India's Glory Ashokan Emblem & Vedic Wheel

India's Glory Ashokan Emblem & Vedic Wheel

India’s Glory A?okan Emblem and Wheel

                                       Vital Energy and Higgs Field



Dr. Chandra Prakash Trivedi



Ashokan emblem is the symbol of India’s glorious Vedic culture. The ancient India's greatest achievements to explore underlying space, Higgs field the modern God particle is the source of creation and life.

The pillar, still in situ, was seen by the seventh - century Chinese traveller, Hs?antsang, who described it as "bright as jade ... glistening and (sparkling) like light. The emblem consists of a lotus- bell base surmounted by a sculpted drum, above it four adored lions, the crowning element was originally a large wheel (chakra) that is now lost. The wheel - chakra is a symbol of cosmic law of the natural cycles, and is the emblem of Sun. It signifies that the Sun is the Soul and eye of the Creation Rig-Veda. 1-115-1

It explores India's unification under centralized-rule and single unified vital fundamental energy as the controller of the creation symbolically.

The free standing column recalls the metaphor of cosmic tree, Irvin in his paper Origins of Forms and Structures .has pointed out that Ashokan emblem and pillars are earliest stone monuments of India, they may be pre Ashokan and some may be pre Mouryan. They are related with cosmogony related with Vedic versions. The testimony of the same can be traced in the Purusha sukta Rg.10-90, Hiranyagarbha Sukta Rig. 10-121-1

The creation has evolved from underlying space Higgs field with energy transformation from vital fundamental energy. It has been imagined in the form of a primeval man Purusha. It explains the laws of Thermodynamics and cosmic principles, under which creation is working as a system. 

It has been projected on the Ashokan emblem. The wheel - chakra is a symbol of cosmic order to denote cosmic cycles in nature with synthesis and degradation in cyclic manner Rig. 10-90-16

The four stylized adored lions sit upon an abacus carved with four animals - lion, elephant, bull, and horse that move around in clockwise fashion, it is punctuated by four small wheels.


It has been adopted it as 'National Emblem' with 'Satya Mev Jayate', The eternal truth always triumph, which is one and the same for all.

The cyclic order has been exhibited symbolically through Chakra-wheel; He is in the centre of Sun to drive the sun and other planets like wheel of a car throughout the wide expenses. The Indra Electricity turn him swift as car wheel at sun and in all directions.

Sa Sêryah paryuru varansyendro va vratyadrathyeva chakra ?g.10-89-2 A

Sèrya is he; throughout the wide expenses shall Indra turn him, swift as car wheel, hither.

    He drives the sun and others like a wheel of the Rath-car.

A great monster’ (yak–a) in the midst of the creation (bhuvana) strode? (krènta) in penace on the back of the sea- in it are set(cri) whatever gods there are like the branches of a tree roundabout the trunk Atharvaveda 10-7-38

It has been indicated through the metaphor of the tree that all the components of the nature have evolved from the vital fundamental energy, and all are linked with him like the branches of a tree. The components of the creation and nature are interconnected with vital fundamental energy, he is in the middle of the centre just like a Yak–a. He is in the middle of the creation.

The same have been described in the Puru–a sêkta ?g.10-90 and has been depicted on the 'Ashokan Emblem'.

The emblem is placed on the pillar along with tapering lotus petals.

The pillar is the symbol of vital fundamental energy as a support to the creation as described in the Skambha sêkta, where the vital fundamental- energy has been described as Skambha- support Atharvaveda 10-7-35

    The radiating petals of lotus, signifies that the fundamental energy flows in to existence like a lotus flower. All are linked with him, just like the branches of a tree round about the trunk Atharvaveda 10-7-38

    The four lion back to back at four cardinal points represent the fundamental energy in the vast ocean of the Cosmos. The visible world has been depicted at the base of the abacus with four animals and alternating wheel.

Ashokan Emblem


 Higgs field Underlying Space


In the beginning rose Hiranyagarbha, born only Lord of all created beings. He fixed and holdeth on this earth and heaven; What God shall we adore with our oblation? (Rig-Veda 10-121-1

HE only is the Sea holder of treasures: born many a time he views the hearts within us. He hides him in the secret bosom. The bird dwells in the middle of the fountain Rig-Veda 10-5-1

The creation has evolved from infinite Sky with creative force of vital fundamental energy. The same has been imagined in the form of primeval man as Creator. He is the ruler, painter and architect of the creation with vital energy of life and creation.

