India's Sheetal Devi Becomes First Armless Female Archer to Compete & Win Internationally .
Sheetal Devi's Asian Para Games Gold

India's Sheetal Devi Becomes First Armless Female Archer to Compete & Win Internationally .

Sheetal Devi's remarkable journey to gold at Asian Para Games 2023, defying all odds and inspiring the world.

Sheetal Devi, a 16-year-old archer from Jammu & Kashmir, has achieved an extraordinary (remarkable) victory at the Asian Para Games 2023 in Hangzhou, China.

Sheetal's journey from a school-going girl to an Asian Para Games gold medalist is truly inspiring. She took up archery following medical recommendations and dedicated herself to the sport. With innovative coaching and her own will, Sheetal overcame obstacles to become a shining example of human potential.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi also extended his congratulations to this exceptional young athlete.

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