Indian students, Human, study abroad
Shakti Saran
Health, Fitness, Wellness, Ayurveda, Yoga, Education, Travel, Food, Beauty, Fashion, Dance, Interiors, Electronics, Automobiles, Trading, HR, Labour Law, Compliance, Security - IT, Marketing & Business Consulting.
UPDATE 11 May 2017
At 24x7 shop, a representative of a major cigarette company asked me if I smoke. I said rarely. He said that I'll even stop doing that if I'll use their product being sold at 24x7 shop. I said that I smoke very rarely and I already have a vaporizer which I don't even use even though it was around 1000 INR. He asked if it's made in China and if yes then I shouldn't use it. I asked why on which he said that products made in China are of low quality. I said that I don't know if it's made in China. I said that how does it matter if the hardware is made in China and seems to work fine and moreover the liquid used can be made elsewhere. He didn't reply specifically to that. He again said that Chinese made products are very low in quality and I shouldn't consume them. I said that it seems to me that Chinese products can be of very high to very low quality.
From there the conversation went to GDP and he said that India's GDP is more than China's GDP. I told him that it's not so on which he kept saying that it is. The cashier at 24x7 shop knew and said that China's GDP is more than that of India. Then the rep said that he's studying Masters in International Business and he knows that India's GDP is higher than China's GDP and if his phone was not discharged then he would've shown it to me.
I asked him if I can record what he's saying and he agreed to it. When I can edit out his face and some body features then I would share the video. It's sad what's happening even with students who're studying Masters and work for reputed companies. When I read news of increasing layoffs then are those such people generally? He could've said that he would search and confirm and I wish he was thinking in terms of learning and growing than arguing.
Do you wonder where the top Indians send their children to study and where the top graduates of top institutes in India work and stay in the long term?
UPDATE 22 April 2016
Amazing how Indians are helping others! A relative's apartment is 5 crore + in Mumbai. Some people there are not letting street dogs be removed from the apartment complex. Those dogs have also bit child and elder woman but still they're not letting them removed. I told my relative that it's their way of telling him that he can sell his 5 crore + apartment and buy a place perhaps in Canada since his son has a PR there. So many millionaires and others are moving abroad.
A relative who went from India to U.S. and is now an U.S. citizen has a large company which employs many people in India. However he sold his place in India and bought a beautiful vineyard in the U.S. Perhaps he also experienced similar and then thought of selling his residential property in India to invest in a much nicer property in the U.S. Where he sold his property in India has severe pollution and what he bought should be great for his health, fun and wealth.
Do you wonder why around 4000 millionaires in India who could've spent to also improve the conditions around moved abroad in 2015 and why it seems that many people in India try to go/move abroad or try to send their children abroad and then their children have their children abroad?
UPDATE 7th January 2016
Pulse co-founder Akshay Kothari to head LinkedIn India
A reason to study at a top college in our world! When I hear from people in India rot due to different reasons then I suggest them to try and study/work abroad and see more about our world and perhaps that might also enable them to contribute to India much better later.
This is a conversation I had yesterday
Someone messaged: Humans are a pathetic race. A disappointment to the Creator
My response: so all humans are fake?
Person's response: yup
My response:
i thought about what to reply to you. perhaps you think like this due to your experiences, however, i'll say that it's an unhealthy and self-harmful way of thinking because you're a human and you can show how great a human can be given ours seemingly infinite potential.
UPDATE 18 December 2015
Heard from a fresher student and an experienced graduate in India about seemingly reputed Computer Science and Engineering colleges in India. Please research well before joining a college. Best!
During afternoon, someone in India who graduated from a seemingly reputed Computer Science and Engineering college in the state shared that there were no lectures during the last semester and that colleges except a few seem to him to be mostly in the business of giving degrees. This person graduated some years ago and has made a lot of his own effort to keep learning and doing better.
During evening, another person in India who just completed the first semester in another seemingly reputed Computer Science college in the same state visited family and shared with me that his college seems to do little in terms of teaching to students who're highly interested in the field and his seniors have also shared with him that if he wants to do well like by working on advanced projects then he has to do it by himself. He was having issue with writing working code and I told him that it was to do with he using int and not long datatype and funnily that when I gave him a book which I had read years ago called C Programming FAQs then he opened it and said that the first question in data types is about when to use int and long!
