1??? .Ladies & gentlemen it was 22 August 2023 at about 7:39 A.M. six students (ages of 10 and 15 years) along with two adults became trapped in a dreadful deathtrap above a dreadful river ravine in KPK Pakistan .The risk was multiplying & probability of survival was narrowing every passing minute. At about 7:O0 A.M when one of the improvised cables trolley moves from base station ,first one cable snapped while the passengers were crossing a river canyon at tehsil Allai tehsil of Battagram District, KPK Province. The children were on their way to school when the incident of second cable snappping occurred. This makeshift cable car was privately run by locals as the only means of transportation across deep ravines/gorges/rivers as there were no roads or bridges in the area. The cable car remained dangling (slanting at 45 degree from its axis )in the middle of a deep ravine surrounded by towering mountains and a rocky surface along with the Jhangri River for 14 hours. As a daily routine at least 150 students take the hazardous journey to school by this cable car every day.
- In title image: As per Indian Media Pakistani military and local rescue workers bringing last people from cable car to safety using Zipline ,ropes and harnesses. Look two brave soldiers holding Zipline cable pulley with one arm, scared children gripping the same arms, with the other arm soldiers are carrying children school bags. On the ?safer side people are pulling their Zipline Pulley back ,etc,etc. Indian Media uploaded it.
- We thanks India & congratulate our neighbour for safe landing of Indian Spaceship on moon today on its sother hemisphere side.
- On Pakistab side the Nation here and overseas remained transfixed & glued to TV and mobile phone screens, looking on as local rescue workers and military personnel attempted to rescue eight people stuck in a chairlift suspended in mid-air after its cables snapped.
- Locals look with stopheart pain towards the dramatically develping scene, from a mountainside,as a military helicopter hovers above the trapped chairlift; and, a screen-grab live scene shows local rescuers bringing two of the trapped students to safety amid late-night efforts after the aerial operation was halted (A screen grab is?an image that you create by capturing and copying part or all of a television or computer display at a particular moment)
- Ladies & gentlemen every eye was litterally tearful & all hands were up for prayers ,the victims were the poor children of survivors /victims of 8 Otober 2005 earthquake?
- Caretaker PM Pakistan Anwar ul Haq Kakar was closely monitoring the operation. Honourable President Arif Alvi called for authorities to conduct urgently a “comprehensive survey” of all cable car lifts in the country.
- All eight people trapped inside a cable car dangling hundreds of about 900 feet above a deep ravine in a remote part of northwest Pakistan have been rescued successfully?after over 14-hour-long operation.The first of its kind in Pakistan.
- The rescue operation to retrieve the stuck passengers began in the morning & matyred at midday due to strongwind & other [precautionry easure yet the first two children could not be rescued before the evening.
- They were rescued by the armed forces amid windy weather and following multiple attempts shortly before the sunset as part of an operation that saw the use of six helicopters,owing to unwillingness of the trapped person to be lifted by heli sling,the rescue mission looked impossible ?Every time the helicopter lowered the rescuer closer to the chairlift, the wind from the helicopter would shake and misbalance the chairlift making the children scream inside in fear”.
- GOC SSG along with 6 Augusta 139 (long nose) helicopters belonging to the Pakistan Air Force & Pakistan Army Aviation along with ground crew, medical teams & SSG troops arrived at the site for a multidimensional complex rescue operation from 9-11 A.M.
- Meanwhile an experienced rescuer grouop &rope repelling expert team, Paraschut training School jump masters from SSG group, sling based rope repelling rescue teams were called at the site along with the saddles /harness, Zipline sliding pulleys, Zipline sling Anchoring gadget, midair safety nets ,a platoon size SSG troops of free fall divers & ground rescuers expert.
- Rescue 1122 teams had also spread the safety nets under the cable car, net made further strong with big jumping parachute cloth double layered sheet of the size of a small party marquee which ?blankets the raging river underneath the dangling chair lift cabin.Yet this net & sheet could reduce but could not sustain the drop of the dangling cable trolley impact, whatsoever?
- A 20-year-old who was inside the chairlift, told over the phone that they did not have drinking water in the chairlift & a child cardiac patient went unconscious in the.
- Several attempts were made to move towards the chairlift but failed. The main reason was the children were scared who refused to get lifted through helicopter in a sling even with harness till the time a commando succeeded in entering the chairlift & he himself harnessed the two children attached to heli sling cable & moved them hanging with heli sling. The heli one by one safely took them to the salvage shelter place by last light hours.
- Since helicopters could not fly after sunset. So the aerial operation had been “called off” due to “night and weather conditions” but rescue efforts through “alternative means” were ongoing
- Eventually rescue shifted from an airborne effort to a risky operation that involved using one cable that was still intact to approach the hanging trolley with another small improvised aerial trolley.