Ashokan Emblem has multidimensional characteristics. The pillar is the symbol of vital fundamental energy as a support to the creation as described in the Skambha sêkta, Atharvaveda 10-7-35

The radiating petals of lotus, signifies that the fundamental energy blows-up into the existence just like a lotus flower. All are linked with him, just like the branches of a tree round about the trunk Atharvaveda 10-7-38


The radiating Lotus Petals: The A?vins crowned with lotuses

The radiating lotus petals express that the biological world has crowned with the nucleotide pairs of the DNA.

O Sin?vèl? set the germ; set thou the germ Sarasvat?. May the twain gods bestow the germ. The A?vins crowned with lotuses.

The immortal thought words set the germ in the womb of mother and the nucleotide pairs of the DNA crowned like lotus flower, accordingly the nucleotide pairs of the DNA develop the infant. It has been expressed by The A?vins crowned with lotuses.

The Cosmos: The Four Lions back to back

The cosmos is vast ocean of Vital Fundamental Energy. It has been expressed by the circular shape and four lion back to back at four cardinal points.

Laws of Thermodynamics

The vital fundamental energy has been imagined in the form of a primeval Puru–a metaphorically having innumerable head, eyes and feet on every side, pervading the earth and the world he is enclosed in side a ten finger wide space. The vital fundamental energy is universal and ensign of existence with enclosed space Higgs field ?g. 10-90-1

This Puru–a is all that yet hath been and that is to be;

The Lord of Immortality, which waxes greater still by food ?g.10-90-2

 The vital fundamental energy is eternal and increases with energy transformation.

Three Faces and Four Legs in front

So mighty is his greatness; yea greater than this is Puru–a .All creatures are one-fourth of him, three-fourths eternal life in heaven.?g.10-90-3

It has been expressed that the cosmos is vast ocean of vital fundamental energy. The visible world is only one-fourth part of him and the rest three-fourth part of it is in the heaven above the visible world.

The cosmos is vast ocean of vital fundamental energy, the visible world is only one-fourth part of him and the rest three-fourth part is in the heaven above the visible world.

The Visible World

 The visible world has been depicted at the base of the abacus with the four animals (Lion, Horse, Elephant, and Bull) with alternating wheel in between them. It has been expressed that the visible world is only one fourth part of the cosmos. The rest three fourth part is invisible above the visible cosmic world.

With three-fourths Puru–a went up: one-fourth of him  again was here. Thence he strode out to every side over what eats not and what eats ?g. 10-90-4

The three-fourth part of invisible vital fundamental energy reside above the visible world and only its one fourth part is under going transformation again and again, which spread on every side as animate and inanimate creation.

 The imagination of the vital fundamental energy in the form of primeval man is to express that the human body is a microcosm in side a macrocosm.

The Creation and Life

The energy can be defined as capacity to do work in an object, the energy at rest is known as potential energy. The energy at work is known as kinetic energy. Within the framework of these two energy all other fundamental forms of energy, such as magnetic, electric, gravitational, heat and metabolic energy are working in the universe under the laws of thermodynamics with reversible reactions.

The four animals and four alternating wheels with twenty four spokes.

  1. The Lion - The Vital fundamental energy
  2. The Elephant - The potential energy at rest
  3. The Horse The kinetic energy in motion
  4. The Bull - capacity to do work

The creation is working as a system in cyclic manner. It has been depicted on the emblem by four animals in motion with alternating wheel moving round.

  1. The Lion - The Vital fundamental energy

Lion- The lion signifies the vital fundamental energy in the cosmos.

The germ of the world of the world ensign of all creation, be sprang to life and filled the earth and heavens. Even the firm rocks he cleft when passing over, when the five tribes brought sacrifice to Agni (?g. 10-45-6)

The vital energy is ensign of existence of all. He sprang to life with assembly of the five tribes, five gross elements Air water, sky, energy and matter.

