Col (R) Hassan Yousuf
Trainer Futurology, Smart Management & IT / Digi Tech at Pakistan Institute of Management
1 .In a now-deleted tweet, the Afghan Embassy in India called President Ashraf Ghani a “traitor.†He messed up, messed up everything,†the tweet read. On Sunday, during the Taliban’s takeover of Kabul, Ghani fled his presidential palace in Kabul. The Afghan Embassy in India severely criticized the country’s President Ashraf Ghani on Twitter,?He fled his palace in Kabul on Sunday?Make the city easy to be taken over by the Taliban. Gani?Leaving Afghanistan for Tajikistan?although?Taliban fighters entered Kabul,?The capital and largest city of Afghanistan. The Taliban are now ready to officially?share domestic power?and?Rename it to the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Following?U.S. withdrawal?and hurry?evacuated. Insider saw a now deleted tweet from the embassy?Official Twitter account?.The original tweet was released at around 7:30pm on August 15th, and it read: “We all knocked our heads in shame. Gani Baba @ashrafghani escaped with his liar. â€He screwed up, screwed up everything. We apologize to everyone for serving the fugitives. May Allah punish the traitors! His legacy will be a stain on our history,†the tweet continued.
2. Before moving further we feel obliged to say few worlds on Pakistan's immediate course of action as follows:-
- Pakistan must remain in touch with diplomatic community and assist the custodian of Kabul airport to safely get the willing diplomatic community out and let them regain confidence for their safety ebroad and later coming back to Kabul.
- Pakistan must urge Taliban to agree for the earliest interim set up and assist Afghan new govt in administrative control of the entire Afghanistan.
- Pakistan should convey to diplomatic community that Afghanistanis should not be abandoned in fear and distress. They sould stay there and trust Talibans words.
- Pakistan must immediately open help desk at our airports to regulate &facilitate the flight operations.All boardings ,lodges and hotel must be asked to prepare to house the Afghan affectees with great hospitality and with best security during the Ramzan peak relics.
- Pakistan should immediately send medical and humanitarian aid for Kabul alongwith contingent of lady doctor/vuolunters to assure international commuity of nations that all propaganda about women's ill trearment by Talibans be blunted through TV , radio and social media.
- PAF should start patrolling Afghanistan border to monitor the ground and aerial threat to both the neighbours.
- All Pakistan channels should relay and screen better optics/image of Kabul/Talibans again and again and in media talks no victory celebration should be discussed?
- Pakistan should convince Taliban to trust Turkey to take over control of kabul airport from the US Marines and let them get the mismanagement settled and when the new Govt gets the resources placed well to manage the aerial trafic proficiently, the Turkish may be thanked to leave.All this be done under an agreement.
- Pakistan must control appreciation of US Dollars and may sell POL to Kabul only in Afghani tankers owned by the Afghanis,
- Abdull Abdulla be convinced not to play a proactive role in Kabul till the time people reposetrust in Afghan new Govt?
- Our Diplomate missions must conveyed Pakistan's offocial stand on Kabul situation.Newspapers should be more responsible in projecting Pakistan soft image henceforth
- All political parties should be asked to avoid talking rubbish about establishment and the current govt imediately,likewise too much bashing of other countries be avoided?
- Pakistan should ratify new Afghan set up at an opportune time?
3. As the prospect of Taliban bands fighting their way to Kabul becomes more likely with the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, there is a growing perception in Indian think tank that:-
- For India the situation “holds no glad tidings, good options or even a silver lining." All Indian investment doomed? No love lost by Pakistan?
- The concern is that when Taliban share power, not only will India lose influence, but also that battle-hardened Islamist militants may tarnish Indian image in the worse possible manner or they in sheer revenge they may turn their attentions to Kashmir, just as they did 30 years ago after the Soviet retreat from Afghanistan. No love lost by Pakistan?
- India has played a very dangerous diplomatic gamble /game by paying mercenaries /terrorists (TTP,BLF etc) from Afghanistan & Iran border belt to conduct sabotage operation against Pakistan &China till yesterday parallel to conducting aerial attacks against Taliban in Afghanistan, they may face the brunt now? No love lost by Pakistan?
- India has doomed Pakistani political opponents to failure by standing with them against Pakistan interests and depicting these criminals & money launders as innocent people victim of political revenge in Pakistan? With the fall of Kabul things will get more exposed and put India in great trouble? No love lost by Pakistan?
