Indian Government Withdraws Draft Livestock Bill 2023
nukkad 4th July

Indian Government Withdraws Draft Livestock Bill 2023

The Indian government has decided to withdraw the draft Livestock and Livestock Products (Importation and Exportation) Bill, 2023, which aimed to regulate the import and export of animals, including dogs and cats. The bill, intended to replace a 125-year-old law, the Livestock Importation Act of 1898, faced severe criticism from animal welfare activists, prompting the Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying to issue an office memorandum announcing its withdrawal.

The draft bill circulated for public comments and suggestions on June 7 received significant backlash from animal rights groups due to several proposed provisions. The existing law, considered a pre-constitutional/pre-independence Central Act, was perceived to require alignment with contemporary requirements and sanitary and phytosanitary measures. However, concerns were raised during the consultation process regarding the sensitivity and emotions associated with animal welfare. It was necessary to have more comprehensive consultations and more time to understand and provide feedback on the proposed draft.

The memorandum, issued by Joint Secretary G.N. Singh, stated that considering the feedback received and with the approval of the competent authority, the draft bill stands withdrawn.

One of the critical points of contention in the draft bill was the inclusion of felines and canines in the definition of livestock, a departure from the existing livestock importation law. The draft bill also defined livestock and livestock products as "commodities," encompassing animals and related materials. Additionally, the proposed bill aimed to regulate livestock exports, unlike the existing law that only regulates imports. Notably, the draft bill needed to provide provisions for state governments to establish rules, as stipulated in the current law.

The release of the draft bill evoked strong criticism from animal rights groups, with concerns raised about potential cruelty to animals. Critics argued that the proposed bill would open a "Pandora's Box" of mistreatment and harm towards animals.

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Social media saw a massive campaign against the proposed law.

The withdrawal of the draft bill reflects the government's acknowledgement of the need for further deliberation and consultation to address the concerns and sensitivities surrounding animal welfare and related aspects. It emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive and inclusive approach when developing legislation that impacts the welfare and protection of animals.

The Bottom Line

The withdrawal of the draft Livestock and Livestock Products Bill in India has raised questions about the government's willpower and sensitivity to upcoming elections in 2024. Critics argue that the decision to withdraw the bill may reflect a lack of commitment from the government to address the concerns raised by animal welfare activists.

Some speculate that political considerations, such as maintaining public support during the elections, may have influenced the government's decision. With animal welfare issues gaining prominence and public attention, the government may have avoided potential backlash and negative public perception by withdrawing the controversial bill.

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