Individuals, organizations honored with Wegner Awards

Individuals, organizations honored with Wegner Awards

This week, the National Credit Union Foundation announced the honorees for the 33rd annual Herb Wegner Memorial Awards, honoring some of the best achievements by individuals and organizations in the credit union movement.

Foundation Executive Director Gigi Hyland said it best when she credited these honorees for revolutionizing the credit union system through living and embodying our founding principles and values.?

I hope you’ll join me in congratulating these honorees, and that you’ll plan to join the Foundation for its annual Foundation Dinner on February 28, 2022, part of the 2022 CUNA Governmental Affairs Conference!

See this year’s winners here

Credit unions meet on Financial Well-Being For All

A group of 60 credit unions and system partners that have already started their journey towards financial well-being for all attended a virtual meeting last week to brainstorm how the system can better coordinate and collaborate around this effort. We identified three themes: collecting best practices, normalizing the conversation around financial well-being, and developing an inclusion strategy. It was a great discussion, and the plan is to bring the group together again in January.

CUNA Experience Learning Live! is back

The credit union learning and development space continues to change, and it’s more important than ever to optimize hybrid learning environments. We’re proud to bring CUNA Experience Learning Live! back for 2021, in a virtual format. Trainers can stay on the cutting edge when they attend this event Nov. 30 – Dec. 2.

learn more >

CUNA holding elections for nine open board seats

The CUNA Board of Directors is accepting nominations for nine open positions. We’re looking to add new and diverse voices to the CUNA-League system, with vacancies in eight full-term seats and one special election. Now is your chance to help guide the future of our movement! The deadline to apply is Nov. 11.

read more here >

CCUA hosts ICU Day webinar on power of cooperatives

The Cooperative Credit Union Association (CCUA), in partnership with the Cabot Creamery Cooperative, will celebrate International Credit Union Day Oct. 21 with a webinar exploring the value and benefits of belonging to a cooperative. This free webinar will feature a wide range of panelists, including CCUA President/CEO Ron McLean, World Council of Credit Unions President/CEO Elissa McCarter LaBorde, and Filene Institute President/CEO Mark Meyer. They will address why cooperatives have such an impact on our world.

register here >

League Presidents share concerns with increased IRS reporting

CUNA, Leagues, and credit unions continue to make their voices heard in our united opposition to expanded Internal Revenue Service reporting requirements. These include:

  • Mountain West Credit Union President/CEO Scott Earl in AZCentral,
  • Carolinas Credit Union League President/CEO Dan Schline in the Charlotte Observer, and
  • Dakotas Credit Union Association President/CEO Jeff Olson in the Bismarck Tribune and several other newspapers.

Nearly 500,000 credit union stakeholders have sent their concerns to Capitol Hill. If you haven’t already, you can send your comments using the link below.

Grassroots Action Center >

More from 360-degree advocacy

  • We called on the Financial Accounting Standards Board to exempt credit unions from the current expected credit loss (CECL) standard entirely, or at least until the pandemic is over.?
  • We urged Joint Economic Committee leadership to take a close look at the dangers posed by increased IRS reporting.?
  • We shared our grave reservations about the U.S. Postal Service banking program, noting that credit unions can already provide more services at a lower cost and that the best thing the postal service could do to help promote financial access and inclusion is to return to on-time mail delivery.?
  • We wrote to the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee noting that the next director of Ginnie Mae must recognize the unique structure, mission, and operation of credit unions.?
  • We told the House Small Business Committee that credit unions oppose any legislation that would allow the U.S. Small Business Administration to lend directly to businesses.?
  • We highlighted several barriers between credit unions and rural communities in need of financial services in a letter to a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee.?


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