- After darkness fell, it was decided to continue efforts via alternative means and locals launched a rescue attempt from the ground quite a risky proposition as it involved rescuers sliding along the remaining cables to approach the chairlift. Once within reach of the cable car, each of its occupants was secured by harnesses to a rescuer, who then have reppelled them back to safety.But the makeshift trolley was too unsafe & children needed a die hard volunterr & trained person to bring clinging /gripping children alongwith him in a harness with all precautions? So this trolley took some watereatables ,torches,mobil phones,food items,medicine, disposable paper urinal bucket & an strong thick rope to pull the trolley Number 2 ,later a safer Zipline cable pulley back to the base station, the local man was very daring who attempted & approached the dangling chairlift? That is how now the impending rescue operation was taken in the Military hand,helped bu the brave locals
- Thanks to the efforts of our Army personnel,SSG, Air Force, Army aviation rescue organizations, district administration and others, students stuck in the chairlift have started returning to the ground one by one then i two at a time safely.
- Locals hailed as heroes those who put their lives on the line for “no reward or recognition “All eight stuck on board dangling chairlift since Tuesday morning brought to safety by ‘heroic locals’, army choppers
- As per the locals request there is a need to make alternative arrangement for the school children conveyance since such improvised trolleys had been around eight years since the cable car was installed and it was inspected on a monthly basis but the cars are often poorly maintained, and every year, people die or are injured while travelling in them.
3.??????Worthy audience The AW139 Augusta is a conventional twin-engine multi-role helicopter. It has a five-bladed fully articulated main rotor with a?titanium?hub and composite blades and a four-bladed articulated tail rotor. It is fitted with retractable?tricycle landing gear, the two aft wheels retracting into external sponsors which are also used to house emergency equipment. It is flown by a crew of two pilots, with up to 15 passengers accommodated in three rows of five.. Militarized variant of AW 139 Augusta is capable of carrying various weapons airlifting payloads, designation for ten search-and rescue configured AW139 Missions. This is an American origin helicopter .The USA devoted 30 Chinooks Heli having spared from? Afghanistan Mission along with crew who worked for longer hours during relief & rescue operation in 8 October 2005 Earthquake. This is the same USA whom we enjoy calling names &whom our DINGA IMRAN KHAN CHALLENGED & SAID ABSOLUTELY NOT???4 4 .Worthy audience we were shocked to see that neither Governor, nor CM KPK or any Govt Minister or Advisor or PM himself had even not an aerial view of the site of the mishap......it is evenmore painful to think that whenever the losses occur or clamity or human massacre .arsen. floods ,rape , harrasment by miscreants , bombblast, maltreament of domestic servant by the owner takes place & it is a scenic mob gathered to chant slogans, our dinitaries they all go there ,JAPPHIAN DALTE HEN....claim tall (BARKKEN LAGATE HEN,.....promise FINANCIAL assistan & get photo optic completed? who cares NEXT? On 22 AUGUST Day the honour of the President was molested very awkwordly by BUREOCRATIC TERROR & by non CABINET DIVISION /LAW MINISTRY noncooperative approch to remove Secretary Waqar Ahmed from President Secretatriat? They rather kept suggsting inquiry & asking the Presiedent resignation.....LIkewise our Suited Booted His Majesty the Cretaker PM was inventing the Wheel with his threatening tone / tough tenor in meeting,press conferences,visit ?HER QIMAT PAR M AHASSBA HOGA......DEHSHAT GARDI KI KOI KOI GUNJAISH NAHI........SAKGHTI SE NIMTA JAYEGA......MU TORR JAWAB MILEGA.........till today Caretaker setup wasted 10 more days in which everything price increased 15-70 % including elecrtrcity & POL & Atta,Sugar & US DOLLAR ...........Care Taker Interior Minister is invisible /Mum.....Law Minister is confused (RAZIA GHIR GAYi GHUNDO ME) yet he is pro Nawaz & eatablishment loving & our notorious Information Minister nicknamed the "Sexual Predatior" is making irrelevent references every time he speaks.....
5 .Folks having seen suvh a pitiless lethargy ,caretakers must be asked to tell us what they did in last 10 days & what are their objectives for 3 month,6 months,9 months or byond if they stay and they should tell us different options under implementation in the larger interest of the State.....Caretaker PM instead of waggng tail cheaply behind Shahbaz on 14 August & later bending over kness beore establishment has breen making an unpardonabe sin &his response seem very unwarranted? Information Minister has showed his partiality by allowing Nawaz Shsarif live address in which he kept speaking against Imran Khan & kept harrassing Supreme Court Chief Justice Umar Atta Bindiyal & threatening him of dire consequences if making any anti PMLN regime decison.. ....Bhaio buss kardo, caretakers nahi kuch karsakte to resign karo......dosron ko moqa do?????? warna agge dekho ...... medan hazir he burri adatten choro kuch karke dikhao???????