Individualism: salami slicing
Corporate research can resemble grant-funded academic research:
Variants to this procedure include a few extremes, such as:
The following paragraphs provide a comment on these two extremes.
Because research has so many nuances, it is vital to keep it documented. What was the need for the project? What were the assumptions? Which trade-offs were considered? If addressed in writing, these and many other questions can be revisited in the future, so that other researchers understand the decision-making process and explore alternative paths.
Messy documentation is a pain for everyone: the authors, the reviewers, and future users. To avoid it, I suggest we use a familiar wheel: the classic format of a scientific paper.
Placing all sections together, in a wiki, optimizes discoverability and reproducibility. Stakeholders can easily check for progress, prepare for the final meeting, and peruse deliverables.
This proposed strategy, of publishing work in five separate instances instead of one, may resemble scientific salami slicing. Why not delay the release until the end? The answer is that corporate research requires strong alignment with stakeholders.
Now I have some questions for you:
How much time do you devote to understanding the context of your new project and talking to stakeholders, before you dig in the data? Hypothetically, if you got hit by a bus today, how long would it take for someone else to follow your project's paper trail and pick up where you left off? What other documentation protocols would you recommend?