Individual Attention Time
How much time should we spend on each participant per training session?

Individual Attention Time

"What's a good group size for an effective training session?"

I had my fair share of arguments when it came to number of pax per programme. Usually it's because the client wants to maximise their investment and squeeze in as many participants as they can. It also doesn't help that many still have the mindset that a "good trainer" can handle hundreds of participants in one session.

When it comes to effective learning, the truth is the numbers does matter - just that it may not be what business oriented or cost conscious people want to hear.

In planning for a training sessions, it's important to factor in "Individual Attention Time" to help the participants to fully grab the targeted lessons.

Based on personal observation over the years and some analysis using data from our TTT sessions (TTT is still one of the most frequent and robust training programme that I conduct), I can say that the Individual Attention Time (IAT) I need to give to each participant is around 120 minutes on average. That's around 15 - 25 minutes per person per day.

Of course this will also differ based on the complexity and the criticality of the skills that is being taught and the objectives or targeted level outcome. So a simple or basic skill may require less time, and a more complicated skill will surely require more time. Also another factor that will influence the required IAT is what level are the participants at currently or prior to attending the training session - a larger gap will substantially add on to their required IAT.

Personally to me, if we were to optimise the training experience for adult learners, we need to consistently do a "pulse check" of our audience to see if they need more attention on certain matters or vise virsa - no use hammering on a nail if it's already in.

Applying a variety of learning activities or training strategies that triggers utilisation of various sense receptors, such as simulations and case study discussions may help to accommodate different learning styles or preferences.

On top of that, providing opportunities for practice and receiving feedbacks during the training will also help the learners tremendously.

Ultimately, time is required if one is serious in effective learning. And since time is a limited resource for busy-working employees, the most logical way of ensuring return on investment for a training programme is, to have a conducive group size without compromising on the IAT.

What do you think?

#theIdeaSensei #TrainTheTrainer #beyondTTT #TipsForTrainers


