India's Global image & You !!!
What does our nation's global image mean to you ? How would you like the world know Indian workforce for ? Is it your duty to develop respect for your country and your own work?
Japanese are known to be industrious, Americans are known as innovators, Germans are known for automobile developments, Indians are also known as all of above but for how long ?
Indians are extensively working with many global talents and world today has shrunk. We are largely responsible for creating an image of Indians through the medium of the work we deliver. When I am working with a Japanese talent, I am assured that he / she would be industrous, hard working and prompt. When I am working with an American, I am assured that he / she would be understanding, respectful and polite. Where do these impressions come from ? Who creates them in your mind ? It is the employee who creates these impressions in your mind while you work with them. So when you are working, you are creating an illusionary image in the minds of your global co-workers.
I have spoken with Australian, Japanese, American, Swedish, Nordic and South Asian clients. Most of them think of Indians as smart but unpolished, not always sincere and skilled in doing "Jugaad" resources. I percolated this feedback to my employees. I heard from many engineers - "We are not MBA grads to know soft skills", "This is not our job to speak with clients", "These foreigners are cry babies", "This was not part of our Engineering syllabus" and many more innovative and stupid excuses.
You were not even taught how to copy paste source codes or steal development logics from github or other tech platforms, you were not taught how to do GT ( Glass tracing ) and copying colleagues assignments, you were not taught how to negotiate for your job offers and salary, You were not taught to bring freebies from office to home, You were not taught to give excuses while you are late to office or put casual unplanned leaves under imaginary reasons. This and many other things none of you were taught any point in time. Did you not master it over a period of time ? Isn't your personal growth your personal concern ?
I have heard stories from employees listening about how they had fooled their clients, how they fooled their bosses and so on. Dont you think they already knew you were just fooling around ? Dont you think they were understanding enough not to punish you for such silly reasons ? And most importantly - Dont you feel you are creating a bad image about Indian workforce being unreliable, liars and not eager to do hard work ? Should we Indians be known for being smart, resourceful and honest hard workers rather than being known as liars and not trustworthy resources ?
My article is about igniting a spark to improvise on quality of work delivery. I feel strongly patriotic and it hurts me when i get to hear that Indians are really adept at lying. I did give my best to clarify on this and to convince them that it is not true. But, for how long will he / she be under this impression ? Again they would find someone fooling them around and they would think Indians are liars. Why ? What i am saying may not be applicable for all, i agree. But this article is not for those hardworking Indian employees. This is for those who aren't.
Pls comment your opinions on my article. I am always open for criticism and healthy intellectual discussions.