I've shared with him some different things to do including to focus on learning C for the next entire semester by reading The C Programming Language book by K&R, watching YouTube videos on different topics, practicing the topics by finding sample program code using Google search and since he's also interested in mathematics and so he can find and re-implement the code for RSA algorithm.
After sharing the above, I started watching the Person of Interest show. The first year student had mentioned about Ramanujan, pi, Beethoven and God. I had then shared about e and pi and I've just paused Person of Interest Season 4 Episode 6 because in it is mentioned e and pi in relation to Euler's identity. Google "person of interest linkedin" and on 1st page thankfully is my article
You can read more in my 18th December 2015 update! Amazing!
UPDATE 17 August 2015
Indian in general is rotting like this also? Yesterday I saw a street dog inside the apartment complex of my relatives. I asked the guard why that dog is inside and by when he had sent someone to get it removed, the dog had gone further inside and I saw the guard going around the complex looking for it. I've seen boards in an expensive apartment complex in India which say that dog waste spreads disease. Do you have such boards around where you and your family stays? Do you wonder what happens to children in India over the years with dog waste inside them? What will happen to girls who'll become mothers and also produce milk?
Someone who works for me has been having Internet problem since Saturday and today (Monday) I had to share with her to use cyber cafe to get the files to her laptop since she works from home which then made sense to her and then she wrote to me "The cyber cafe option didn't came to my mind... I am just struggling with the net problem from three days". I wish her best!
(After a while of posting this update, she replied: I have two cyber cafe near to my house both are closed... I asked to my neighbours also if their net is working so dt I can download the files from their.. But in vain... What shud I do now??
My response: did you google cyber cafes nearby your area?
Her response: No but the cafe that are near to my house I went there but both are closed...
My response: why didn't you google? and try to find their contact numbers and call them?
She didn't reply why she didn't use Google. I messaged her to make use of google, even its new CEO is India born!
Nice that after a while she replied that she downloaded the file over her phone.)
Is that also why even the major publications in India like to share such things which gives us confidence that we can also do so well even if somewhere in our world? I've read "Indian born" or similar about Mr. Sundar Pichai (the new CEO of Google) in the major and other Indian news publications. I didn't read U.S. Citizen in the publications in general which he is. I'm wondering if the trend's changing to more and more Indian parents trying to send children to U.S. for undergraduate studies or even sooner like for school studies or even themselves trying to move there so that they can have children there?
I'm thinking this also due to the severe issues that children seem to be facing in India in general including in the major cities and which would harm their physical and mental growth and abilities.
I've been seeing or hearing from top, senior and other Indians about they thinking or trying to send their children abroad when they can or even have them abroad.
People who've well set businesses in India might even stay in India, however, I'm thinking about people in India in general given the articles and comments that I've been reading about Mr. Sundar. I would think that those who've well set businesses in India might even mostly spend time in India like they're not in the general India. I agree that Mr. Pichai is a great inspiration for people in India and around our world.
You can also get value from
IIT, IIM... people speak
UPDATED 16 July 2015
“Have the institutions (in particular IISc. and the Indian Institute of Technology) over the past 60-plus years contributed to making our society and the world a better place? Is there one invention from India that has become a household name in the globe? The reality is that there is no such contribution from India in the last 60 years,” said Mr. Murthy during the IISc. convocation ceremony held here on Wednesday.
It's great to be humans. I wish we can make it better.
Are more and more Indian parents trying to send their children away from the severely harmful pollution in the major and other Indian cities?
I look forward to growing work in study abroad consulting to try and make more Indians feel human without such severely harmful air.
If you've children in such air then do you make them wear anti-pollution mask? Do you even know the pollution level around your family?
Read about Indian students going abroad in The Hindu, a top Indian newspaper
Best Wishes !!!
UPDATE 9 March 2017
My graphic designer just reminded me of someone who tried for IIT twice and then joined BIT.
I wonder where the IIT grads try to go after graduation given such pollution.
One of my relatives who studied at IIT Kanpur and also cleared IAS with high rank and even worked at very senior position in India moved to Sweden after his wife got to further study medicine there.
Some days ago, a girl friend said to me that I'm correct that this is a pig country on which I said that I didn't say that on which she said that she means that how I say it positively. I had to meet her today but then we didn't. I wondered that why she thought like that. I wish her best.