  1. The Elephant - The potential energy at rest

Elephant Life consciousness - The elephant signifies potential energy - energy at rest. The life consciousness takes shape in the womb of mother with activation of DNA mental code. It moves towards its destiny in the ocean of life like a wild elephant with mighty force like dread lion with self protecting weapons generated at its own.

When the thought mentality activate the

What times thou set near the Sun thy body, thy form, Immortal One, is seen expanding:

Thou a wild elephant with might invested, like a dread lion as thou wieldest weapons Rig. 4-16-14

Mighty with wondrous power and marvellously bright, self strong like mountains, ye glide swiftly on your way.

Like the wild elephants ye eat the forests up when ye assume your strength among the bright red flames Rig. 1-64-7

  1. The Horse The kinetic energy in motion

Horse- The horse signifies kinetic energy - energy of motion with life consciousness.

The appearance of life energy

  1. They who for Indra, with their mind formed horses harnessed by a word, Attained by works to sacrifice.

How the first cell has been synthesized

It has been expressed by the formation of charged particles in the coaservate drops as closed primitive system. The cell has been termed as ?bhu, literary it means ? to move and bhê- to be, they follow each other and in succession they proceeds towards evolution.

The formation of the charged particles in a hydrophilic colloidal system has been expressed by Horses harnessed. Where the Indra 2 electrical charge is the first, who has appeared with its +ive and -vie charges. With the generation of vibrating resonant sound, the charged particles became active like horses harnessed, and acquire the status for work in the sacrifice. It has generated the series of actions and interactions as a part of creation sacrifice.

Accordingly with movements of the charged particles and actions and inter actions of vibrating resonant sound in a closed system a primary cell body has taken its shape in early primitive condition. It is the primary appearance of the life energy.

The horses harnessed by word indicate that the sound of words have played a important role in origin of life consciousness.

The Life Consciousness

The horse is considered as the symbol of supreme victory. The Lord Yama (chromosome) who brought the horse to the universe and Trita (triple bond of hydrogen) had harnessed him.

The Yama is term for the human chromosome, from the chromosome the body takes its shape with development, and Trita - triple bond of hydrogen play the major role in DNA replication, it has brought life consciousness in action, just like horse in the battle field.

The ‘Ashvamegha Yajna’ the horse sacrifice is journey of life in the cell body, and symbol of victory with end of life successfully.

The horse sacrifice is metaphor to express the journey of the cell body with appearance of life consciousness in nature. Accordingly the live cell body moves towards its oblation in nature with actions and interactions till death.


The steed-life energy has been first mounted by Indra, through the movement of charged particles. It has been described metaphorically as war horse of A?vamedha yaj¤a in the ocean of life.


  1. The Bull - capacity to do work 

Bull The instrument of Life cycle - The bull signifies the capacity to do work with DNA as instrument of life. It has spread in all directions with origin of life.

A body formed for flight hast thou, O charger; swift as the wind in motion is thy spirit.

Thy horns are spread abroad in all directions: they move with restless beat in wildernesses Rig. 1-163-11



Figure 3 The DNA and Life

The bull, the youngling with the hump, hath frolicked, the strong and never-ceasing Calf hath bellowed.

Bringing our offerings to the God’s assembly, he moves as Chief in his own dwelling-places Rig-Veda 10-8-2

The universal nature of the DNA has been expressed.

L 7 1  

7.1 The horn - the DNA and the life

  1. The wheel of Time Sun



The creation is a system, where the actions and interactions generate actions and interactions with elementary particles are the first in the series of cyclic chain reactions. They reached to their old state with synthesis and degradation in cyclic manner.

The central axis represents vital fundamental energy in enclosed space. The twenty-four spokes represents actions and interactions in cyclic manner like wheel. The four wheels alternating with the animals, each wheel is having a different significance for the creation system.

The wheel of Time 

The sun is the soul and eye of the creation with time

Twelve are the fellies and the wheel is single; three are the naves. What man hath understood it? Therein are set together spokes three hundred and sixty which in nowise can be loosened. Rig-Veda 1-164-48

It is the 'wheel of time-Kala', which never exhaust, it rolls round the year of 360 days with twelve month and three centres sky, atmosphere and the earth.

