#Individuals Trivia no. 13

#Individuals Trivia no. 13

The zone of Dimension

How to get greater results and greater fulfillment?

1.They know what they really want.

Most people really don't know what they really want.

They don't know what we call their outcome their result and when you don't know what your outcome is when you don't know what you really want life can be really frustrating life becomes a bunch of things you have to do it doesn't give you any juice you don't have a clear direction for your life and without a clear direction very often you end up on the rocks of life it's just you just don't have the guidance you don't have that sense of it my life has some kind of meaning the second thing that people succeed know

2. Is knowing not only what they want but why they want it.

Because the reasons are what drives us as human beings that sense of purpose that's where the emotion is that's where the juice is not just getting a target but knowing why we want that target. That's what it will get you to have the energy to actually follow through. And then the third question they know is

3. What do i need to do to make that thing happen?

The people that know what they really want and know why they want it can usually figure out how to make it happen because they got enough to drive it enough clarity about what they want.

So OPA stands for those three questions in a precise way, let me tell you what OPA gives you freedom because what happens in life is most of us think our to-do list has to get done many times you don't have to do your whole to-do list most of us know that 20% of what you do gives you 80% of your results in life doesn't it and so what we are gonna discuss is how to do is have more flexibility have a lot more choices and get more results with more fulfillment by taking it to these three questions.

I want to point something up OPAS is NOT a Time Planner again it isn't a book if you open this book you got it's got a calendar and it's got an A through Z so do all these other programs or here's a nice piece of software I thought oh OPA is a simple system of thinking that will change your focus which will really change how you feel it will change the direction you are heading it will turn you in a different direction and it will get you a different set of results not only is it a simple system of thinking that changes direction and results but it will also make you feel fulfilled. Because think of it the only difference between work and play is your purpose a lot of people when they are playing do things that are really actually hard work but they don't call hard work because they say it's fun because they decided i want to do this, this is a cool thing, this is competitive this is creative or this is strong and everyone i know succeeds their work has become play for them they have really found a way to enjoy what they do because they found an empowering purpose activity without purpose is the drain to your life it's a drain to the fulfillment it's a drain to achievement.

How to use them in a practical way? How to get greater results and greater fulfillment?

That is the whole process of what OPA is really about. Part of what OPAS is going to do is you are gonna put the stakes in the ground to say these are the most important things in my life now i am going to focus on them daily and you are going to start noticing things it will bring you closer to what it is you really want. If you focus on the to-do list guess what you get more to-do lists more like a fulfillment more things they have to do. SO let's NOT have a life to be about being a human doing let's be a Human Being where you experience what you really deserve what you really want. This is a chance to really get fulfilled to change the emotions i mean would you like to feel more joy on a daily basis it's more passion more excitement a greater sense of confidence and certainty that comes from knowing that you are in control of the events, not the events are in control of you. Let's design a system that your own system, your life management system that's what OPA really is.

To get on to that journey you have to decide right now you are going to do whatever it takes to master this. Because from our own experiences we can tell that we have had so many privileges and i am sure some of it must be luck, luck in anything but a huge part of it honestly has been FOCUS on what i knew is most important in my life and to create what i want in my life which may be different for you. But i want you to have what you want to have, NOT what the environment is demanding from you NOT what your next email is requesting but what your heart and soul deserves and desires. So to do that ask yourself what you will be doing if today was the last day of your LIFE, are you doing it, if for more than two days the answer is NO then you know you have to change something.

We are living in a Time where stress seems to be almost epidemic, especially for achievers everybody talks about being stressed especially those people who are really trying to do something meaningful really accomplish something and i want to make sure that your drive for success to make a difference really leads to the joy and the fulfillment the excitement and the passion and the pride that you are really looking for in order to that whether or not you feel fulfilled or whether you are feeling frustrated to a great extent has to do with where do you spend your time, what zone what dimension of mind emotion and focus do you spend your time in for example do you spend a lot of your time really looking for distraction, looking for a way to escape that are already there in your life or do spend more of your time getting seduced things that really aren't important but they appear to be urgent and you kind of delude yourself saying well i got to do this right now and really truly you don't have to do it right now, but you add that additional stress or do spend your time in drama where you are doing thing that really are important and they are really urgent you got all these deadlines they have to be met right now maybe some of the deadlines that are stressing you out now because things weren't handled earlier on or have you managed to spend the majority of your time in your life and what i call the ZONE. The zone of fulfillment, that dimension where you are doing things that are really important but not really urgent and as a result, you tend to be at your best because you have taken away the stress. Take a look at what i call a time target so let's start on the outside is this assembles now the outside circle here is really where most people spend their time's in Escape, in fact, it's doing this that are not urgent and they are not important, i call this the dimension of distraction or for sure you can call it the escape dimension, this is what happens to most people that have its goals and desires they don't know how to manage them all so they look to escape how, to drink some alcohol, go hang out go watch television, do something that for that moment is an escape. Now is that all or wrong the answer is no but if you spend the majority of your time there you won't be fulfilled as a person and your stress will actually increase.

Now the next circle the closer ends of the target is that area that we call the dimension of delusion that's because this is the area where you start doing things that are urgent this where you spend your time but they are really not that important and once it's in this category, i.e email or telephone; handle me as i am in front of you.

I believe anything we really want to get down to for committed there's a way to do it there's some form of lovers someone else could speed it up for someone else we can trade with we could do something else we can make it happen, boy if you could do that your life would feel more fulfilled. Is it singing, dancing, class walking on a beach time alone, time with a friend, i don't know what it is but what does it feel like maybe write those down guess what we will bring you to the ZONE, day after day after day. OPA when you ask that question what's the most important outcome to me it will cause you to focus on what's most important to you NOT just what's just urgent, but what will bring you there is this life management system and focus on outcomes. So have i sold you yet focus on what's important and NOT urgent. Get yourself in this 40-50-60% there and you are in for a great time with a lot of stress and an amazing amount of joy.

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To solve your problems and challenges keep reading The Individuals Trivia

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