- India portrayed a very wrong ?picture of Taliban advance and rosy picture of US trained Afghan Military troops success in future and predicted bloodshed in Kabul if Taliban takeover anyway? It bounced back like hell? It may have repercussions for India too. No love lost by Pakistan?
- India has foolishly paved the way for afghan neighbor to open trade root to CAS/Europe through Afghanistan sooner or later? No love lost by Pakistan?
3·?????What about India’s influence over Afghanistan now? India must face the blunder: It was not much to begin with. It is important to recognize this when considering what to do. The debate is caught in a false binary: Should India back the beleaguered Afghan national government or the rampant Taliban? Such a framing of the choice set neglects the important question of whether India’s backing can tilt the scales enough for it to matter in future? So those who argue that India has no good options in the face of a Taliban grab of power in Kabul are looking in the right place. Note that New Delhi has failed on employing an information offensive as well as political or military instruments in Kashmir, within India and against China and Afghanistan.Well, as much as these fears and concerns are genuine, they could also be overblown. International politics is vastly different today from what it was in 1991 or even 2001. The return of the Taliban could be a blessing for the people of their unfortunate country, but it does not automatically follow that they will pose the same kind of threat to India as they did in the 1990s. Even then, their hostility towards India was found to be driven more by the intrinsic animosity towards Modi. In recent times, their adversarial position towards New Delhi has been in response to India’s support for the Afghan government and, until recently, the refusal to talk to them.
4. It is unlikely that the Pakistan will have the same level of control over the Taliban as that apparatus once did. Even if somehow Pakistan manages to exert influence over Regional security policies, Pakistan may not get the same response from the west as it did had eartlier.Pakistan will have to depend on China, Russia and Turkey for defining parameters of Afghan security, economic uplift and regional peace. Pakistan’s leaders are well aware of this. Foreign powers will expect Pakistan to mediate with and manage the affairs amicably.The World should appreciate vision of pakistani think tanks and the great effort rendered by Govt of Pakistan in enabling to sit on the table with US for the end of war in afghanistan and safe withdrawl of US troops from the afghanistan. Pakistan has some very viable option to feed its diplomatic strength and strive for maintaining peace in the region
5 .Taliban, the group was formed in the 90s amid a civil war between Soviet and US-backed forces. The Taliban sought to throw out invaders, usurp the local warlords, and impose a radical interpretation of Sharia law through violence. By 1996, they had managed to take over most of the county. For the next five years the group ruled?Afghanistan with an iron fist. Women were forced to wear burqas and banned from going to school or working. People accused of adultery were publicly executed, while people accused of theft had their arms amputated. TVs, music and cinemas were all outlawed. This reign was brought to an end in 2001 when a coalition led by the US and including Australia invaded Afghanistan. But even since this invasion, the country has never truly known peace. Fast forward to 2021 and the Taliban has promised to run Afghanistan more moderately than last time around. But the fact that it’s still unclear whether, for example, young girls will even be allowed to go to school is a pretty grim sign about the state of things to come.
6 . In 2001 coalition led by the US invaded Afghanistan and overthrew the Taliban. The invasion was justified by the fact that the Taliban had been providing a safe haven for?Osama bin Laden?and Al-Qaeda, who had just become public enemy No. 1 after the 9/11 attacks. Since then, war has never really ended in Afghanistan, with forces from the US, Australia and other countries still fighting with the Taliban and other groups like ISIS across the country. There was, however, still an internationally-recognized government which controlled the capital city of Kabul.In February 2020, then-US President?Donald Trump?signed a peace accord with the Taliban stating that the US would exist Afghanistan if the militants met certain conditions. In April, 2021, President?Joe Biden?suddenly ordered a complete and unconditional withdrawal of US troops from the country.Since then, the Taliban has used this opportunity to recapture different parts of the country, starting mainly in the south until?they made their way up to Kabul?in the north.The militants didn’t take Kabul by force, instead waiting outside the city for the government to step down so they could take over relatively peacefully.
7. Biden apparently seriously underestimated the Taliban and overestimated the ability of the American well-trained Afghan army to withstand the attack, so he faced strong opposition. In July, Biden predicted that the Taliban would not occupy the country, and the evacuation would be completely different from the fall of Saigon in 1975, when the staff of the US embassy had to withdraw from the roof to escape the North Vietnamese army. On Sunday, when Taliban militants entered Kabul and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani fled the country, he saw two CH-47 Chinook helicopters evacuating the staff of the US Embassy in Kabul.We sincerely say well done to USA for their well in time decision to leave the future of Afghanistan to the people of afghanistan.