Arul Hisham Abdul Rahim (P.Eng FIEM, REEM, CxS)
Towkey/Senior Partner at AHAR Consultants PLT Partner at AHARC Lestari PLT
The recent discussion on the intern’s predicament relates to the individual’s?value system?(to a larger extent, the society’s). The discussion should look into this context; not on the person per se.
Let’s look at the definition of a value system. A person's value system serves as a compass for decision-making, influencing their choices, relationships, and overall behavior. It provides a sense of identity, coherence, and guidance in navigating the complexities of life. For a Muslim/Malay person, he/she is bound by the syariah & society’s traditions which originate from Al-Quran, Sunnah and Malay culture.
For a society to progress further either materially and spiritually, each person who makes up the society must possess certain value system that will propel the society to greater heights. If at personal level the person lacks good value system, then the society will fail. Just look at some failed states in Africa & South American countries. Even western societies (American & Europe) are already exhibiting signs of decline with excessive so-called freedom, market capitalism and hedonistic lifestyle. Going back in history, many civilizations (Rome, Persian, British, Islamic caliphates) collapsed due to cultural and moral decay.
Japan ascent from a war-torn country in 1945 to be one of the biggest economy in world within 30 years period was mainly credited to strong work ethics and discipline. The commitment to excellence and attention to detail in various fields, such as manufacturing and technology, have contributed to Japan's reputation for quality products. Numerous challenges throughout its history, including natural disasters, economic downturns, and demographic shifts contribute to the society’s ability to adapt, innovate, and recover from setbacks has been a key factor in Japan's progress. Prof?Shari M Yusof?can testify to this fact; as he is now a professor at Meiji University in Tokyo. I am very proud my friend for being appreciated by the Japanese to teach at their university which proved that Malaysian can be equal to other races in the world stage; with the correct attributes.
I’d like to relate a story during a business trip to Tokyo some years ago. We were supposed to gather at the hotel lobby at 8.30am to catch the train. There were 6 of us from Malaysia on the visit. So, I went down for breakfast at 7.30am and by 8.00am I finished my breakfast. As I was walking back to my room to get my stuff, I came across with our Japanese host at the lift lobby. After exchanging some pleasantries, I quickly went up to get my stuff and went down to the lobby in no time. By 8.30am, some of my party-members were still not at the lobby. When we called them, some were still in the toilets in their rooms or just about to leave their rooms. How embarrassing was I to the Japs… that was the 3rdworld mentality versus the 1st world mentality.
Some people may say; what is the big deal about being late by 5-10 minutes? It is about the value system.
A society who does not respect other peoples’ time can give a bad perception of disorganization, lack of professionalism, or a lack of consideration for others. When you arrive late for an appointment, you may disrupt other people's schedules and cause inconvenience. It can imply that you do not value or prioritize their time, which can be seen as disrespectful. Punctuality is also associated with professionalism and reliability. Being punctual demonstrates that you are organized, responsible, and committed to fulfilling your obligations. It can contribute to building trust and a positive reputation in both personal and professional relationships.
On the other hands, my experience at a Jakarta seminar is 180 degrees opposite. The official tasked for officiating the seminar came?1 hour late. The reason given…machet!!! So, I thought to myself; if in Malaysia we can tolerate 30 minutes late, in Jakarta they tolerate 60 minutes late.
So, if we measure ourselves with others (better or worse), we know where we are in the scheme of things.
That’s why, Surah Al-Asr mentions “Allah takes an oath by?“time”and declares that humankind is in a state of loss. Every single human being, man or woman, is in a state of loss except those who strive and do four things; believe, do righteous deeds, and recommend one another to truth, and to sabr”?(