technology uptake are making India a primary destination to invest.
India, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore, (last visited Mar 9, 2022).?
India – singapore relations introduction -, , (last visited Mar 8, 2022).?
Singh, Sinderpal, and Syeda Sana Rahman. “India-Singapore Relations: Constructing a ‘New’ Bilateral Relationship.” Contemporary Southeast Asia, vol. 32, no. 1, 2010, pp. 70–97. JSTOR, Accessed 8 Mar. 2022.?
Published by Statista Research Department & Feb 24, India: Trade value with ASEAN countries 2021 Statista (2022), (last visited Mar 9, 2022).?
India-Singapore Double Tax Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) - 2021 guide, (2022), (last visited Mar 9, 2022).?
Book reference: 2022. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 8 March 2022].