  1. The wheel of Nature

    The nature is working as a system under twenty-four natural factors as described in the Rig-Veda 10-65-1


Agni, Indra,Varu?a, Mitra, Aryaman , Vāyu,Pu–a, Saraswati 12 ?ditya, Vi–?u, Marut, Rudra and Soma have assembled and are present in the nature along with the Lord of the creation.

Gods sacrificing sacrificed the victim: these were the earliest ordinances. The mighty ones attained height of heaven, there where the Sèdhyas, Gods of old, are dwelling Rig-Veda. 10-90-16

The Yaj¤a-sacrifice means action and interactions, here it has been said that from actions and interactions again actions and interactions get generated, where according to the cosmic law-the fundamental particles are the first, with their activity they reach to the height of matter and the fundamental particles in cyclic manner. It is the 'wheel of Nature'.

  1. The wheel of Seasons

The creation and nature are working as a system under seasonal variations as indicated in ?g.10-90-15. The twenty four spokes in the wheel represents twelve months, six seasons, three weather (winter-cold, summer-heat and Rain) and three reaction centres Sky, Atmosphere and Earth. It is the 'wheel of seasons' rolls round the year with temperature pressure gradient.

When the elementary particles enclosed the space, the electromagnetic rays of seven planets acts, just like seven sticks around sacrificial post. The twelve months, six seasons with sky- Sun as source of energy, atmosphere as the source of oxygen for life. They feed the creation and life as 21 fuels, during the journey of life.

In the creation sacrifice, the actions and interactions generate actions and interactions in series, where the elementary particles are the first to take seat as per law. With their acts, they reach to their highest place with synthesis and reached to the seat of their original state of elementary particles in cyclic manner.

The synthesis and degradation is going on in cyclic manner in the nature like bio-geo-chemical cycle with actions and interactions in series. 

  1. The wheel of Man Aim of Life

Ashokan emblem is the symbol of India’s glorious Vedic culture. The ancient India's greatest achievements to explore underlying space, Higgs field the modern God particle is the source of creation and life.

The human body is a microcosm in side a macrocosm. The human species is highly evolved, which is under the process of mental evolution. To evolve one’s own self from animal instincts to human and God like nature with sacrifice of desire is the aim of life. The knowledge of the creation and life was not locked up in the libraries or intellectual copyright. It was for the mankind as a whole. Hence there was no robbery theft, scams and fraud. All were doing their duties and self disciplined with peace and prosperity in all fields, during Gupta rein with prosperity in all fields.


The twenty four spokes in the wheel signifies 24 elements of a man, five gross elements Earth, Sky, Fire, Water and Air , five sense organs , five working organs of the body, five subjects of the sense organs , with this the mind ,intellect, ego and nature develop gradually under the cycle of rebirth and death .(Sènkhya karika; Sènkhya system of Philosophy).The axis here represents the fundamental energy and individual soul as the life principle, ,which indicates about the cycle of rebirth and death on the earth. It is the 'wheel of Man'.


The central point in the wheel is its axis, which represent fundamental energy and as the spokes in the wheel have no importance without the axis in the same fashion the components of the nature and the creation have no importance without the Higgs field space with vital fundamental energy. The same has been described as Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient God in various Religious scriptures; as such the National emblem is a symbol of National integrity and Communal harmony with a pride and honor for every Indian.

It can form the bridge between the modern Science and Spiritualism, which is a quest of modern human mind.

Prof. Chandra P Trivedi Professor with incredible amount of experience as professor, researcher and Principal of lead college, Bhind and Ratlam under Jeewaji University, Gwalior, and Vikram University, Ujjain respectively. As an academician author of more than 10 books, his books and work has been published in many leading papers of the subcontinent and books from India and Germany. He is former senior fellow, Department of culture, Govt. of India, Associate IIAS, Shimla. As a Professor and Scientist, he has gone into the depth of Yoga, Meditation, Spiritualism and Vedas at Vedic Research Institute, Ratlam. He is among original thinker with innovative approach to solve the national problem. He explored India’s glorious past with answer of Einstein’s Grand Unified Force. As an academician, Vedic Scientists and professor, he has first time crack the Vedic code with oldest un-deciphered symbols of the world ‘Advanced gene technology’. Going ahead Prof. Trivedi has given the answer of modern problems related with origin of life consciousness and Higgs field 2012. E-mail: [email protected]


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